Cluster |
Criteria |
Characteristic |
Students 1-2 grades (7-9 years) |
1 |
Contact |
Sustainable contact avoidance, frightened by strangers and adults. Avoidance of visual contact, with persistence, a negative reaction is noted. Tactile contact is extremely selective, give a hand only to "trusted" adults. Do not go to tactile interaction with peers, try to resist it |
Inclusion in group activities |
Do not take part in group classes, games. Demonstrate detachment, attention is not focused on general activities. Not included in group activities. The assimilation of the rules of general activity does not occur. They do not participate in group activities. Group instructions are not followed. They do not assimilate the requirements of generally accepted behavior in a group, there is no motivation for group activity |
Features of group behaviour |
Speech activity is mediated only by one's own needs, expression occurs in one-part words: give, drink, sleep, etc. They do not focus on generally accepted norms of behavior in a group. They do not respond to peers. Teachers are not oriented, showing indifference. Attention is involuntary. Group activities are not included |
Features of emotional response in the group |
Emotions are rare, but adequate. The manifestation of inappropriate emotions is not observed. With the "chosen" people they show the importance of emotional and personal communication. In the group they show empathy, sometimes empathy (occasionally). Avoiding stereotypical behavioral cliches, an infrequent manifestation of spontaneity in behavior is noted |
Students 3-4 grades (10-12 years) |
2 |
Contact |
They do not show initiative in contact, but they come in contact with “trusted” ones. Avoid visual interaction and direct eye-to-eye look. Tactile interaction is extremely selective. Give a hand selectively, only to authorized person |
Inclusion in group activities |
Purposefully can not be included in the overall group activity. Attention is involuntary, attention is fixed sporadically. Inclusion in group activities is situational and episodic in nature. The assimilation of the rules of general activity is fragmented. Activity in the group does not appear. Group instruction does not execute. They do not adhere to generally accepted rules, there is no motivation for group activity |
Features of group behaviour |
Verbal activity is mediated by simple everyday words that reflect their needs. The group does not focus on generally accepted norms of behavior and does not take into account the sequence of interaction. They do not react and do not perceive the specific role of the teacher, and also do not respond to group instruction. Are not included in joint activities |
Features of emotional response in the group |
The manifestation of emotions is extremely rare, they can show fear. In some situations, they can show aggression, negativism. Contacts are avoided in emotional and personal communication. Groups do not focus on the emotional state. Use stereotypes, spontaneity of behavior is extremely rare |
Students in grades 5-9 (13-16 years old) |
3 |
Contact |
Begin to show interest in the interaction. There is a decrease in avoidance of visual / tactile contacts, they are interested in visual and tactile interaction |
Inclusion in group activities |
Become interested and take part in group activities. The arbitrariness of attention is formed. The duration of inclusion in group activities depends on one's own interest. The internalization of the general rules of group activity is noted. Begin to show their abilities, respond to praise. The requirements of the group instruction are fulfilled with a manifestation of responsibility, trying to follow generally accepted requirements. The motivation of group activities is social in nature (need praise, encouragement) |
Features of group behaviour |
Do not show initiative, but answer questions (monosyllables). They begin to monitor the activities of the group and correlate their behavior with the actions of the group, taking into account the order. In a joint activity with the teacher, they begin to correlate their actions with his actions. When responding to instructions in the group, there is a need for support and help from peers. They accept the instruction, try to follow it, but need help |
Features of emotional response in the group |
The emotional range is poor, but there is a manifestation of adequate emotions. Interest in communicating with selected members of the group, a fragmentary manifestation of empathy is noted. Decrease in the use of stereotypes and behavioral stamps, but enslavement is observed. Spontaneity is manifested only in contact with selected persons |
Students in grades 10-12 (17-19 years old) |
4 |
Contact |
They begin to take the initiative in interacting with “chosen” individuals. They do not avoid visual contacts, they interact visually with some interested. Tactile contact with adults is not avoided, they do not experience discomfort during interaction. When interacting with peers, they show interest in tactile contact |
Inclusion in group activities |
Included in group activities, show responsibility and interest. Attention in group activities is stable, is arbitrary. Included in group activities throughout the activity, but need stimulation. When you feel their importance, they try to contribute. The requirements of the group instruction are met, but need to be monitored. Follow generally accepted rules and regulations |
Features of group behaviour |
In the group, they are not active, but respond with personal interaction. The order in the group is taken into account, but needs to be controlled. In the process of interaction, they begin to focus on peers and correlate their actions with the actions of the teacher. They accept the instruction, try to follow it. Show interest in joint activities |
Features of emotional response in the group |
The spectrum of emotional reactions is expanding, the manifestation of adequate emotions is observed. Selectivity in communication, a fragmentary manifestation of empathy is noted. Insignificant use of stereotypes and behavioral stamps, sometimes spontaneity manifests in contact |