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Personal Factors Of Moral Disengagement Mechanisms In Adolescence 

Table 4:

Moral disengagement mechanisms 1 cluster 2 cluster 3 cluster DifferencesK-W Differencesp
Moral justification 3,35 3,40 3,53 0,650 0,722
Euphemistic labelling 2,60 3,29 3,02 5,302 0,071
Advantageous comparison 2,02 2,49 2,74 11,475 0,003
Responsibility distribution 2,52 2,87 3,10 4,909 0,086
Responsibility diffusion 2,44 2,87 3,16 7,379 0,025
Disregarding consequences 2,66 3,07 3,15 4,562 0,102
Victim dehumanization 3,83 4,17 4,44 3,220 0,200
Attribution of guilt 3,67 4,25 3,97 6,875 0,032
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