Modern Characteristics And Mechanisms Of Identification Of Social Subject


The paper is devoted to the problem of identifying modern characteristics and innovative mechanisms for identifying a social subject. In a comparative analysis of modern philosophical, the status of consciousness is traced in the existential characteristics of the modern carrier of social relations. A hypothesis about the absence of determination of cultural changes by an exclusively rational component of consciousness is developed. A special methodology is developed that makes it possible to conclusively determine special nature of a person going beyond single individual existence. The changed status of science and technology is shown and its influence on the processes of identification of a subject is determined. A specific nature of information space of the consciousness of modern man is revealed. An attempt is made to determine the consequences of virtualization of symbolism of being of a social subject. An analysis of objective trends in restoring the integrity of the interaction of consciousness and the environment makes it possible to state the growth of mythological component in the processes of self-determination of modern man. The consequences of replacing verbal inculturation with audiovisual means are identified in the risks of changing the nature of the life position of modern social subject. The main directions of the negative consequences of blurring the semantic dimension of culture in the processes of self-determination of the media of social relations are stated. The research results can be applied in subsequent social analysis and in forecasting the development strategy of Russian.

Keywords: Identitysubjectconsciousnessbook trailingmethod


Modern social development is very specific because when one determines a certain system of contradictions today, a conflict stage of new contradiction is immediately revealed. In the general logic of development, globalization, with the necessity of leveling the differences of universal human cultural field, nevertheless, brings to life new forms of culture, which multiplies the component uniqueness in the usual confrontation between the general and the single. At the same time, innovative elements of culture initially demonstrate opposite movement paths. This applies to virtually all segments of social sphere; however, such transformation in the communications of subjects is most significant, since it affects the very structure of society. Computerization of information flows in the society leads to the emergence of new social institutions expands the variability of information flow, satisfying the need of society for quick access to information at any level. However, such simplification of information transfer mechanism simultaneously creates new difficulties, i.e. the erosion of the semantic field does not lead to an effective orientation of the subject, but, on the contrary, enhances the disorientation in social environment. As a result, the risks of social interactions are growing at all levels of social gradation: from social, including the level of interpersonal communication, to universal, when the geopolitical component dominates today. In theoretical analysis, a gap is revealed between real events in society and the action of objective social laws, which cannot but lead to destructive consequences in the process of development. The basis of these negative aspects of social relations is based on the transformation of modern social subject, namely, the observed changes in the processes of identification and its self-determination in culture. On the other hand, this research topic is updated by the processes of the emergence of new mechanisms of inculturation and socialization of modern man. It should be noted that the particular relevance of the studied problem is also determined by the interaction of man and culture, which today should be defined as a degree of realization of the human features in the man himself or herself.

Problem Statement

The problem of identifying the characteristics and mechanisms of identification of a social subject, one way or another, is addressed in studies of social laws, as evidenced by the theoretical experience of scientific and philosophical developments. The continuing relevance and constant openness of the problem in terms of the incompleteness of its study is due to the fact that these parameters characterize the degree of stability and competitiveness of social organisms, which, in turn, are variable due to the dynamics of the content of historical eras. It should be noted that the modern appeal to the analysis of the indicated problem is consistent with the previous theoretical approach. This can be seen in works linking the problems of the identification of a social subject with contradictions in the field of issues of geopolitical and ethnic security (Zhilina, 2015), in the concepts of correlation of features of civil, ethnic and regional identity (Andreev, 2014). At the same time, a steady increase in the need for interdisciplinary approaches in the analysis of this domain should be noted (Golovashina, 2015; Sanina, 2014). Particular attention is paid to determining the effectiveness of using the results of research analysis of the processes of identification of carriers of public relations in the regulation and optimization of industrial relations in the context of changed digital economy (Glazyev, 2017). However, against the background of the traditional approach to solving the problems of determining the characteristics and mechanisms of self-determination of a modern person, new expectations begin to form in theory, which require solutions to correlate specific social problems. In particular, the transformation of rationality of social subject, which carries both positive and negative opportunities for the development of culture, draws particular attention (Jayawickreme, Grimm, & Blackie, 2019; Pruzhinin, 2004). The significance of the aspect of identification is confirmed by the identification of relationship between a fundamental change in the value orientation of a life position and a changed concept of positive attitude due to the accumulation of social experience (Jayawickreme et al., 2019). In terms of identifying the efficiency of labor market depending on the characteristics of sound socialization and reflection of its carriers, the emphasis is on the need to adjust the contradiction between the values of creativity as a potential basis for professional identification of the subject and the immediate demands of production (Hillerbrand & Werker, 2019). The technicalization of consciousness is associated not only with the problems of infra-humanism, whose research is constantly expanding, as evidenced by a review of the relevant literature (Trappes, 2019), but also with the problems of “feedback”: Moral Issues in Information Space (Kraaijeveld, 2019). Any doubts about preservation of human factor in man (Trappes, 2019) make the study of the mechanisms of inculturation topical, the action of which is objectified in the identification processes (Zhilin & Zhilina, 2015).

