Occasionalisms As A Coding Information Method In The Creativity Of M. Zadornov


The article discusses the expressive properties of occasional dominant words in the text of M. Zadornov, who is an outstanding satirist of the turn of the XX–XXI centuries. Particular attention is paid to the concepts of expressiveness, expressiveness, and emotionality. The article describes in detail the results of the expressivity of occasional neoplasms of various structures in satirical texts. Particular attention is paid to suffixation as a productive way of occasional word-formation on the example of individually-author formations identified in the works of this author. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that with the help of a language game, the author's installations are realized that make the modern satirical text pragmatically intense. M. Zadornov focuses on occasionalism and using various techniques of the language game. Thus, M. Zadornov attracts the attention of the listener, emotionally acting, and maintaining contact with him in order to create a comic effect and, as a result, adjust the recipient's values. It is concluded that occasionalism is labeled polyfunctional elements of a satirical text and possesses characteristics set by the ultimate goal of humorous discourse. Occasionalism is considered in its place in the text and in connection with its features, and not in isolation point of view. Occasional formations are readily used by M. Zadornov for creation an unusual, peculiar word since they are characterized by expressiveness and have pronounced imagery due to emotionality against the background of normative formations.

Keywords: Occasional wordsexpressivenessemotivenessexpressivenesslinguistic personalityword formation method


Until recently, occasionality, as an object of study, rarely attracted the attention of linguists who preferred linguistic phenomena. Occasionalism is a speech phenomenon, a manifestation of individual word-making and usage. According to the traditional definition, these are "one-day" words, contextually dependent, created at the moment of speech, "by chance" (Fatkullina, 2002). Occasionalism gives a vast opportunity for word formation in a language. The use of occasionalism in writing is a deliberate phenomenon since they are very unusual and expressive and can be given the status of a rhetorical question. Occasionalism is created in the text with the aim of the author's intention expressing to what is happening. Their application is appropriate within a specific context and cannot be reproduced in other contexts, and also have pragmatic functions.

According to the definition given in the dictionary, Occasionalisms (from lat. Occasionalis – random) – speech phenomena that occur under the influence of the context, the situation of verbal communication for the implementation of any relevant communicative task, mainly to express the meaning necessary in this case; are created on the basis of productive / unproductive models from the material available in the structure of the language, contrary to the existing literary norm (Karaulov, 1997).

Occasionalism is speech phenomena that arise under the influence of the context to express the meaning necessary in a particular situation. In one specific text, occasionalism fulfills an individually stylistic function and as a result of this, becomes widely known to recipients. Occasional formations have the following distinctive features identified by scientists: belonging to speech, creativity, non-normative, functional one-time use, expressiveness, individual affiliation, derivational productivity, nominal facultativeness, synchronous diachronous diffusivity. Also distinguished are such concepts as occasional and neological vocabulary, occasional and potential vocabulary, regular and occasional vocabulary.

Problem Statement

The question in the field of the study of occasionalism is unresolved to this day, which makes it necessary to study it. In modern linguistics, the study of occasionalism takes an extended period, as evidenced by the work of such scientists as A.A. Bragin, G.O. Vinokur, E.A. Zemsky, S.V. Ilyasova, V.V. Lopatina, A.G. Lykova, R.Yu. Namitokova, I.A. Neflyasheva, G.F. Rakhimkulova, V.Z. Sannikova, E.V. Senko, I.S. Ulukhanova et al. (as cited in Telia, 1981; Zemskaya, 2009). Despite the significant time range, interest in the topic of occasionalism in speech has not been lost. On the contrary, this interest is growing every year, since the process of occasionalism formation is continually going on. Modern society and the changes occurring in it, provide new ground for the development of pro-nationalisms. The relevance of occasionalism is due to their pragmatic aspect – occasionalism is satirical due to expressivity (Fefelova, 2019). The category of expressivity is a particular manifestation of the expressiveness of speech. On the one hand, the occasionalism in speech contributes to the expression of the speaker’s attitude to what is happening; on the other hand, the occasionalism affects the recipient. Expressive occasionalism contains imagery, appreciated, positive and negative emotiveness, stylistic marking. In humorous discourse, they are widely used as a powerful tool (Fefelova, 2019).

