The article discusses lexical features of local text that represents specific character of intercultural communication related to colonial discourse. Semantic-stylistic analysis of local texts written at the time when missions were active on the territory of Altai and Siberia appears to be promising. V.I. Verbitskij, a missionary of Kuznetsk division of Altai orthodox mission, stationed for 27 years in Kuzedeevo ulus of Kuznetsk uyezd where he wrote his missionary notes, they were published in 1858-1878. The genre of notes was popular in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and reflects ethnographic data, interaction with local (Shor) people conceptualised in terms of Christian and universal human values. Speech verbs, contexts they are embedded in, lexical representants of aims, motives, nature of communication constitute lexis of the communication sphere. Text system analysis of “Notes of the Missionary of Kuznetsk Division of Altai Orthodox Mission” represents the text semantic-stylistic features in terms of imagology. The focus of the semantic-stylistic analysis is 1861 notes published in Moscow V. Got'e printing house in March 1862 (monthly issue of “Dushepoleznoe Chtenye”). Regional discursive practices foreground local dominant ideas, for the south of Western Siberia it is “the destiny of the Shor people”. A synchronic linguistic-axiological study of this dominant is complemented by the diachronic and semantic-stylistic analysis of the sacred, social and psychological, ethnographic, metalinguistic aspects of lexis of the communication sphere.
Keywords: Regional axiospherelocal textSiberian textShor peopleVI Verbitskijlexis of the communication sphere
Philological attention to local texts may be attributed to the importance of the dialogue of cultures ( Alekseev, 2016; Alekseev & Shastina, 2018) as well as the “imagotypical structures” studies dating back to the 1950s French comparative literature studies of J.-M. Carré and M.-F. Guyard ( Oshchepkov, 2010).
Missionary discourse is studied within the frameworks of colonial discourse analysis ( Breeva, 2017; Gilmour, 2007; Golubkina, 2016; Kiselev, 2017; Ovodova, 2019; Said, 2016) addressing representation of Christian axiosphere and universal human values, ethnic and gender stereotypes. Literary production of missionaries themselves is rather diverse and consists of official reports, missionaries’ correspondence with their mission associations, minutes, memoires (including narratives of converts), biographies, diaries, notes, and personal letters.
19th and early 20th centuries witness a spread of Russian orthodox missions (Eniseisk mission, Transbaikal mission, Kamchatka mission, Altai mission among others) in Siberia and the Far East (Mel'nikova, 2008, 2015; Shcherbich, 2016). The most prominent among them was Altai mission ( Mel'nikova, 2008), “Notes of the Missionary of Kuznetsk Division of Altai Orthodox Mission” is a part of its heritage, the notes reflect special features typical of Siberian text.
Problem Statement
According to Abashev ( 2000), ‘Siberian text’, alongside Petersburg, Moscow, provincial text, belongs to a synthetic type of texts about historically significant and emblematic places in Russia. Its specific features are studied on the basis of texts of various genres and styles ( Banman, 2017; Kondrat'eva, 2019). With the expanding field of colonial discourse analysis the study of Siberian text is shifting to the imagology framework ( Alekseev, 2017; Komarov & Lagunova, 2016).
Missionary notes are a significant linguistic study subject as they contain ethnographic data, reflect how missionaries encountered and interacted with indigenous people. Missionary notes lexical analysis within the framework of communicative stylistics ( Bolotnova, 2018) reveals new characteristics of Siberia’s image including representation of communication of people of different cultures.
Research Questions
The study deals with the regularities of the communication sphere lexis use in the notes of Vasilij Ivanovitch Verbitskij (1827–1890), a missionary of Kuznetsk division of Altai orthodox mission ( Kropochev, 2008). He worked for 27 years in Kuzedeevo ulus of Kuznetsk uyezd where he wrote his missionary notes, they were published in 1858-1878 ( Kropochev, 2008).