Research Questions

This study is focused on the analysis of the foundations and properties of transformation of the creative component of consciousness as the main generic characteristic on identifying the sources and consequences of the information space of semantic sides of human conscious activity. The study of these properties will reveal the role of alienation in the processes of self-determination of the subject, will determine the specific forms of connection of the own self of social subject with reality. Particular attention will be paid to the problems of self-identification, taking into account the fact that the identity of the self with the own self can be manifested only in the processes of identification of society. A separate area of research will be the selection of criteria for self-determination of the subject, in particular, through the determination of creativity specifics. The practical aspect of the problem is considered in a comparative analysis of mechanisms of human socialization.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is determined by the selected domain and the field of dialectical penetration of a person into the culture and the culture in a person. The content of the goal of analysis should be defined as identifying the most significant characteristics of self-determination by the subject itself through the connections and relationships, in which modern culture is implemented. At the same time, this work is aimed at identifying the action of traditional mechanisms for identifying the subject in the conditions of the emergence of the innovative forms of inculturation. All the laws of the state of the modern social subject as a carrier of social relations are due to the specific nature of the integration of many identification forms of the self in the phenomenon of cultural identification. In the information and communication society, in many respects the stability and success of society is determined by the general ability of a person to create new things. Accordingly, in determining the main characteristics of the process of identification of the subject, it is necessary to analyze the changed status of consciousness in human being. A human being is inconceivable outside the characteristics of freedom, therefore, the goal of research inevitably borders on the area of ​​existential symbols of his existence. It is necessary to note inadmissibility of information in modern social analysis of identification processes to existing stereotypical dilemmas, which is reflected in the purpose of this work through the determination of the need to take into account the characteristics of “I am different” interaction system. It should be noted that the logic of research determines the importance of the processes of information space of consciousness of modern man as a stable component of a chosen goal. The validity of the choice of the study purpose and the basis for recognizing its correlation with the selected domain is the appeal to the practical processes of alienation of the modern social subject, as well as the identification of mythological component of its existence. At the same time, due to multidimensional nature of chosen social problem, the aim of the analysis is to determine the ratio of the efficiency of traditional and newly emerging innovative forms of inculturation, which can be defined as ontological foundations of identification processes.

Research Methods

The domain of ​​the problem is multidisciplinary due to the multifaceted nature of the characteristics of the social subject and the variety of direct identification mechanisms. The complexity of the choice of the methodological base of the study is also determined by variability of philosophical approaches to understanding the essence of nature of cultural identification. In the case of adoption of the provisions of intersubjective interpretation, when the culture is determined by any subjective content, the orientation to the methods of an empirical level of cognition is necessary. In determining the theoretical orientation of research in various schools of social determinism, the methods of theoretical analysis and modeling take leading position. However, a real solution to the indicated problem is possible only if you go beyond the subject limiters and if the subject is recognized as its dominant characteristic, its integrity in dialectical interaction with the cultural environment. As a result, one of the leading methods of the study is the historical approach, which does not boil down to a simple reconstruction of the development of the subject, but involves stating the stable dynamics of the problem itself in stating the problem state of the processes of identifying the subject within culture. The use of this method makes it possible to combine theoretical analysis with modeling predictions of expected changes in a social subject, which minimizes the risks of its development and allows you to adjust some negative trends. The needs of interdisciplinary analysis were solved within the framework of a synergistic approach, in particular, a comparative analysis of traditional and innovative forms of inculturation was carried out taking into account the laws of the state of social organisms as self-developing systems.


A fundamentally new status of a social subject in modern conditions is a change in his position in the interaction system “a man and the world”. In the context of globalization, there is a final turn from the positioning of personality characteristics of a person as a result of external influences to a statement of derivative character of both society and nature, involved in the system of social relations, from the processes of personal being. The fundamental point is the emergence of new mechanisms of inculturation of modern man.

