The paper proposes the typology of the concept, topical for modern educational discourse, and represented by binominal constructs with the lexeme representatives
Keywords: Cognitive interpretationinternational educational environmentparenthoodparentingroditelstvotypology of the concept
The investigations of interrelation and interaction of society, language, culture, mentality arouse sustained interest of scientific community in most countries in the world. At every new stage of the development of society and science there emerge notions representing both universal and cultural-specific features in different speech communities. One of such universal notions in investigations on contemporary families and parents conducted in international educational environment is the concept
We share Kaufmann’s point of view that notions, like people, have their life cycle during which the knowledge on them is generated, where the birth is the most unclear phase, and adulthood associates with ultimate stabilization and identity verification defined by the community ( Kaufmann, 2004). Now we can state that in modern international educational environment the concept under consideration is still in the initiation stage although, according to lexicographical sources, the lexical unit
Problem Statement
Problem statement is oriented towards the identification of means of representation of the concepts parenthood, parenting (in English), roditelstvo (in Russian) in international educational environment which express and broaden scientific ideas of contemporary parenting in English-speaking and Russian-speaking professional communities in the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing.
Research Questions
The leading Research Questions ask:
how professional communities transmit knowledge of contemporary families, upbringing practices, parental roles in modern educational environment, defining the language phenomenon
parenthood, parenting in English,roditelstvo in Russian as a universal concept in the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing;which similarities and differences exist in the nomination of the concept under consideration and express its specificity as an unite of national conceptual sphere.
Purpose of the Study
Research Methods
The present research is of integrative nature and uses the following
cognitive-semantic analysis of the texts of educational discourse in the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing in the English and Russian languages was performed on the base of contextual analysis; the method of generalization of dictionary definitions enabled the description and comparative examination of means of representation of the concept discussed;
an implicit comparison was oriented towards identifying the degree of similarity/difference in the nomination of parental types in the English and Russian languages and characterizing universal and national-specific features of the concept represented as
the method of critical analysis was chosen to observe diachronic and synchronic aspects of societal development, it facilitated the reconstruction of contemporary social-educational context of verbalization of the concept
parenthood, parenting androditelstvo in professional communities in the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing;analytical method was used to promote the selection, systematization, generalization and typologization of scientific notions representing the conceptual sphere ‘parenting’ in international educational environment as well as the understanding what was and is important for one speech community and still remains invisible for the others;
cognitive interpretation within generalization at a higher level of abstraction for the denotation of cognitive attributes of the concept
parenthood, parenting in English, androditelstvo in Russian with the purpose of constructing their ultimate typology.
In international educational environment the concept parenthood, parenting (in English), roditelstvo (in Russian) characterizes the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing, represents social-educational demands of the society from contemporary families, parents, practices of parental upbringing. The concept discussed concentrates in its semantic meaning the unique features of the sphere it is meant to serve. This provides evidence that the phenomenon ‘parenting’ is perceived as universal and social, expressing various ideas of parents, parental upbringing, their social roles and functions. The examination of 3500 original sources in the English language and 2500 works in Russian, as well as social institutions and professional communities belonging to the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing, enabled the identification of cognitive features of the concept which express the development of the conceptual sphere ‘parenting’ in educational environment of each speech community. We define the conceptual sphere of parenting as the set of concepts which nominate the status of adults determined by certain social roles, functions and activities in their socializing mission and reflect attitude towards the family and relations within the family, towards childhood and upbringing in a particular professional community and society in general. The revelation and understanding of the context in which the concepts representing the phenomenon ‘parenting’ are used is necessary and important for modern pedagogical science, as well as for the development of international scientific discourse and effective intercultural communication between researches and professionals in the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing. This will help to achieve a higher strategic and tactical level in solving problems of the development of parenting within the modern educational paradigm and to create evidence-based models of parental education, demanded by parents and educational systems, on the base of competence-based approach.
Ongoing changes in configuration of families and in private life of parents as individuals determine and promote the development of new categories in scientific knowledge of parenting in international educational environment. It is stated that in the description of parental upbringing activities as well as parents themselves, who has become increasingly engaged in children’s development and education together with different social institutions (schools, recreational centers, associations etc.) over the past decade, the focus has shifted to the characteristics of parental roles and now reflects the models of treating children approved or unapproved in a certain community. This has found expression in the language, namely in binomial constructs as “any word in our consciousness, in memory (exactly like in the speech chain) doesn’t exist separately, with hundreds of ‘threads’ it is stretching towards the other words. Every word requires extension, is looking for its pair, wants to turn into ‘a model of two words’. ( Karaulov, 2006). Figuratively speaking, the words aim to enter into a marital union and its binomial construction expresses the quality of parenting. Cognitive-semantic analysis facilitated the identification of cognitive features of English and Russian binominal constructs in which the lexeme representative parenthood, parenting (in English), roditelstvo (in Russian) combines with certain attributes and in this way begins to denote phenomena of a highly specialized nature and represent them in educational environment. Cognitive interpretation was chosen as a base of the proposed generalized typology of the concept ‘parenting’ in international educational discourse despite the structural differences of the languages.