Research Questions

The subject of the study is adherent and indentation occasionalism, taking into account their features in the work of the satirist. The expressiveness of a word can be of two types – adherent and indent. Adherent expressiveness of a word is manifested when it is used in an appropriate context. For example, about ignorance, about a person who is lagging in cultural terms, we can say, “Темнота!” ("Darkness!") The word darkness is expressive only in this context, providing it with the meaning we have named here. Let us compare the use of the same word in a direct, non-expressive sense: darkness has come. Ingressive expressiveness is intrinsic to a word as a lexical unit in all cases of its use in the language; it does not depend on the context or situation. Colloquial verbs are an example of words with incentive expressiveness: Слухай сюды! ... И два раза дергани за пимпочку. Опосля чего долбани... и ... отскочь (Zadornov, 2005). Expressiveness is characteristic of all occasional words; this is their distinguishing feature from ordinary words. Occasional formations are derivatives; their inner meaning encompasses the specific code that the author put into it. Therefore, they are inherent.

Purpose of the Study

The main goal of the work is to identify and describe the arsenal of occasionalisms used by M. Zadornov in his works.

Research Methods

In our study, we will consider occasionalism as new expressive words with inherent and reflective characteristics in the context of adherent expressiveness. Occasionalism is created by the period of speech action and existing in a particular speech situation in the micro context where they were created. Occasionalism is not fixed in dictionaries; they express the expression and the author's sense of using the word. All occasionalism is attached to the context only semantically. By the strength of expressivity, pro-nationalisms are independent. For example, “годяи, доумок, доносок,” it is occasionally possible to name any living creature in the corresponding situation. The lexical meaning of occasionalism of “годяи, доумок, доносок” will depend on the context or situation (Zadornov, 2005). Expression of this word is an independent feature that persists for any of its occasional lexical meaning. The range of expressivity and the level of occasionality in occasional words is quite variable. This variability is affected by a semantic violation of the word-formation rules of occasionalism, a departure from the classical standard word-formation. Occasionalism is the prerogative of written speech and reflects the stylistic feature of the author's speech (Fefelova & Sagitova, 2019).

The adherent occasionalism expressiveness is dues to one of the meanings of a multi-valued word in derivation. It is based on figurative meanings of derivatives – metaphorical and metonymic meanings. In words formed with the help of adherent strong formants, two components of connotation are revealed that convey the meaning of the linguistic unit: evaluative and intensifying. The evaluation component is implemented in the “-ушк-“, formant, for example, an звездушка (Zadornov, 2014). The first meaning of this word is a star (звезда), a luminous heavenly luminary. With a positive connotation, the diminutive suffix “-очк-” will be used in this word. The second meaning – megalomania, the suffix “-ушк-” in this context, carries a negative connotation. The expression is observed when the word is not used in its direct meaning. Another suffix for this component is the “-як-”suffix. An example of a word with this suffix is the word “точняк.” In the first meaning, the word is used as an adverb, the literary form, the normalized word is adverb exactly, and in the second meaning, the word is used as jargon in the meaning of "exactly." However, the “-як-”gives an expressive coloring to the word. In this context, the точняк is the author's occasionalism (Zadornov, 2005).

