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Organizational And Methodological Support For Certification Of Teachers Of Islamic Education

Table 3:

No. Criteriaand indicators Confirmingdocuments
1 Professional activity on training and education of students
1.1 - Typical traditional planning of training sessions in accordance with the requirements of the discipline and qualification requirements, and taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including HIA)- Variable class planning in accordance with the requirements of the discipline and qualification requirements, and taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including HIA)- Samples of the best practice of class planning in accordance with the requirements of the discipline and qualification requirements, and taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including HIA) Lesson plans ortechnological maps of classes
1.2 - Conducting training sessions in the traditional form in accordance with the requirements of the discipline and qualification requirements, and taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including HIA)- Variable conduct of classes using effective teaching and upbringing methods in accordance with the requirements of discipline and qualification requirements, and taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including HIA)- Samples of the best practice of conducting classes using innovative educational technologies in accordance with the requirements of the discipline and qualification requirements, and taking into account the individual characteristics of students (including HIA) ит.д. A certificate endorsed by the МRОadministration of an educational institution
2. Management of the development of teaching staff and coordination of professional activities of subjects of educational relations in the design and implementation of educational programs in Islamic education
2.1. - Participates in effective cooperation with colleagues on the issues of teaching and upbringing in the Islamic education system given by the mentor- Designs and implements the trajectory of individual development on the basis of reflection of the results of professional activity- Defines, organizes and coordinates the interaction of participants in educational relations based on the diagnosis of difficulties and achievements of teachers and communication Certificate endorsed by the administration of educational Muslim religious educational Self education plan
2.2. Carries out an examination of the professional activities of colleagues aimed at the formation of a reflective attitude to their own educational practice, etc. Records of attended lessons
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