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Individual Style Of Language Learners' Listening Ability In The Context Of Intercultural Communication

Table 1:

Compensation strategies Compensation skills
Strategy for maintaining the auditory apparatus conduct autogenic training maintain hygiene and strengthen immunity minimize harmful effects
Kinestheticstrategy assess the situation, correlate data with inherent characteristics take the pose necessary for effective listening adjust location if necessary
Strategy for using supports use audio visual and visual supports use verbal and non-verbal supports combine different supports
Functional and Formal Evasion Strategies omit unperceived units of sounding speech abstract from complex parts of speech;not to Interact not to concentrate on unfamiliar material
Strategies for independent and autonomous activity regular listening to podcasts to read aloud internal speech
Strategies for overcoming psychological barriers relax cheer up and praise oneself set yourself up for effective listening
Strategy for prolongation of the contact ask again, clarify the information verbally and nonverbally inform the producer of the failed or incomplete comprehension
Strategy for asking for help pose the question apologize for ignorance
Strategy of approximation use generic names use words-substitutes
Strategy of anticipation anticipate the elements of phonetic sequence
Strategy of transfer use associations apply knowledge of word-formation apply analogies
Strategy of guess perceive unknown words or parts of words in different combinations
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