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Transdisciplinary Approach To The Study Of Personal Development In Digital Everyday Life  

Table 1:

Trends Transformations Effects Risks
Globalization Common economic, communicative and cognitive space.Mobility.Mixed realities. Planetary identity.The international cooperation.The development of communicative practices. Antinomy of global and local.Antinomy of stability and change.Detection of social and cultural inequality. The radicalization of minorities.Resentment.
Cultural diversity Common socio-cultural space. The interaction of different cultures, the exchange of cultural practices. Mixed realities and hybrids. Multiple identity. Multiculturalism. Tolerance. Rising of innovation.Variety of lifestyles and values Antinomy of the universal and unique.Antinomy of tradition and innovationThe clash of values,ethnic conflicts
Informatization Common information space.Emergence of virtual reality.Mixed realities. Digital identity. Universal accessibility of knowledge, quick exchange of information.The development of new cognitive practices, network self-organization.The development of critical thinking. Antinomy online and offline.Information inequality, the digital divide.Fake news, spam, viral ideas.
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