Transformation of the creative status of consciousness of modern social subject

Modern social processes are qualitatively changing the state of culture, i.e. the cultural field is becoming more differentiated with a simultaneous increase in integration processes. From the point of view of academic ontological analysis, today culture acquires completely different qualitative state. Nowadays culture cannot be attributed to the field of artificial as it is demarcated from the natural processes due to its creation by man. The communicative and informational dominant in the development of society shows that cultural phenomena do not have a direct determination of rationality (Pruzhinin, 2004). With respect to a social subject, culture can now be described as a set of rules that are not invented. It is the transformation of the essence of culture that determines the “request” of the society regarding expected features of the carrier of social relations. In particular, the activity of the subject is necessarily reoriented from simple consumption to creativity. Consequently, the ratio of personal and individual properties of consciousness is changing. Intelligence is no longer the rational division of the world; it is the ability to reveal the secret. The role of consciousness in the processes of reproduction of social relations is fundamentally changing. The autonomy of social institutions now appears as a certain path of knowledge that leads a person to freedom (Zhilin & Zhilina, 2015). Passing this way, consciousness reveals to the subject his own being and features of the world’s being. This process is complicated by the fact that in the negation of rationality through a certain negation of negation, the subject revives the dominant of a new form of rationality. In particular, consciousness obscures the poetic perception of the world by technology- and information-based world. This process is accompanied by an increased interest in the psychological aspects of comprehending the world. As a result, the very status of consciousness is radically changed in the structures of a social subject. Autonomization within the framework of human being takes him beyond the framework of a singularly individual existence. Modern social subject has multivariate self-consciousness in the field of self-consciousness of others. In other words, it is impossible to distinguish an autonomous subjective unit through limitation of the field of consciousness in modern society. Consciousness is a kind of activity directed towards the world, because of its ideal nature; it is impossible to isolate individual components in it. In a communicative information society, the identity of a social subject is not reducible to the features of the own self. The dialectic of the interaction of the subject and society is not reducible to the dialectic of the part and the whole. It should be recognized that the communicative subject has usual dilemmas of the “soul – body”, the “world – man” supplanted by the ratio “my own self – other”. Moreover, due to the development of information technologies in the reproduction of the system of public relations, the “other” for the subject, most often, is himself (Andreev, 2014). A fundamentally new form of alienation is the alienation of consciousness from consciousness.

Technological thinking as a criterion for the self-identity of a communicative subject

Nowadays the specific nature of development of a communicative subject relates to overcoming many simplified stereotypes regarding the understanding of a man and society as a set of relationships between people. In particular, in the information society, the technology can no longer be positioned as a simple tool for survival in the environment (Kraaijeveld, 2019). The technology and information space of all the characteristics of a social subject reveals himself in the fundamentally new nature of rationality of modern man. Today, technicism as a generic property of consciousness cannot be reduced to the aspects of consciousness that potentially restore something that is missing in subject’s daily life. All aspects of consciousness of modern man, one way or another, are permeated by technocratic influences of the general information field of society. Technical thinking transcends the boundaries of a narrowly professional existence and can be regarded as a dominant property of rationality (Hillerbrand & Werker, 2019). Technogenic reflection becomes a specific way of connecting the own self of the social subject with the reality. In the processes of self-identification, the identity of self with the own self can be manifested only in the processes of identification of society. Technical-oriented functioning of the subject indicates a tendency to restore the integrity of the consciousness of a man and the world: Consciousness is separated from the world, but at the same time it is a manifestation of the world. In the modern social subject, in the processes of identification, the own self and the world are connected by a stable mechanism where the own self includes what is not the own self in a symbolic form. This symbolism is manifested in the virtual phenomena of the information environment, which undergoes technical objectivity, in particular, in IT technologies (Glazyev, 2017). These patterns necessarily lead to an increase in the mythological component in the processes of self-determination of a modern man. Since the human mind is initially set towards the implementation of those capabilities that are able to withstand the impersonality of natural laws through the management of natural elements as well as natural component of a man, the technical thought determined by the development of science is not something fundamentally innovative in the logic of modern social development. From the point of view of identification component, the modern technical type thinking can be considered as a rational denial of primary scientific curiosity. In epistemology, this is manifested through the doubt about the efficiency of separation from the environment of the epistemological subject. There is a turn to the unity of man and the world through an altered form of mythological indivisibility, i.e. the transfer of human qualities outside becomes unlimited. In the “real world” of existing subject, social processes are mythologized by him (Trappes, 2019).

