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Extra-Transport Effect In Choice Of Methods For Assessment Of Transport Competitiveness

Table 2:

Stages Characteristic Formula Explanations
I The parameters of the most significant characteristics of the evaluated service are determined. Е = N N m , where N – parameter of this service; Nm – is the competitor service parameter. The parameters characterizing competitiveness are considered technical, economic and organizational parameters.
II a generalized indicator of competitiveness is determined, which reflects the degree of conformity of a given service that currently exists. E = i = 1 n N i J i Where ji — weight indicator corresponding to the rating of each of the parameters Parameters are determined using expert assessments of leading experts in the field of design, production and operation of this service.
III the competitiveness index of this service is determined in relation to the service of a competing enterprise I = Е E k ,Where Ek – a general indicator of the competitiveness of a competitor's service The main factor is the competitiveness of competitor services.
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