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Image Of Russia And The Russians In Language Consciousness Of Chinese Youth

Table 1:

The thematic group The most frequent lexical units The number of the usage
language 吐槽俄语, 太难学 very difficult language 20
那些路过心上的俄语美文 those Russian nice expressions which pull at the heartstrings 8
醋意浓浓的俄语 terribly nice Russian language 5
politics 普京 Putin 41
拉夫罗夫 Lavrov 4
彼得大帝 Peter the Great 2
叶卡捷琳娜二 Catherine II 1
alcohol 伏特加 vodka 15
啤酒 beer 10
香槟 champagne 9
红酒 wine 5
cuisine 面包 bread 3
薄饼 pancakes 2
红菜汤 borsch 2
黑鱼籽酱 black caviar 1
克瓦斯 kvas 1
大头娃娃巧克力 chocolate Alyonka 1
俄罗斯香肠 sausage 1
白桦树汁 birch juice 1
羊肉馅饼 chebureki 1
烤包子烤包子 samsa 1
沙威玛 shaurma 1
手抓饭 plov 1
冷杂烩汤 okroshka 1
酸黄瓜汤 pickle soup 1
蘑菇汤 mushroom soup 1
鱼汤 fish soup 1
Law and order 注意安全 be careful 11
抢劫 robbery 7
杀人 murder 5
Customs and traditions 胜利日 Victory Day 5
套娃 Russian doll 4
别墅 summer cottage 2
新年 New Year 2
谢肉节 Pancake Week 1
婚礼 wedding 1
保存塑料袋 keeping the plastic bags 1
etiquette 社交礼仪 high society etiquette 10
商务礼仪 business etiquette 5
餐桌礼仪 table etiquette 5
言语礼仪 speech etiquette 5
Show business, tv programs 季马比兰 Dima Bilan 1
柳拜 Lyube 1
乌尔甘特深夜秀 Evening Urgant 1
通灵之战 The Battle of Extrasensory 1
滑稽表演 KVN 1
好声音 Voice 1
他是龙 He is a dradon 1
Nature and weather conditions 冷, 变态冷, 雪国 cold, freeze, the country of snow 10
贝加尔湖 Baikal 7
白桦 birch-tree 4
花揪 rowan-tree 4
森林 forest 3
俄罗斯的秋天:美哭了 terribly nice autumn 3
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