New mechanisms of inculturation of a modern subject in the process of breaking down the traditional value foundations of social self-determination

A traditional way of inculturing a civilized person is his own work with written speech (Zhilina, 2015). Socialization in culture and subsequent reflection in relation to one’s own social nature is impossible without achieving certain qualitative indicators in relation to the storage and processing of information. Accordingly, reading has been positioned for a long time as one of the dominant mechanisms for assimilating social experience and successfully identifying oneself in a variety of social interactions. Numerous theoretical discussions on the altered content of the reading process itself, regarding its observed elimination from the life of a modern person, testify to the crisis state of this method of socialization. However, pessimistic and negative forecasts regarding this cultural institution are formed exclusively in the evaluation field. From the point of view of academic knowledge, every crisis is a positive part of development. Of course, the development of mass media increases the amount of information addressed to the subject, which significantly affects all aspects of the existential inclusion in the world. Reading itself as a way of inculturation loses a value-orientation function. It can prove the change in the nature of life position of the subject, i.e. spiritless and idle type of personality (Sanina, 2014). In particular, in the identification processes, a person loses the ability to analyze, which leads to a partial loss of uniqueness and makes it possible to conclude the dominance of the processes of typification of the way of thinking. There will be time when the postmodernism philosophy in these foundations of the social subject will state the concept of the infinite fragmentation of human existence. New mechanisms of reflective inclusion into the culture fully take into account changes in the features and characteristics of a social subject. Thus, the main feature of mechanism of video annotations at the Institute of Book Trailing is the transformation of a literary work, that is, verbal work, into an audiovisual series, the fragments of which contain potentials of endless combinatorial sets. At the same time, there is a formal and substantial continuity with traditional mechanism, i.e. reading. On the one hand, despite the changes taking place with the book, fragments of its text partially remain untouched (citing), on the other hand, through the synthesis of verbal and audiovisual elements, book trailers increase the efficiency of transmitting necessary information. At the same time, video annotations accelerate the processes of subject identification in the culture, as they are characterized by laconicism, dynamism and capacity. At the same time, capabilities of increasing the semantic volume of self-identification are formed (Jayawickreme et al., 2019).


Modern social development is described by complication of dynamics of changes in social relations. As a result, all characteristics of carriers of relations in the society are substantially transformed. The determination nature of such transformations is dual: on the one hand, it is causally caused by the multivariance of the forms of manifestation of the essence of the modern social subject; on the other hand, it experiences the opposite effect of the altered ratio of traditional and innovative forms of culture. To carry out an effective theoretical analysis of social field under these conditions, it is of particular importance to single out the most relevant essential characteristics of identification of modern social subject as the basis for the stability of society, which at the same time make the analysis topical regarding mechanisms of cultural heritage transmission (Golovashina, 2015). As a result of analysis, the transformation of the creative status of rationality in identification processes was established, which is determined through a study of the nature of the subject’s activity, the specific nature of the reproduction of social relations, and the characteristics of demarcation of autonomous existence in social integration. As a conclusion, the definition of a new type of alienation is obtained, the alienation of consciousness from consciousness. In the general logic of analysis, an innovative feature of identification processes reveals itself as follows: information space of consciousness of modern member of society. In the study of technogenic reflection as a mechanism for determining the identity of the subject with himself, a new character of the symbolism of being of the personality is revealed. As a result, the dominant of mythological component in the identification processes is clarified. As a practical basis for the analysis of specific nature of identification in modern conditions, a comparison of traditional reading mechanism as a method of inculturation with innovative forms of book trailing is chosen. The study convinces us of the formation of new pattern of manifestation of the results of identification of the subject, i.e. the expansion of the field of possibilities of semantic variability of self-identification.


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Publication Date

31 October 2020

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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation

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Anatolyevna, Z. V., Vladimirovna, K. N., Petrovna, A. M., & Alekseevna, Z. E. (2020). Modern Characteristics And Mechanisms Of Identification Of Social Subject. In D. K. Bataev (Ed.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism» Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of Turkayev Hassan Vakhitovich, vol 92. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 2742-2749). European Publisher.