Based on extensive factual material (1-8 vols. of Collected works) a fragment of K. Paustovsky's coloristic picture of the world is reconstructed. The spectrum of characteristics correlating with the lexeme "
Keywords: Linguistics of colourcolour termastronymthe sunlinguistic picture of the worldK Paustovsky
The significance and relevance of the research in the field of colour linguistics ( Kulpina, 2019) today do not cause doubts among linguists. To paraphrase the words Kulpina ( 2002): "the concept of colour linguistics as an independent scientific paradigm in modern linguistics has
Problem Statement
Nature has always been in the light of Paustovsky's attention; therefore, it is logical to assume that the natural environment is a significant fragment of his linguistic picture of the world. Given the status of the concept of the Sun as a key concept of the Russian language ( Babenko, 2017, p. 38), taking into account the correlation of colour and light impressions that is justified from the standpoint of physics, which leads to the syncretism of colour and light at the language level ( Kharchenko, 2009, p. 435), given the dominant position of the sun in the writer's cosmic world-building, we will identify and describe the features of the author's individual perception and colour visualization of the sun based on the prose of K. G. Paustovsky, which will contribute to a comprehensive reconstruction of the writer's linguistic coloristic picture of the world.
Research Questions
The research is aimed at finding out answers to the following questions
to establish the quantitative (number of word-uses of the lexeme sun) and qualitative (an updated derivational potential) composition of the lexemes functioning in the studied texts with the meaning ‘the body of the Solar system’, ‘light, heat radiated by this body’; -
on the basis of the correlation of the astronym sun with a number of attributes and predicates, to identify a range of characteristics illustrating the author's concept of the sun; -
to identify the colour spectrum used by the writer to visualize the sun, and to determine the dominants of this spectrum; to establish the ratio of individual author's and national elements in the coloristic characteristics of the sun; -
to describe the specific characters of individual author's colour-writing in the coloristic visualization of the sun; to establish the relationship between the colour, spatial and temporal characteristics of the sun underlying the colour chronotope.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study, the significance of which is due to the anthropocentricity of modern linguistics, is to recreate one of the fragments of the writer's linguistic coloristic picture of the outer space, based on the description of the specific characters of individual author's perception and visualization of the sun.
Research Methods
In the light of the effectiveness of the holistic approach in science to achieve the goal of our research, it seems appropriate to apply a set of methods used at different stages of work, including the continuous sampling method, a descriptive method that includes observation, cognitive interpretation, and classification.
The research interest in identifying the author's specificity of the sun perception is due to: 1) the number of uses of the lexeme
The wide colour range that the writer uses to visualize the sun can be represented in a field model, the zoning of which is based on both the lexical meaning and the number of lexemes used ( Sivova, 2018). Only the core of this field includes more than 20 colour terms (in descending order):
The author's dominant colours are
The colour range that visualizes the sun is expanded by the near-nuclear zone, which includes: 1) colour lexemes that are not included in the core of the colour field, but fixed in lexicography:
In the functioning of the terms of colour creating a coloristic characteristic of the sun, the main features of the colour style of writing by K. G. Paustovsky were naturally appeared. Of these, the dominant ones are the interrelations between colour and light characteristics: «
The sun is at the centre of the cosmic world-building by K. G. Paustovsky.
Correlating with a wide variety of attributes and predicates, astronym sun reveals the features of the author's perception of the sun.
The coloristic characteristic is significant for the visualization of the sun, as confirmed by both the wide colour spectrum and the heterogeneity of the means of updating the colour value, reflecting the transition from an informative to a figurative component, from colour to light one.
The terms of colour dominating in the colour visualization of the sun are white, gold, and crimson, to a greater extent reflect individual author's preferences rather than the national coloristic preferences.
The specific characteristics of the author's colour style of writing reveals the basic mechanisms of the synergistic nature of the relationship of colour and light impressions, spatial and temporal coordinates. As a result of the interaction of colour, light, time and space in the visualization of the sun, a unique colour chronotope of K. G. Paustovsky's works is formed, revealing the distinctiveness of the author's coloristic picture of the world.
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03 August 2020
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation
Cite this article as:
Sivova, T. V. (2020). Coloristic Visualization Of The Sun In Paustovsky's Linguistic Picture Of The World. In N. L. Amiryanovna (Ed.), Word, Utterance, Text: Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects, vol 86. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1244-1250). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.08.143