The article is devoted to the problem of identifying ways of supplementary education teachers’ professional development as subjects of the educational process individualization. The new components of the content of teachers’ professional training, aimed to form their readiness for the design of individual educational results of students are substantiated. The design of students individual educational results requires the formation of special teachers competencies to analyze the social situation of students, goal-setting of their educational advancement, implementation of subject-subject interactions, evaluation of the results achieved in the event-activity formats. The article describes an interactive model of training aimed to identify and eliminate the deficiencies of professional pedagogical experience that prevent the effective development of the designing individual educational results of students’ technology. The main components of this model are described as the steps of a joint project aimed to develop the existing practice of supplementary education individualization. The novelty of the research results is that the design of students’ individual educational results is considered as an innovative mechanism of the educational process individualization, focused on the acquisition by students of new opportunities for personal and professional self-determination in the context of the social situation of development. The concept of educational process individualization illustrates its focus on meaning-formation and expanding the range of individual possibilities of each child in independent decision of a certain circle of creative tasks that define the prospects for its further promotion of an individual educational trajectory.
Keywords: Individual educational resultsupplementary education teacherprofessional training contentsubjects of design
The dynamic changes taking place in the modern world lead to the formation of a new educational reality, which is significantly different from the traditional practices of training and education. In particular, this applies to the field of supplementary education, which is designed to maximize the development of the individuality of each child in the implementation of their individual educational trajectory. This circumstance requires the identification of new opportunities for the development of professionalism of teachers of additional education, in particular the formation of their professional readiness for the design of individual educational results of students of different ages. The relevance of this direction of research is connected with the elimination of the contradiction between the need of modern society to fully realize the creative potential of students based on their individual characteristics and orientation of traditional institutions training teachers to ensure common educational outcomes of students in the context of ongoing educational programs. The problem, which is aimed to solve our study, is to identify opportunities and resources for professional development of supplementary education teachers as subjects of the educational process individualization.
Problem Statement
It is necessary to identify and justify new content components of professional supplementary education teachers training, ensuring the formation of their readiness to design individual educational results of students in the general context of the educational process individualization.
Research Questions
Features of the current situation of supplementary education teachers’ professional development.
Content of professional readiness of supplementary education teachers to design students’ individual educational results.
Purpose of the Study
To determine the new components of supplementary education teachers professional training, on the basis of the current situation analysis of the ire professional development, ensuring the formation of their readiness for the design of students individual educational results.
The results of the study may be of interest to supplementary education teachers and organizations engaged in their training and retraining.
Research Methods
The study was conducted using methods of scientific literature analysis and of supplementary education individualized process modeling, focused on achieving students’ individual educational results.
Analysis of scientific literature
In the course of the analysis, scientific publications related to the definition of the supplementary education mission in the modern socio-cultural situation and the justification of new requirements for the content of professional readiness of teachers were studied.
Modeling of individualized process of supplementary education
Modeling the process of supplementary education, we considered the activities aimed at achieving individual educational results as a project implemented in the subject-subject interaction of teachers and students. Following this logic, the design of students individual educational results is carried out as a sequence of steps, each of which contains a specific task at its core. In the present model, the main source of students individual educational achievements is their joint development of socio-cultural practices, which is built as the identification and resolution of cultural problems implicitly presented in them. Characteristics of this model are the following provisions.
The methodological basis for designing individual educational results is the principle of productive action (El'konin, 2019). In our case, this means that, firstly, the participants of the joint activity carry out productive communications, trying different solutions to the problem; secondly, this work requires the setting of a “screen”, which synchronously reflects the tests performed and the results achieved.
In the course of training supplementary education teachers pass this sequence of steps in interaction with the moderator. The method of role analysis is used, during which teachers master the role positions of various participants in the process of additional education (teachers, administrators, parents, students) and determine the range of competencies needed to effectively achieve the intended results. In addition, they identify deficiencies of their own professional experience, which serves as a basis for them to target their own educational results in the process of further development of this technology.
Experimental approbation of the constructed model was carried out in the mode of interactive training seminar on the basis of the supplementary education center “Hosta” in Sochi. The seminar was attended by 24 teachers of additional education-heads of creative associations of natural science, artistic and aesthetic, social and humanitarian orientation.
The study shows that in the modern professional pedagogical consciousness there are changes associated with rethinking, as the phenomenon of education, which is increasingly understood as the passage of the subject of individual educational trajectory, leading to the maximum realization of his creative abilities, and the role and mission of the teacher.
