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Dark Triad And Values In Athletes And Non-Athletes

Table 2:

Value M(Athletes) M(Non-Athletes) t p
Security 3,77 4,03 -1,27 0,21
Conformity 3,21 3,01 0,91 0,37
Tradition 2,93 3,30 -2,09 0,04
Self-Direction 4,17 4,74 -2,63 0,01
Stimulation 3,70 4,31 -2,71 0,01
Hedonism 3,96 4,61 -2,74 0,01
Achievement 4,39 4,37 0,10 0,92
Power 3,82 3,77 0,22 0,83
Benevolence 4,09 4,64 -2,94 0,00
Universalism 4,20 4,41 -1,31 0,19
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