In economic theory it is often rather difficult to describe and disclose the essential features of complex concepts, phenomena and processes using only one category. Thus, there is a need to use categorical constructs. The article proves the objective necessity of using a categorical construct which allows representing the object under study as an integrated and fully functioning system and to systematically examine the constructed concept. The core of this concept resides in creative potential ensuring effective implementation of the cognitive abilities of this categorical construct and making it possible to expand the space of scientific research and overcome interdisciplinary boundaries. The author focuses on the creative potential of a modern corporation as a system that generates different types of creative energy and is involved in the complex process of its transformation throughout the corporation. Moreover, the author considers the issue of responsibility of the creator in all its subjective forms according to the results of activities. The author examines the key problems and contradictions in recent changes through generating and using the creative potential of the corporation, evaluates the effects occurring at different levels of the processes, and offers practical recommendations for solving major problems. The article offers ways to modernize the corporate policy of socio-economic reforms. The results obtained by the author relate to one of the new and promising areas of interdisciplinary investigation; the merit of the research consists in significant novelty and polemical nature of the developments, conclusions and suggestions presented in the article.
Keywords: Categorical constructcreative potential of a modern corporationnoospheredigital economysystems approach
The need for the conceptual development of a complex scientific issue of generating and using the creative potential of corporations operating in the digital economy of modern Russia is determined by drastic changes in driving forces of the process and the process nature itself. The transition of modern Russian economy to the digitalization has strengthened the role of creative potential in the activities of corporate entities. At the present time, the vast majority of corporations working in both real and virtual sectors of the economy seek to replace not only obsolete technologies, but also the outgoing competencies of the human factor via introducing new, creative forms and functions to get the ideal model of a creative corporation as well as to develop creative business activities (Brizhak & Yermolenko, 2017).
The systemic nature of the ongoing transformations in public production is determined by a number of conditions in the post-industrial economy that implies high quality work of each employee of the corporation, the creation of a decent high-quality product with strict observance of time parameters and, therefore, there is a need for building and use of the corporation employees’ potential on the basis of compatibility of creative qualities (Buzgalin & Kolganov, 2016).
High uncertainty and dynamism of the corporate business environment, changing management and coordination approaches, the emergence of intercompany cooperation networks and information technologies necessitate adequate responses of corporations to environmental challenges as well as the development of appropriate mechanisms for generating and using the creative corporate potential (Shinkevich & Barsegyan, 2018).
Problem Statement
In recent decades, the idea of generating and using the creative capital of a corporation has found solid ground and has become a kind of “magic crystal” used to evaluate the development results of modern corporations. Considering the results from the angle of human contribution to the development of creatosphere, we can determine the direction of initial processes. The situation when the natural rent based on the exploitation of the raw material reserves of Russia is systematically extracted in the interests of a narrow group of people corresponds to a contribution towards weakening and destruction of creative potential, breaking the necessary link between all the processes that take place in modern corporations. (Becker, 1962; Schultz, 1971).
Research Questions
Modern transformations highlight two main issues in this area (Nureyev & Latov, 2016; Ryazanov, 2016).
The generation of creative capital representing a form of capitalization of the creative abilities of the human factor of the economy: owners of this capital, in contrast to owners of the workforce, maintain partnership relations with owners of other forms of capital and, accordingly, participate in profits derived from the implementation of the ideas of highly effective capital combinations proposed by them. This sector provides the subjective potential of corporation, its adaptability in terms of deep and dynamic transformations (Bodrunov, 2016;Jacobs & Mazzucato, 2016).
Reproduction of technologies to meet the needs of the corporation in object means in order to respond to challenges from the external environment: the core of such a sector is represented by a set of regularly updated intangible assets that allow to create relevant technologies, proper types of required equipment, organizational mechanisms, management schemes, etc.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the research is the theoretical justification of the mechanism for generating the corporate creative potential in the Russian economy, in particular:
To identify factors affecting the results of corporate creative potential generation (Danilin, 2008; Fog, 2013).
To evaluate the availability within the society of special mechanisms for selection and development of people who have the necessary prerequisites for generating the creative potential and its further successful capitalization.
While defining the factors affecting the results of generating the corporation creative potential, it should be noted that the share of education spending in the GDP of modern Russia is significantly lower than in most developed countries and it is not sufficient to meet the need for intensive development of the creative potential; moreover, the purpose of elaborating special mechanisms to ensure an expanded reproduction of intellectual capital is not mentioned among the strategic priorities in the development of the Russian economy (Bodrunov, 2016; Glaz'yev, 2016; Ryazanov, 2016). The support of corporations being the main business entities is usually limited by the support of individual projects aimed at producing particular short-term effects and is not intended to provide systematic generation of the creative potential.
Assessing the second target component, the author proceeds from the fact that market transformations in the Russian economy have led to a systemic destruction of the national industry that was created and developed under centralized system, in fact, entire branches have been lost (Commission on Growth and Development, 2015; Kleiner, 2017). As a result, Russia has lost its technological potential and become dependent on the external environment; adopted restrictions on access to the resources available on foreign technological and financial markets have further aggravated the situation.
Research Methods
In the course of research, the author used heuristic resources of a number of modern scientific theories, namely: cognitive economics, socio-economic transformations, creative economics, knowledge economics, etc. In addition, the author relies on such tools as systematic research method, dialectic method, structural and comparative analysis method, and institutional analysis.
It seems that in the context of modern transformations of the Russian economy, the main ways of generating the creative potential of the corporation are as follows:
Creation of scientific and industrial clusters; classical and technological universities should become the core of such clusters;
Establishing for such clusters favourable institutional conditions including tax, investment and other preferences;
Building of an up-to-date intangible assets market infrastructure associated with infrastructure of the financial market;
Government support for the demand for intellectual capital needed to develop reproductive technologies.
Summarizing the suggestions and findings reported in this article, the author points out the need for a systematic development of the categorical construct “the creative potential of a modern corporation” which would allow to formulate qualitatively new, deeper conceptual ideas about the prerequisites, processes and generation effects resulting from use of the new construct. Understanding complex transformational processes from the perspective of the corporation creative potential providing creative reality and endowed with the ability to know the processes in which it is involved would lead to advanced theoretical research results and would give efficient goal-oriented recommendations.
The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under the Project No. 20-010-00930 “Generation and use of the corporation creative potential in the digital economy”.
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03 August 2020
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation
Cite this article as:
Brizhak, O. (2020). Cognitive Potential Of Using Categorical Constructs In Economic Sciences. In N. L. Amiryanovna (Ed.), Word, Utterance, Text: Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects, vol 86. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 165-169). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.08.20