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Managing A Project Portfolio In An Educational Organization

Table 1:

Project entities Venue, frequency, interim reporting form
Responsibility Center (Project Office) Teachers’ ClubPresident –Project Manager Director of the EO The Project Portfolio Manager
The project portfolio manager Meeting once a month. Reporting in the form of a schedule, project results, etc. Planning. Coordinates the activities of the project office and project teams. Planning.
Project Implementation Responsibility Center (Project Office). Linking plans for all projects. Resolves resource conflicts at the project portfolio level. Coordinates the activity of project teams. Meeting once a month together with the club presidents. Discussion of project implementation problems at round tables. Planning. Meeting1-4 times a month. Reporting in the form of a schedule, Gantt chart posted in the Tilda service – project office.
The Club president – project manager No.1 «Together wear estrong» (a project to create a children’s volunteer club for the 6-th grade pupils in a secondary school). Meeting once a month. Reporting in the form of photos, video materials, schedule, presentation. Project manager motivation. Meeting participants: director, club president, teachers’ teams. Frequency 1-4 times a quarter. Demonstration of an intermediate product. Participates in the round table discussions on the problems in project implementation. Planning. Project manager motivation.
Teachers implementing project No.1 Monitor the activities of teachers’ project teams using the Trello service (online). Project team meeting (1-4 times a month). Drawing up a diagram of “combustion of tasks”, reflection on the results, planning.
The Club president – project manager No.2 “Naukograd” (working with gifted children). Project Reporting (Gantt Charts, “Combustion Tasks”)posted in the Tilda and Trello services. Holding a round table (1-4 times in a quarter). Participants: director, club president, teachers’ team. Motivation of teachers.
Teachers implementing project No.2 Organizing master-classes, open lessons, etc. Reporting in the form of photos, videos, presentations posted in the Tilda service - project office
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