The types of parenting identified by the authors describe relevant parental states, knowledge and competences denoting a goal-oriented dominant of parenting which transforms parent’s identity.
In English –
In Russian –
In both languages we find the coinciding nominations of parenting distinguished in this type. This can be explained by the fact that they specify parenting through its legal, medical, biological, psychological aspects which have been studied for centuries in respective scientific domains.
social status:
In English –
In Russian –
affiliation to a certain group of people who share similar sociological and demographic characteristics which have informative value for the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing:
In English –
In Russian –
parent’s sexual orientation:
In English –
In Russian we did not find any concepts related to this aspect. We explain this by the priorities of state family policy which proclaims a traditional understanding of family as a national core value preserving socio-cultural heritage, traditions and ethical norms of the nation in general. In contemporary Russian society same-sex marriage didn’t receive approval that is why the speech community didn’t produce any lexical items to characterize sexual orientation of an individual as parent.
In English –
In Russian –
We stated that this type contains the largest number of coinciding nominations of the concept discussed. It describes a qualitative aspect of parenting and focuses on a target audience – adults in their social role as parents. As agents of upbringing they set a socializing paradigm for children forming and opening the ways for children’s development and personal growth. The support of value-normative type of parenting is an important social and pedagogical task in international educational environment, it unites people, social institutions and professional communities of different socio- and linguacultures and reflects transformations experienced by contemporary families in many countries.
In English –
In Russian –
In English –
In Russian –
In English –
In Russian –
We explain the coinciding nominations of the concept ‘parenting’ detected in this type by the orientation of professional communities towards the main idea of Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action for the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4 – ‘to transform lives through education’ ( UNESCO, 2016). From this point of view, the instrumental type reflects the support of parenting in international educational environment as the response to structural changes occurring in contemporary families, to socio-cultural transformations of society and educational landscapes and to the challenge of the society for modern parental education ( Bagirova, Shubat, Abdygapparova, & Karaeva, 2017; Report «Helping parents…», 2012; Shustova & Svorotova, 2017; Veraksa & Sheridan, 2018). Its new conceptualization requires the search for prospects of improving family support in order to stimulate positive relationship between parents and children, parents and educators, which helps everyone realize their full potential in contemporary society. Nowadays more than ever this support should guarantee parents the opportunities to obtain and develop parental competences and to change the attitude towards themselves as parents through cooperative efforts with other people in the context which is the most relevant for their family.
It was stated that the concept represented by different lexemes, both existing in language environment for centuries and emerged about 50 years ago – parenthood, parenting (in English), roditelstvo (in Russian), is universal in international educational environment. However, during the past decade the structure of the concept discussed has been undergoing considerable modifications that reflect modern transformations occurring in the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing.
The study revealed means of representation of the concept ‘parenting’. They express the changes in value status of the phenomenon ‘parenting’ itself, which has been transformed throughout the existence of the concept in a certain speech community. This enriched means of its verbalization which characterize parenting in international educational environment, reveal native speakers’ ideas of various characteristics of modern parenting including its forms, relations, values, norms, styles, practices of upbringing and education in a particular linguaculture. In the English and Russian languages, it is expressed through the cognitive features which constitute the concept ‘parenting’.
The study specified cultural features of the verbalization of the concept parenthood, parenting (in English), roditelstvo (in Russian). They reflect the influence of national mentality and are determined by historical and socio-cultural peculiarities of the sphere of family, childhood and upbringing in a certain society. Ideological, social, educational transformations in the English- and Russian-language speech communities cause changes of the conceptual sphere creating new means of representation of the concept in educational environment.
The typology of the concept parenthood, parenting (in English), roditelstvo (in Russian) proposed by the authors has a generalizing character, facilitates the conceptualization of the notion and its structuring in international educational environment. The authorial typology is open to discussion and oriented towards broadening and enriching knowledge of contemporary parenting, promotes intercultural scientific communication and further studies of this phenomenon.
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26 August 2020
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Educational strategies, educational policy, teacher training, moral purpose of education, social purpose of education
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Danilova, I. S., Orekhova, E. Y., & Shaidenko, N. A. (2020). Parenting In International Educational Environment: An Authorial Typology Of The Concept. In S. Alexander Glebovich (Ed.), Pedagogical Education - History, Present Time, Perspectives, vol 87. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 410-418). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.08.02.53