Contextually expressive suffixes themselves are expressively neutral. However, due to the context, words formed using these suffixes get expressive tones. Also, a striking example of grammatical word formation with the help of the affix is the use of the suffix "-ищ-“: «Это будет не шедевр – шедеврище!» (Zadornov, 2005). Such word-formation is carried out with almost the same ease as the formation of mutable words. Violation of word-formation norms implies the use of the following techniques: combining semantically or stylistically incompatible morphemes into one verbal whole, various kinds of grammatical "animations" (personifications) of inanimate objects or properties characteristic of inanimate objects. As a result, the application of these techniques gives an occasional word with pronounced expression. For example: “Опосля чего долбани плюхалкой по кувывалке и, кады чвокнет, отскочь дальшее, прикинься ветошью и не отсвечивай. Потому как она в это время шмяк.. ту-дыть, сподыть, ёксель-моксель, ёрш твою медь... Ш-ш-ш! И ждешь, пока остынет. Остыло – подымаесся, вздыхаешь... Осторо-о-ожненько вздыхаешь про себя, шобы эта быдла не рванула! И бегишь за угол за поллитрой. Потому как пронесло!” (Zadornov, 2005). Thus, expressivity is an indispensable attribute of occasionality. Occasionality extends at the vocabulary level only within occasional words. Expressiveness covers a broader area of vocabulary (Karaulov, 1997).


Expressiveness is a characteristic feature of an occasional word and has different directions in its formation. Due to the speech continuity violation to the novelty of the word, the relevance of micro text increases. The creation of occasionalism can be different: both phonetic and morphemic. The use of expressively-stained formants is a common factor in creating expressive occasionalism. For example, the use of expressive suffixes " - чат-,” merging of the suffixes “ -и-,” “-л-,” “-к-“ (-i-, -l-, -k-) in one word distinguishes neoplasms of the typical structure from the context: it is intrinsic to this word. For example: "You have to pass the test. I took out, sorry for the expression, “тестилку " is the latest achievement of American science and technology" (Zadornov, 2005).

Expressiveness is enhanced by the violation of stylistic restrictions in the compatibility of morphemes, which can be manifested in the addition of formants. In the following example, the formation of occasionalism occurs through the transformation of adjectives in a pure comparative degree: " Большее надо, дальшее и глубжее , да" (Zadornov, 2007).

A vivid, expressive, and evaluative tool are hybrids in which the incompatible semantic parts of the source words are combined: “Массовый культзабег” ("Mass Cult Run"). A marathon can be cultural, and a sports race, depending on the context, here we observe deliberate violation and complicated abbreviation: cultural and race (Zadornov, 2007).

A kind of expressive occasionalism is created by texts in which there is a precedent. Precedents can be both names and texts. Phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings can serve as precedent texts. For example: «Мало мы с вами еще книг, товарищи, понимаете, или Третьяковских галантерей мало еще, мало, да. Большее надо, дальшее и глубжее , да. Вот где собака порылась ! Я, например, вчера уже был смотреть по телевизору оперу известного римского композитора Корсакова . Окультуриваться надо , товарищи, немедленно, чтоб язык у всех был грамотно повешен уже к концу квартала, а потому будем проводить субботник культурного выражовывания , да. Массовый культ – забег будем проводить от библиотеки товарища Менделеева – знаете, основоположника периодической таблицы алиментов , это вы усе знаете, усе. Выставки тоже будем посещать – надо, надо. Hародной резни по дереву – знаем, да, будем, надо, надо, товарищи. Бородинскую пилораму – конечно, да будем, тоже. И Зимний дворец, вы знаете, – архитектор расстрелян , это все знают сейчас. Словом, товарищи, я прямо скажу – в век геноцида и апартамента мы не позволим кому не попадя безобразничать родную речь, у нас своя голова за плечами. Поэтому мы усегда будем жить, закусив рукавами , товарищи. И недостатки никогда не достигнут своего опупея апопеоза . Как любил сказать еще немецкий сказочник Фридрих Энгельс . Благодарю за вниманию!» ("You and I still have a few books, comrades, you see, or the Tretyakov haberdashery is not enough, not enough, yes. More is needed, farther and deeper, yes. That is where the dog rummaged! For example, yesterday I already watched on TV, the opera of the famous Roman composer Korsakov. It is necessary to cultivate comrades immediately so that the end of the quarter correctly hangs everyone's language, and therefore we will conduct a community workday of cultural expression, yes. We will carry out a mass cult – we will run the race from Comrade Mendeleev's library – you know, the founder of the child support periodic table, you know this, a mustache. We will also attend exhibitions – necessary, necessary. The massacre of wood – we know, yes, we will, we must, we must, comrades. Borodino power – saw bench – of course, yes, we will, too. Moreover, the Winter Palace, you know, the architect was shot, everyone knows that now. In a word, comrades, I will say straightforwardly – in the age of genocide and apartment, we will not allow anyone who does not get outrageous in our native speech, we have our head behind us. Therefore, we will always live with bite sleeves, comrades. Moreover, the shortcomings will never reach their opupey apopeosis. As the German storyteller, Friedrich Engels, liked to say. Thank you for your attention!" (Zadornov, 2007).

