The teacher needs to actively apply new methodological solutions in the classroom to form and develop students' skills that meet the requirements of the modern professional environment. One of the approaches to teaching aimed at developing both professional and general cultural competencies among students is the application of methods of the 4C’s Theory, namely, implementation of the principles of Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration. This article is devoted to the description of this technique implementation in the foreign language classes at a Technical University. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the experience of implementing 4C’s Theory through the use of Six Thinking Hats technique in English classes at Voronezh State Technical University, Russia. In the process of analysis, an experiment was conducted to assess the effectiveness of this technology use. Application of Six Thinking Hats technique in foreign language practical classes stimulates students' communicative activity, helps develop their communication skills and improve their ability to concentrate. After two months of using this technique, students were asked to describe what changes they noticed in their communication skills as a result of completing tasks. We may mention the following advantages detected by the students: readiness to make faster decisions regarding professional issues (both while doing tasks in the classroom and in everyday communication), ability to maintain one’s point of view in public and willingness to work in a team.
Keywords: Teachingcreativitycritical thinkingcommunicationcollaboration
Modern tendencies in education are aimed at developing learner`s skills and abilities necessary to form appropriate professional competencies. The rapid race of contemporary world requires modern specialists to constantly self-develop, to improve their competencies and to form new skills and abilities. This obligatory requirement of the world standards inevitably influences the process of education. With every passing year learning is becoming more and more complex and demanding in all its stages. In particular, the process of learning in high school should be improved in consideration with vital skills and abilities to promote professional and creative activity of the specialists in the labour market of the 21st century.
Problem Statement
Today labor market challenges a specialist that needs to have a broad set of skills. The most important is not only the professional skills, but the specialist`s ability to think extraordinary, to come to creative solutions and to effectively work in a team. The specialist`s ability to successfully accomplish the given task, to demonstrate high quality work within strict deadline is really essential. Taking all this into consideration the process of young specialists’ training should be implemented in such a way as to develop the skills to solve the tasks efficiently and within the minimum period of time. According to Sivickaja (2010), for achieving this goal it is crucial to master skills representing three types of competencies – cultural competency, comprising the student`s abilities for analytical thinking (critical evaluation, argumentation, communication); professional competency, revealing the learner`s knowledge of professional matter; and general competency, determining learner`s abilities and skills in any knowledge area.
To achieve this it is critical to develop some additional students` skills besides the professional ones (comprising professional competencies), i.e. creativity, extraordinary thinking (thinking out of the box), initiative, responsibility, reaching mutual understanding with future colleagues. To form and develop the skills to meet the demands of today`s professional area, one needs to implement new methodological approaches in teaching. One of the methods of teaching aimed at these collaborative skills development is
The tendency of using the core aspects of
According to Silber‐Varod, Eshet‐Alkalai, and Geri (2019), Communication, Problem solving and Collaboration are considered to be the most prominent digital skills.
Research Questions
The research questions for this study are the following ones:
-could foreign language classes at a Technical University stimulate the future specialists` abilities to correctly and adequately identify professional problems in given circumstances? Are they able to find nonstandard creative solutions, take the initiative and responsibility for the result?
-how can foreign language classes help students to effectively work in a team, to reveal their diplomatic skills, tolerance, to develop initiative, objectivity and insight.
All the above mentioned qualities on the whole contribute to achieving professional goals and also increase future specialist`s self-esteem and self-confidence.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to determine the specific features of the
Research Methods
To achieve the goal of the research, a number of theoretical sources describing the bases and contents of
The task of the research was to determine the degree of
The object of the research is the complex of practical tasks formulated in accordance with
Having conducted the analysis of the modern requirements to the foreign language teaching, carried out in accordance with students` cultural and professional competencies, as well as analyzing our own experience of the English language teaching at the Technical University, a set of tasks was prepared; it comprises communicative component of the foreign language class and contributes not only to the development of the students` language skills, but also to their creative abilities.
The tasks created by the authors of the article follow the conception of the 4 C's methodology. The application of this theory in the classes of students of the technical profile at Voronezh State Technical University is the innovative one. Foreign language teaching within
Below are the types of tasks, representing the variants of the practical use of
As it has already been mentioned above, the interaction with students in class should be aimed at their ability to find solutions to professional problems that are close to the real conditions of their professional area, the sphere where the specialists will professionally communicate in a foreign language. Following Aleksandrova and Kubryakova (1997), discourse in this article is determined as speech, language, being originated in a certain process that reflects professional and cultural characteristics of its participants as well as the conditions of the communication.
