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Imagology And Formation Of The Image Of Russia In Foreign Media

Table 1:

Negatively marked lexical units Sign of the formed attitude(negative)
la negativa de Rusia Russia's refusal (-)
no logra un acuerdo con Rusia fails to reach agreement with Russia (-)
el fracaso de las negociaciones entre la OPEP y Rusia the failure of negotiations between OPEC and Russia (-)
acusa a Rusia de difundir "fake news” accuses Russia of spreading " fake news” (-)
la desinformación generada desde Rusia para desestabilizar políticamente a la UE Russia's disinformation to politically destabilise the EU (-)
Rusia prohíbe la entrada de ciudadanos Russia prohibits the entry of citizens (-)
un "Chernóbil flotante" a " floating Chernobyl" (-)
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