The source for neoplasms are proper names: the Tretyakov Gallery (using haberdashery instead of the gallery, the author thereby emphasizes the low cultural level of the hero), Rimsky-Korsakov, the periodic table, Borodino panorama, Rastrelli, Friedrich Engels. The transformation of well-known phraseological units gives the text a comic effect and a background context for neoplasms: собака порылась, закусив рукавами, своя голова за плечами, язык грамотно повешен (the dog rummaged with a bite of its sleeves; its head behind its shoulders; its tongue was correctly hung). Transformation of an Ideological Call: Faster! Higher! Stronger! – More is needed, further, and more profound (Большее надо, дальшее и глубжее) . The analyzed language material is confirmed by the fact that the frequency technique of a language game based on proper names is the formation of occasional words, the effectiveness of which is to use onomastic units.

In the Russian language, the predominant way of morphemic word formation is affixal, where suffixation dominates. At the same time, it is used for creation not only ordinary words but also occasional formations. For example, "A woman writes. First describes his charms. Further clearly (apparently, purposeful character): "I want a husband with an apartment." Moreover, the postscript: "Do not offer tents and kayaks." Oh, poor thing! Looks like she had gotten into trouble for her life (Видать « набайдарилась » за свою жизнь)" (Zadornov, 2005). The suffix method works in the formation of words of all the main parts of speech.

Occasionalism is formed in different ways. (the euro currency)is the result of adding a diminutive suffix “-k-.” Интуичить (intuitive) – the transition from one part of speech to another. Бегим (run) – colloquial use, violation of the alternation of sounds g // j: «Завтра кросс, – ответила она. – Всем отделом бегим ! – Бегите бегмя ? – переспросил я. – В том-то и дело, что бегмя бегим ! – посетовала она» ("Tomorrow cross," she replied. – We run the entire department! – Run fast? I asked. – The fact of the matter is that we run running! She complained"). (Zadornov, 2005). (the ugly one) is formed from the word (ugly) and has an allusion to the word (parody): уродиями " Until now, we call such songs that do not need a parody "ugly") (Zadornov, 2013). In this micro context, the suffix gives a spicy character. In linguistic consciousness, this suffix is associated with something sublime, but here it contains a negative assessment of the described situation.

In the following example, the author intentionally uses the merging of several suffixes to give expression to the whole context: “А главное, все эти советские дядьки и тетьки пели всю эту патриотическую чушню в состоянии оргазмического восторга” ("And most importantly, all these Soviet uncles and aunts sang all this patriotic nonsense in a state of orgasmic delight") (Zadornov, 2013).

Among M. Zadornov's occasionalism is a word formed from the abbreviation. (ДНК – DNA): ДНКовской "The chromosomal set of ancient and modern Egyptians does not intersect with a single DNA squiggly gyrus") (Zadornov, 2007).

