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Conceptual Abstract Matrix As Reflection Of Various Language Codes

Table 4:

(9) V kachestve kljuchevogo voprosa predstavlyaetsya neobhodimost', vozmozhnost' i trudnost' vybora avtorom uchebnika eticheskoj pozitsii v protsesse otobrazheniya spetsifiki mentaliteta i kul'turnogo svoeobraziya na primere nemetskoyazychnyh etnosov. The key issue is the necessity, possibility and difficulty of choosing an ethical position by the author of the textbook in the process of displaying the specifics of mentality and cultural identity exemplified by those of German-speaking ethnic groups.
(10) V ramkah ovladeniya zvukovym kodom inostrannogo yazyka takoj podhod predpolagaet variativnost' vybora kursa v ramkah distsipliny 'Prakticheskaya fonetika' For the purposes of the acquisition of the sound code of a foreign language, this approach assumes the variability of the choice of course within the discipline "Practical Phonetics"
(11) <…> vydelit' faktory, ot kotoryh zavisit vybor govoryashchim togo ili inogo reprezentanta <…> <…> and determine the factors on which the speaker’s choice of means of representation of a particular concept depends <…>
(12) Stat'ya posvyashchena issledovaniju protsessa obrazovaniya kontaminirovannyh toponimicheskih edinits. The article is devoted to the investigation of the process of creating of contaminated toponymic units.
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