According to Karasik (2016), one of the basic features of the discourse is its communicative character, implying dialogue within a certain social environment.
Among the methodological approaches following
According to the Six Thinking Hats technique, there are 6 strategies of thinking in the process of which one can evaluate the situation from six different points of view. This method is implemented by means of psychological role play, attributing six hats of different colors. The hats symbolize 6 different points of view and 6 corresponding ways of thinking, revealing person’s attitude and subjective perception of a situation (de Bono, 2007). Therefore according to de Bono (2007) there are six different types of axiological assessment: 1) optimistic evaluation; 2) its pessimistic-and-critical perception; 3) statement of facts; 4) intuitive-and-sensual situation analysis; 5) creative approach and 6) generalized evaluation of a situation as a whole, summarizing all the ideas.
The method of Six Thinking Hats proves to be effective not only in the process of education, but can also be used to solve problems connected with analytical activity. Its application is a powerful trigger, stimulating communicative activity of the students. It helps enhance their communicative skills, develop their creativity and improve ability to concentrate. This technique also contributes to development of students` presentational skills, in particular, to master oratorical skills, helps defend their point of view and teaches how to successfully work in a team.
The students learn how to consistently make decisions and how to evaluate the situation as a whole to be able to consider various points of view, taking into consideration all the nuances. It is necessary to note that the method of Six Thinking Hats can be used in classes in two different ways: the same strategy of thinking may be practiced by both a team of students and by every student individually.
In classes of English at Voronezh State Technical University
As an example of the practical implementation of the Six Thinking Hats method we display herein the content of the tasks in simulated professional communication situations that were offered to the students of different professional areas. Each of the presented tasks has the following structure:
Introduction to the professional field of problem (situation);
Explanation of the problem situation;
Specification of the problem, justification of its situational importance;
Prediction of the consequences that the current situation may lead to (expressed implicitly in the task).
Let’s consider specific practical wording of the tasks for students of different technically-oriented specializations:
For the specialization "Civil Engineering": "
For the specialization “Architecture”: “
For the specialization “Design of the architectural environment”:
For the specialization “Economics”:
Students in English classes were asked to accomplish the above mentioned tasks as a warming-up type of activity (at the initial step of the lesson). About 15 minutes were given for the implementation of the task, while each student had approximately equal time period for the presentation of their own statement (about 2 or 3 minutes). Tasks with different situational variations were accomplished by the students at each English lesson during two months. After that, to get feedback from students, they were asked to fill in a questionnaire in which they had to assess the effectiveness of the applied methodology in relation to the results they received. In particular, the students were asked to describe what changes in their communication skills were detected by them during accomplishing these tasks, as well as possible difficulties that arose.
As the analysis showed, most students noted the following positive impact of the Six Thinking Hats technique: enhanced vocabulary; more effective teamwork; gaining more confidence during public speaking; faster achievement of communicative goals when communicating their position to the interlocutor; effective application of a creative approach to solving professional issues; reduction of time required to make decisions in a stressful situation.
At the same time, a certain number of answers demonstrated the absence of a pronounced effect of the performed tasks on communication skills and students’ behavior. This fact can be explained by the need to apply this technique for a longer time, so that the students' reaction could be more intensely expressed and could have a more tangible impact on their educational and professional activities, which, accordingly, would allow us to reveal more verified results and the degree of their effectiveness.
The positive assessment of the applied method is also worth noting, which consists of the students’ feeling effect of immersion in a positive emotional atmosphere that stimulates them to learn the language, breaking the ice and creating a favorable authentic learning environment.
Thus, as the results of the study demonstrated, during the experiment a high degree of effectiveness of Six Thinking Hats technique was revealed, which in particular had an effect on stimulating students' oral speech activity, developing their creative abilities, as well as communicative skills. On completion the tasks most students also noted an increased ability for collaborative decision-making, mutual understanding that implement
A future promising direction of the study is monitoring and assessment of the effectiveness of the
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03 August 2020
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation
Cite this article as:
Kozlova, V. V., & Lavrinenko, I. Y. (2020). 4 C’s Theory Application At Lessons Of English At A Technical University. In N. L. Amiryanovna (Ed.), Word, Utterance, Text: Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects, vol 86. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 685-692). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.08.81