Thus, the suffix method of occasional word formation is effective, and M. Zadornov's occasionalism created by this method enhances the general expressiveness of his works. The fundamental law in occasional word formation is the law of analogy. Most occasionalism arises by analogy with common words. The unusual thing is that the new word being created is synonymous with the well-known word used in the language – the word has the same root but differs from it by the word-formation tools that are used in this new word. Occasional words can belong to very productive word-formation types and to unproductive and unproductive, both stylistically neutral and characteristic of colloquial speech.

Occasionalism is a means to create a fresh, unconventional, original word. Writers often push apart the language-forming word-formation framework. Each word-forming type in a language has its boundaries of use – it is limited in possibilities. However, writers and poets sometimes allow themselves to expand the possibilities of word-formation. For the generally accepted literary language, such a word is a violation of the word-formation norm, and a poet with its help creates a bright, original image (Fatkullina, 2002).

«Позже посолиднев и работая в секретной лаборатории над созданием секретной форсунки для секретного двигателя секретнейшего космического корабля, из которого в парке культуры недавно сделали ресторан «Буран», я никак не думал, что принимаю участие в создании самого секретного ресторана в мире» ("Later, I was solid and working in a secret laboratory to create a secret nozzle for the secret engine of the most secret spacecraft from which the Buran restaurant was recently made in the culture park, I never thought I was taking part in creating the most secret restaurant in the world") (Zadornov, 2005). Occasionalism is formed from the common dialect “ солидно” (solidly) by adding the prefix “- по -“ and suffix “- ев.” In the context, occasionalism in the form of participles is used in a figurative meaning, which means "very important and representative," carries a hint of irony. Also in the microcontext, we observe such a stylistic device as gradation, which reflects the comic intentions of the author, due to the repetition of cognates (the secret lexeme is used five times in one sentence) and the use of the adjective suffix is superlative “ секретнейшего” (the most secret).

“По зрачкам, как по пням с годовыми кольцами, видать, кто сколько скоммуниздил” ("From the pupils, as from the stumps with annual rings, see who stoles and how much" (Zadornov, 2005). This term is a euphemism, and comes from two words that have the meaning “украл, своровал” ("stole”). This word was actively used in the 20th century during stagnation in an ironic context. Скоммуниздить  – take for free the carelessly stored "public", "national" property, actually steal (comes from the ideology of ‘ при коммунизме денег не будет”, а потому кому что надо “возьмет бесплатно “ – "there will be no money under communism”, but because whoever needs “to take it for free") (Mokienko & Nikitina, 1998).

Occasionalism often carries a hidden function of speech neoplasms, and they allow circumventing acute angles, cultural prohibitions, censorship as if to mask the message. For example: «Американцы ведут себя так, как будто они главные, а их президент – главнюк » or “Этот кредит опять скоммуниздили” ("This loan was communized again") (Zadornov, 2005). When pronouncing occasionalism, “главнюк” (Glavnyuk) and “скоммуниздили” ("communized") immediately phonetic and structural parallels with obscene vocabulary arise. These words seem to be wearing "decency masks," but despite this, the meaning hidden behind them lies on the surface.

"First – marketing, leasing, tolling, then – стыбзинг и свалинг " (Zadornov, 2005). Significant in the number of created Russian occasionalism is the layer of ing derivatives. The frequency use of English morphemes can be considered as a stylistic device, replenishing a set of expressive means of the Russian language. Here we observe a logical way of the formation of occasionalism by truncating the «не» particle, which is part of the word and, according to the rules of the Russian language, is not used without “не”. For example: «Может, в честь такого дня хотя бы частицу «не убрать? Годяи ? Точно. Годяи ! О, представил себе – стоят передо мной два годяя , смотрят на меня своими обмылками годяйскими !.. Недоумок! Без «не» лучше. Доумок ! Причем не только доумок , но и доносок” ("Maybe, in honor of such a day, at least the particle "cannot be removed? Godai? Right, Godai! Oh, I imagined – they are standing in front of me two years old, looking at me with their remnants of Godai! .. Foolishness! Without "no" is better. Doumka! Moreover, not only a fool but also a donosok") (Zadornov, 2005).

