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Revisiting Pedagogical Modeling In University Educational Space

Table 1:

Goal Tasks Principles Components Model conditions Design stages Performance criteria
Development of a model of the university educational space as a pedagogical condition for the development of student competitiveness 1.Organizational, i.e. the improvement of the content of subjects, search for in-depth interdisciplinary connections and involvement of potential employers in the educational process.2.Methodological i.e. the inclusion of all subjects of the educational process in the process of development the personality qualities of a student based on scientific and methodological approaches and principles.3.Didactic, i.e. the implementation of a new role of subjects (tutor, facilitator, etc.) in the learning process. 1.Integrity.2.Integration.3.Anthropocentrism. 1.Educational component.2.Professional component.3.Practical component.4.Management component.5.Financial and economic component.6.Research component. 1.Dynamic structural and substantial components.2.Openness to the external influences and adaptability to internal changes.3.Priority setting for the development of the declared qualities and characteristics of student’s personality.4.Application of innovative means and teaching methods.5.Involvement of student’s personality (subject) into the professional context of subject-subject interaction, i.e. the student – teacher – employer. 1.Planning including value-targeted aspect;2.Implementation including the substantive procedural aspect;3.Evaluation with the inclusion of corrective and reconstruction aspect. Competitiveness of student personality by level: high, medium, low.
Development of a model for the development of personal and professional values of students in the university educational space 1.Organizational, i.e. involvement of practice-based forms of student training.2.Methodological, i.e. the implementation of training, educational, formative and socializing functions.3.Didactic, i.e. the development of professional values in the process of different types of activities in various organizations. 1.System-based approach.2.Active personality.3.Value-based attitude to the profession.4.Personal transformation in the process of development of personal and professional values. 1.Organizational component: Student Center for Psychological Assistance of IRNITU, Research Institute of Psychology, Psychological Service of Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Psychodiagnostic Laboratory of Digital Graphology of IRNITU, Psychological School of IRNITU.2.Functional: students’ areas of work – prevention, counseling, correction.3. Substantive: forms of students’ work – lectures, discussions, research, trainings, business games, consultations, development of corrective measures, programs.4.Evaluative-effective component – development of authenticity, empathy, tolerance, lack of value. 1.Organizational and pedagogical (content, forms and methods of holistic pedagogical process).2.Didactic (targeted selection and application of elements of the content of methods and organizational forms of training).3. Psychological and pedagogical (personality development in educational relations). 1.Development of professional activity, in the process of which professional values are, developed (Center for Scientific and Technical Education and Research institute of Phycology).2.Development of professional activity in the process of which personal and professional values ​​are developed (Research Institute of Psychology, Psychological Service of Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, in the Irkutsk Region and in the Laboratory of Experimental Psychodiagnostics in Digital Graphology, Department of Sociology and Psychology, IRNITU.3.Development of professional activity, in the process of which professional values ​​are developed (students receive at LLC Psychological School of IRNITU). Development of professional values – authenticity, empathy, tolerance, lack of value by levels: high, medium, low.
Development of a model for the development of creative competence of future teacher in the scientific co-creation 1.Organizational, i.e. the development of personality (subjects) in joint activities carried out systematically and based on principles.2.Methodological, i.e. implementation of scientific co-creation as the leading method of developing the creative competence of future teacher.3.Didactic, i.e. implementation in the subject-subject interaction, in scientific co-creation, expressed in the following formats: “teacher-student”, “student-student (s)”, and “student-teacher”. 1. Openness.2. Flexibility.3. Continuity.4. Other dominance.5. Dialogue-based.6.Understanding.7.Metaphoricity.8.Reflexivity. 1.Target.2.Methodological (approaches and principles for the development of creative competence of future teacher).3.Substantive (research activity).4.Organizational (scientific co-creation as a method of interaction of the subjects of pedagogical process in the framework of research activities).5.Modular (disciplinary, training, extracurricular, course modules). 1.Application of set of methods, techniques, creative tasks for the development of creative competence based on scientific co-creation.2.Introduction of personality of student (subject) in the context of subject-subject interaction in the following forms: “teacher-student”, “student-student (s)”, “student-teacher”. 1.Establishment of level indicators of structural components of the creative competence of future teacher in scientific co-creation;2.Development of a “tree” of possible combinations of level indicators of future teacher’s creative competence in scientific co-creation, development and implementation of methods for creating creative competence in scientific co-creation;3.Development of diagnostic tools and identification of the levels of development of creative competence of future teacher in scientific co-creation. Creative competency of student personality by levels: high, medium, low.
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