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On Hedging And Mitigation In The Speeches Of Boris Johnson

Table 1:

Author of the concept, year of publication Type of studied concept Devices affecting the proposition itself Devices affecting relations between the speaker and the propositional content Devices used to shift the responsibility for the proposition Other types of relevant devices
Prince, Frader, & Bosk, (1982) Hedging Approximators (adaptors + rounders) Shields (plausibility hedges) Shields (attribution hedges) -
Fraser (1980) Mitigation Content mitigation Force / Speech act mitigation - -
Fraser (2010) Hedging Propositional hedging Speech act hedging - -
Caffi (1999) Mitigation Bushes Hedges Shields -
Takhtarova (2010), Karakulova (2016) Mitigation Propositional mitigation Propositional mitigation Deictic mitigation Illocutionary mitigation (e.g. indirect speech acts, subjunctive mood, modality, etc.)
Hübler (1983) Indetermination Understatements Hedges - -
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