“После обеда, чтобы не дать всему офису заснуть, напел строчку из очередного клипа очередной звездушки , которая с очередным звездунчиком спела...” ("After lunch, in order to prevent the entire office from falling asleep, he sang a line from the next clip of the next star, who sang with the next star ...") (Zadornov, 2005).

The word is formed by analogy with the words: lucky jumper, nutcracker, nutcracker, where the suffix “- ун” forms nouns with the meaning: person by the action characteristic of him (runner, screamer); animals according to their characteristic trait (rodent, steed). The suffix " -чик” forms nouns with the meaning: persons by occupation (translator, barman).

In the Russian Language Dictionary, the token “ звездушка” ("star") is defined as "star disease", megalomania. In terms of word formation, the suffix " -ушк-“ is characterized as the suffix of subjective assessment, which forms not new words. However, their forms, which differ from those words based on which they arose, only carry an emotionally vivid color.

The lexical way of the formation of occasionalism is a vivid reflection of the comic and author's intentions regarding the events described in the context. for example:: “В своем родном городе никогда не дышали окружающей средой вечерним выбросом тринитилметилуранэтилдебила ?” ("Have you ever breathed the environment in your hometown with the evening release of trinitylmethyluranethyldebil?") (Zadornov, 2005). This abbreviation is created by attaching differentiates roots: a satirist combines terminological and slang vocabulary.

By adding up the fundamentals of two words: “ Я отъявленный болельщик, и в этот раз придумал даже новое слово – футБОЛЬ – болеть футбольно! Почему футболисты не бегают? А вы видели бегающие банкоматы когда-нибудь?” ("I am a notorious fan, and this time I even came up with a new word – footPAIN – to hurt football! Why do not football players run? Have you ever seen running ATMs?" (Zadornov, 2005). The author of the word " footPAIN " emphasizes the attitude of fans and amateurs to this sport. Occasionalism fulfills a paradigm function; the author carries out a historical relationship: in the 20th century, football was a state of the USSR, and in the 21st century it became something shameful, M. Zadornov compares players with ATMs, thereby focusing on material values, on different attitudes towards the Soviet and Russian football.

Describing Russian sport, M. Zadornov uses the precedent name of a German footballer as expressive occasionalism: "Сборная Германии – это вам не ширли-мырли . Это – Шурле-Мюллер ! Мирослав Клозе, играя в Бразилии против бразильцев, побил рекорд бразильца. Хорошо, что наши вылетели вовремя. А то бы разгром ждал их!” ("The German team is not Shirley-myrli. This is Schurle-Muller! Miroslav Klose, playing in Brazil against the Brazilians, broke the Brazilian record. It is good that ours flew on time. Otherwise, a rout would be waiting for them!") (Zadornov, 2018). The creation of occasionalism occurred through the merger of two case-law words, where Schurrle and Mueller are the names of German football players. The comic of the situation is that the author compares the names of eminent German football players with the colloquial combination of « ширли-мырли» (Shirley-myrli) in the meaning of "nonsense, nonsense," which causes a smile on the face of the recipient.

In the following example: “Мы до того опустились в своём НЕдостоинстве , что, будучи христианами, расставляем в нашем доме мебель по языческим законам китайского фэн-шуя. И никто не удосужился узнать, что фэн-шуй – наука об обустройстве царства мёртвых. В древнем Китае по фэн-шую украшали могилы и провожали в последний путь” ("We are so lowered in our DONESTY that, as Christians, we arrange furniture in our house according to the pagan laws of Chinese Feng Shui. Moreover, no one bothered to find out that Feng Shui is the science of arranging the kingdom of the dead. In ancient China, according to Feng Shui, graves were decorated and escorted to the last journey" (Zadornov, 2018). The author creates a new unit using the " не " prefix as an example of the original one, which gives the text increased expressiveness due to its unusualness against the background of normative shaping.

