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Identities In Organisation: The Impact Of Identity Work On Job Performance

Table 3:

Model Unstandardised coefficient Standardised coefficient t Sig. Collinearity Statistics
1 B Standard Error Beta T VIF
Constant .834 .319 2.615 .010
Authenticity .128 .062 .146 2.068 .040 .785 1.274
Choices .147 .072 .169 2.037 .043 .572 1.747
Stability .192 .088 .186 2.186 .030 .544 1.837
Coherence .188 .085 .177 2.207 .029 .612 1.634
Positivity .177 .079 .196 2.234 .027 .511 1.957
Dependent variable: JP
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