Two genre traditions, as identified by Mel'nikova ( 2008), are intertwined in the notes:
The ‘official’ notes focus on facts, names, statistics, ethnographic data, feature conversations and disputes with local people, often express opinion about goals and activities of a mission. The ‘unofficial’ ones include vivid accounts of travelling experience, description of nature, local ways of life, customs and traditions, indigenous people, author’s reflections and insights into psychology (p. 35).
On the one hand, V.I. Verbitskij’s notes fit in the official narrative of the mission; on the other hand, many fragments are emotive and expressive in tone.
Purpose of the Study
The present study aims to analyse semantic-stylistic characteristics of lexis of the communication sphere in Verbitskij’s “Notes of the Missionary of Kuznetsk Division of Altai Orthodox Mission” focusing on the sacred, social and psychological, ethnographic, metalinguistic aspects of communication; to relate semantic-stylistic role of lexical representants of the above mentioned aspects to the lexis composition and means of its contextual actualisation.
Research Methods
Within the semantic-stylistic analysis framework, the study examines the 1861 notes published in Moscow V. Got'e printing house in March 1862.
Continuous sampling method was used to identify the contexts featuring lexical representants of communication sphere with reference to V.I. Dal' dictionary to interpret lexical meaning. The analysis of text system and lexis of the communication sphere revealed sacred, social and psychological, ethnographic and metalinguistic aspects of communication.
Lexical representants of the sacred aspect of communication
The sacred aspect of communication predominates in the genre of missionary notes, it may be attributed to the main aim of the mission – to preach the Word of God (
19 contexts represent the instances of communication between the preaching missionary and local people (collective image), 8 of these contexts feature a noun
It is worth noting the range of verbs characterising missionary’s manner of speaking. The context where the missionary renders his argumentation in the prayer features, alongside a more frequent verb
The speech verbs reflecting the way the local people react to preaching are not so frequently observed, they convey response to missionary’s speech as well as an action independent of this speech. “Notes ...” feature general characterisation of “common non-Russians of Kuznetsk okrug”:
The instances of sacred interpersonal communication are featured less frequently than the instances of mass communication, sacred interpersonal communication is observed in 6 contexts in the lexical representants of the priest’s communication with his congregation (blessing, absolution, catechism). The sacred texts, that Verbitskij ( 1862) makes references to and quotes in his notes, are featured in 4 contexts. 3 contexts have social and psychological colouring along with the sacred connotations, they reflect communicative situations where local people express their doubts and reservations (p. 18-19, p. 21, p. 22). Man’s encounter with the divine beauty of the world created by God represents a specific context of a sacred text citation: <…>
Lexical representants of the social and psychological aspects of communication
The social and psychological aspects of communication are connected with the complexities of the relations between the local people and the missionary, characteristics of communication common to the whole people, some communities or individuals. Many of the contexts involve the sacred aspects of mass communication and interpersonal communication, although they tend to foreground a person’s character, ways of life, circumstances rather than spiritual, religious matters. The social and psychological aspects of mass and interpersonal communication reflected in the lexical representant are discussed further.