According to Tronina (2019), the term “professionalism” came from the production sphere, but in pedagogical activity acquired a specific character, expressed in the accentuation of the ideological core in the activities of a modern teacher. In this regard, training and professional development of teachers and managers of education is considered by researchers in a broad socio-cultural context on the basis of a deontological approach (Galkina, Nikitina, Sizikova, Chemodanova, & Grebennikova, 2015). New requirements are imposed on methods and procedures for assessing the level of specialists professional training (Nikitina, Romanova, Komarova, Tolstikova, & Grebennikova, 2015). Not least of all, this applies to the professionalism of the supplementary education teacher, since in modern research it is this area that plays the role of the most favorable sphere to the personality development (Asmolov, 1997). Suplementary education in the modern world is considered as a leading factor of personal self-determination of students, as a result of which their self-assertion in the choice of vital goals and ways of implementing creative activity (Mikhaylova, 2016). The leading principle of the organization of the supplementary education process is pedagogical support of individual development, the result of which is the solution of global meaning and life problems of students, such as, for example, the development of self-consciousness (in particular, ethnic). Pedagogical support involves the creation of such a system of actions, which is based on the knowledge of the individuality of each student, it is focused on helping him in the formation of his self-consciousness, achieving self-identification of the teenager (Sanina, & Eziyeshvili, 2015). At the same time, a significant number of works devoted to the issues of training and professional development of supplementary education teachers are limited to the focus on the reproduction of traditional schemes and models of professional pedagogical activity. Thus, the authors of a study conducted in the Leningrad region, the priority issues of teacher professional development of further education and development of the professional standard include: 1) questions of the organization of the information environment; 2) implementation of inclusion; 3) organization of network interaction and social partnership; 4) training and methodological support of educational process; 5) interaction with parents of students (Ivanenko, Kozlova, & Khokhlenkova, 2018). These positions, although they reflect certain changes in the educational reality associated with the informatization of the educational process, increasing the level of access to education for all categories of children, etc., do not reflect the qualitative changes in this activity in modern socio-cultural conditions. In particular, such changes are associated with the individualization of education, which requires the development of new technologies by the teacher of design and evaluation of individual educational students result. As it was shown in our previous studies, in the conditions of a new culture type formation, the most important for the student is his individual educational results, which represent the newly found opportunities for independent solution of a certain range of creative tasks (Ignatovich, 2018). The analysis of modern practice of teaching and professional training of teachers shows that the formation of special competences of design and evaluation of students educational results is not paid enough attention. In the research of Selyukov (2019) is presented data on the need to create special, not represented in the mass practice of teachers professional training, pedagogical conditions for the formation of their assessment competence, which is an integral component of the professional activity of the teacher (Ignatovich & Ignatovich, 2019). However, even evaluative competence, the semantic “core” of which consists in the ability of the teacher to form the internal position of the educational results evaluation subject, does not exhaust the problems of individualization of education. The modern supplementary education teacher needs special competencies that allow him to ensure the subjective involvement of the child in the holistic process of goal-setting, achievement and individual educational results evaluation that meet the social situation of his development. The success of this task depends significantly on whether the teacher is able to organize the student progress on his individual educational trajectory, without replacing the subjectivity of the student with his own subjectivity and even individuality. After all, as Bondarenko and Ryzhenko (2016) show in their modern studies,
Having approached the solution to this problem, we must take into account the specifics of the individualized education process, which, as shown in our studies, is characterized by a focus on defining individual semantic relations to objects and phenomena of reality; the logic is built in creative development of students of diverse socio-cultural practices; is implemented in the conditions of informal, creative educational environment; it involves expert evaluation of the achieved educational results of students (Ignatovich, & Ignatovich, 2019).These characteristics determine the need to include the following components in the content of professional training of the supplementary education teacher:
The study of the social situation of a particular child development, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, inclinations and interests.
Bringing the student into the position of the subject of goal-setting individual educational results, taking into account the level of his social claims.
Designing of various socio-cultural practices of students of different ages as sources of their individual educational achievements in the present social situation of development.
Implementation of subject-subject interactions with students in the process of creative development of the proposed socio-cultural practices.
Evaluation of individual educational results of students of different ages in the event-activity formats.
The result of training teachers of additional education, including these components, is their professional readiness to design individual educational outcomes of students as a new type of pedagogical activity, implemented on the basis of subject-subject interactions. Table
In the modern socio-cultural situation, in which the creative potential of each person is urgently required, the individualization of supplementary education is one of the effective strategies aimed not only at the development of the child's personality, but also at improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the entire Russian society. Designing students individual educational results is one of the effective innovative mechanisms that allow to individualize the process of educational advancement of each student to the maximum possibilities of independent solution of a wide range of creative tasks, but have not yet become part of the modern educational reality.
The conducted research has allowed establishing that the models of their training, operating in modern systems of professional supplementary education teachers training do not provide formation of their professional readiness for designing of pupils individual educational results as their own achievements, opening new opportunities of socialization, personal and professional self-determination. Teachers experience difficulties, associated with the analysis of the social situation and prospects of individual development of the child, his goal-setting and implementation of special productive communications that allow to form the position of students themselves as subjects of designing their own individual educational trajectory. The possibilities of eliminating these deficits of professional experience are connected with the integration into the process of professional training of new content components, described in this article. The article details the steps of designing individual educational results as a joint activity of teachers and students: problematization, goal-setting, conceptualization, selection of socio-cultural practices to be creatively mastered, building productive communications between teachers and students in solving creative tasks, evaluation of the results achieved and reflection of new formations of social experience.
The article was prepared with the financial support of The Russian Foundation for basic research (project No. 18-013-00308 A "Fundamentals of methodology and technology of designing individual educational results of students in the system of additional education of children").
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26 August 2020
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Educational strategies, educational policy, teacher training, moral purpose of education, social purpose of education
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Ignatovich, V. K., & Ignatovich, S. S. (2020). Educating The Teachers To Design Students Individual Educational Results. In S. Alexander Glebovich (Ed.), Pedagogical Education - History, Present Time, Perspectives, vol 87. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 105-112). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.08.02.13