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Development And Validation Of The Radical Attitudes Questionnaire

Table 1:

Scale Item example N of items Cronbach’s alpha
Opinion Defending “If somebody has unfairly offended me, I must prove that I am right” 9 .72
“Black-and-White” Thinking “A person can be either right or wrong” 7 .62
Impulsivity in Decision Making “In any situation, I quickly make a decision and begin to act” 8 .72
Acceptability and Interest to Public Expression of Aggression “I think that directly expressing my anger and aggression is unacceptable”, “I like movies in which the characters are behaving explosively and emotionally” 12 .80
Self-Confidence “Most of the time I do not change my decision if I have already taken it” 11 .79
Low Price of Mistake “If I make a mistake, it's easy to fix” 7 .68
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