Interpersonal communication is represented in “Notes …” more frequently than other forms of communication, more than 30 contexts feature 11 episodes of meetings and conversations where speech verbs predominate (
Speech verbs are used predominantly in the contexts where the author renders dialogues, and these verbs may be grouped in pairs “stimulus-reaction”:
Various speech verbs characterise verbal behaviour of the narrator’s partners in the conversation, they can
The episodes when the missionary encounters a shaman (kam) are significant in terms of ideology as they reflect the contradictory aspects of communication and the clash of two systems of beliefs ( Verbitskij, 1862, p. 15-16). The extracts feature speech verbs, a genre name
13 contexts feature etiquettical aspect of communication including lexical representation of degree of acquaintance, communicative situations of invitation, request, promise, as well as forms of address, greeting, saying goodbye, expressions conveying favourable attitude of other people, while verbs, nouns and adjectives are used as etiquette markers pointing to the significant situations in terms of etiquette. While representing the speech of other people the author uses a form of address to the missionary 5 times. 3 contexts feature a form of address
Local people’s (non-Russians’) attitude to the priest and his sermons is revealed in 6 contexts. 4 contexts depict how the information about the missionary’s arrival is spread (
People’s language behaviour in a generative register is reflected in the text twice, as a Shor folk wisdom and as a universal conventional wisdom. The generative register features a verb characterising the local people linguistic behaviour, it is a verb
Lexical representants of the ethnographic and metalinguistic aspects of communication
The ethnographic aspects of communication in “Notes…” are connected with the representation of local colour. The only representant indicating the author’s viewpoint occurs almost at the end of the notes in the metatextual function:
In Shor tradition a man is seen as a part of nature. “Notes...” feature 9 contexts with the lexical representation of the idea of man’s communion with nature. Shor mythopoetic conception of mountains as giants is reflected in 3 contexts where mountains are personified. The author uses anthropomorphic language – speech verbs (
10 contexts reveal the Shor beliefs and feature lexical representants of shaman’s communication with spirits. The author describes every step of the shamanistic ritual using the verbs in the present tense to characterise the dynamics of the shaman’s behaviour:
The author documents the shaman’s communication with spirits using verbal nouns
The metalinguistic aspects of communication are reflected in the single utterance of the generative register:
The text system analysis of the communication sphere lexis (speech verbs, contexts they are embedded in, lexical representants of aims, motives, nature of communication) identified sacred, social and psychological, ethnographic and metalinguistic aspects of communication in V.I. Verbitskij “Notes of the Missionary”.
The sacred aspect of communication is represented in 5 varieties: missionary’s address to God, to local people (mass communication), missionary’s communication with an individual person, citation and references to the specific range of sacred texts. A special case of sacred communication is represented by the ‘voice’ of nature, nature response to God’s presence in the world. The instances of sacred interpersonal communication are featured less frequently than the instances of mass communication, sacred interpersonal communication is observed in 6 contexts in the lexical representants of the priest’s communication with his congregation (blessing, absolution, catechism).
The social and psychological aspects of communication are connected with the complexities of the relations between the local people and the missionary, communication characteristics common to the whole nation, some communities or individuals. Many of the contexts involve the sacred aspects of mass and interpersonal communication, although they tend to foreground a person’s character, ways of life, circumstances rather than spiritual, religious matters.
The etiquettical aspect of communication includes lexical representation of degree of acquaintance, communicative situations of invitation, request, promise, as well as forms of address, greeting, saying goodbye, expressions conveying favourable attitude of other people, etiquette signs, verbs and adjectives are used as the markers pointing to the significant situations in terms of etiquette.
The ethnographic aspects of communication in “Notes…” are connected with the representation of local colour. The missionary is represented as a traveller who is keen on studying local customs and traditions. The ethnographic aspects of communication are observed in the contexts featuring the natural world and the ingenious population (Shor people) beliefs and practices. The contexts reflecting the specific features of the Shor people beliefs feature lexical representants of shaman’s communication with spirits. The author provides a detailed outline of the shamanistic ritual using, inter alia, lexis of the communication sphere.
Lexical representants of the metalinguistic aspects of communication reflect the mission’s specific nature – using oratorical skills to teach the Word of God to people of different faith.
The reported research was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the region of the Russian Federation, grant № 18-412-420001 («The language and regions: the experience of comprehensive research of the South Kuzbass sociocultural space»).
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03 August 2020
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, translation, interpretation
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Pushkareva, I., & Kiseleva, N. (2020). Lexis Of The Communication Sphere In Notes Of The Missionary V. Verbitskij. In N. L. Amiryanovna (Ed.), Word, Utterance, Text: Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects, vol 86. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1169-1178). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.08.135