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Transnational Cognitive Units As Attractive Signs Of The Media Dialogue

Table 1:

TCUs – thematic constants Equivalent of the English language Frequency
친환경 [chinhwangyeong] (eco-friendly) Eco-friendly 275
환경관련프로그램 [hwangyeonggwallyeonpeurogeuraem] (environmental program) Environmental program 221
시민단체 [simindanche] (civic groups) Civic groups 214
폐기 [pyegi] (disposal) Disposal 149
가장 오염이 심한 도시 [gajang oyeomi simhan dosi] (the most polluted city) The most polluted city 134
환경 보호 [hwangyeong boho] (environmental protection) Environmental protection 129
환경 문제 [hwangyeongmunje] (environmental problems) Environmental problems 123
기후변화 [gihubyeonhwa] (weather change) Weather change 121
환경부 [hwangyeongbu] (Ministry of Environment) Ministry of Environment 114
환경을 위협한다 [hwangyeongeur wihyeopanda] (threaten the environment) Threaten the environment 110
물오염 [muroyeom] (water pollution) Water pollution 109
환경이 좋아지다 [hwangyeongi joajida] (the environment is getting better) The environment is getting better 109
버린 쓰레기 [beorin sseuregi] (garbage) Garbage 103
재활용품 [jaehwaryongpum] (recycled products) Recycled products 99
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