«Благодаря вам мы оптичили еще одно мероприятие» (meaning "ticked as completed") (Zadornov, 2005). Noted – ticked the bird, they say: "tick." For ticks – colloquial, disapproving, formally, for proforma. This verb is formed by prefix -suffix way, where the basis of the infinitive is the production basis, ending with the suffix “-и-“, and the word-forming element is the morpheme “-л-“, indicating the elapsed time. In combination, both suffixes denote a person who is continuously performing the same action. The effect of occasionalism is achieved by animating it. In contrast, one can cite the following example: “Думаю, с тех пор сам оспасибливает всех направо и налево” ("I think that since then he has been thanks everyone right and left") (Zadornov, 2005). That is, he says "thank you" in a prefix-suffix way. Prfix “o-“ in the extension meaning of the action to many persons, objects, the coverage of many persons with the “ о "gifts" action.

«Ешь пирог!» – а муж уже не может, пузо растет. Но если не съест, обидки начинаются" (“Eat a pie!" – Furthermore, the husband can no longer; the belly is growing. However, if you do not eat, offenses begin”) (Zadornov, 2018). Here we observe the formation of occasionalism is a suffix way, which is characteristic of the colloquial style of speech.

“Ну что, будем садиться? – вопросительно телепнул Броку Роберт. – Да, глуши замедлители ! – приказательно оттелепнулся от него Брок...” (Zadornov, 2005). In this example, occasionalism has a new meaning, being formed from derivative words of different styles: "телепаться – move slowly" in a colloquial style and the direct meaning "telepathy – the transmission of thought at a distance." Instead of lexical units in the meaning of "telepathy," M. Zadornov forms the new verb “телепнул” ("telepathed") – he said that he shortens the text, draws the attention of the reader, thereby fulfilling the pragmatic function and the author's intention.

The use of several single-structure neoplasms contributes to the enhancement of the expressionism of occasionalism in one micro text: “Это будет не шедевр – шедеврище !” (“It will not be a masterpiece – a huge masterpiece) (Zadornov, 2005). «Пожалели о том, что из-за постоянно меняющегося времени не во всю мощь проявился актерский талантище родителей” (“They regretted that due to the constantly changing time, the acting talent of the parents did not show up at full strength”) (Zadornov, 2005).

The described lexical units are saturated with emotional and evaluative shades. The main differentiating feature of occasionalism is a functional disability, which is due to individual authorship. Occasionalism remains the brainchild of the author, single, irreproducible phrases.


In the analysis, we concluded that most of the occasionalism created by the satirist formed by adding the foundations of words and the suffix method. They can be classified as grammatical, lexical, and graphic occasionalism. Occasionalism is formed as occasional and phraseological combinations by the prefix and prefix-suffix, which is comparatively less classified. Language variability is a specific condition for its existence, that is dictated primarily by the interaction in it of everyday and occasional lexemes. Due to the dynamics of the language, occasionalism can be transformed into typical situations in certain speech situations, thereby emphasizing that the language changes and develops. Occasional word-making takes place according to models already available in the language, but with the intentional violation, due to the author's intention. The approach to lexicology from the standpoint of pragmalinguistics is exceptionally relevant. Occasionalism, considered on the example of comic texts, represent a special kind of message that has a pronounced pragmatic orientation. The comic text directly affects the recipient, and occasionalism, as a marked element of such a text, must have specific characteristics and place in the text.


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Publication Date

31 October 2020

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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation

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Fefelova, G. G., Sagitova, A. F., Rakhimova, E. F., & Zaripova, L. H. (2020). Occasionalisms As A Coding Information Method In The Creativity Of M. Zadornov. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism» Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Turkayev Hassan Vakhitovich, vol 92. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 346-355). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.10.05.46