Through this paper “The professional competences of students developed through the exercise company” we intend to bring into the plan the importance of choosing effective teaching strategies, active-participatory, students-centered teaching methods, the use of modern educational means in skills training and practical skills among high school students, the technology sector. The modern concept of the exercise company involves the creation of learning situations through which the activities of a real company are simulated, the focus is on developing the legal and entrepreneurial economic skills of the students to facilitate their transition from school to the real, professional life. Through the specific activities of the exercise company, the students acquire legal and entrepreneurial skills easily, naturally under the impulse of the necessity of carrying out activities in the business environment, being motivated by the constantly changing economic life and the adversity existing within the market. This paper emphasizes the importance of designing and using modern teaching methods in the instructional-educational process so that the student achieves performance. Achieving performance involves developing skills, practical skills, teamwork skills, leadership ability, decision making and taking responsibility, critical and creative thinking, practical application of theoretical knowledge, problem solving, perseverance, and all these essential skills that will facilitate their insertion in the labor market.
Keywords: Exercise companyprofessional competence
Through the work "Professional competences of the students developed through the exercise company" we intend to bring into the plan the importance of choosing effective teaching strategies, active-participative, students-centered teaching methods, the use of modern educational means in the formation of competences and skills. practical among students (Albulescu & Albulescu, 2000).
Problem Statement
The exercise company is a successful and modern didactic method in Romania, which aims to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of the students by simulating the processes of a real company. The students are trained in an attractive, creative and interactive environment, the young person will participate voluntarily and motivated in his own training, acquiring essential skills that will facilitate his insertion in the labor market. Understanding and applying optimally the concept of "exercise company" will be able to provide the student with an active learning, based on the practice, facilitating his / her transition from school to active life (Ștefănescu, 2012).
Through the specific activities of the exercise company, the students acquire legal and entrepreneurial skills easily, naturally under the impulse of the necessity of carrying out activities in the business environment, they being motivated by the constantly changing economic life and the adversity existing within the market (Potolea, Toma, & Borza, 2012).
Research Questions
If the teachers in the curricular area of technology organize a creative learning based on a real-life simulation, based on a correct and effective combination of the didactic strategies through the exercise firm then the legal and administrative skills will be acquired in a more pleasant and attractive way and this will lead them to develop their interest and motivation for studying disciplines in curricular technology areas.
Purpose of the Study
Assessment of the efficiency of the varied teaching strategies adapted to the requirements of the program and the age particularities of the high school students.
Research Methods
In this research, the technique of parallel, equivalent samples was applied (Bocoş, 2005). The class samples were used, working with two parallel classes, the samples were equivalent in terms of capacity, chosen according to the results obtained at the initial evaluation in the period prior to the experiment (table
The two samples were initially given identical conditions, then the experimental factor was applied to the experimental factor (the independent variable). Within the control sample, the educational process proceeded under ordinary conditions, not influenced by the independent variable manipulated in the experimental sample.
The independent variable is represented by the efficient combination of the teaching strategies in teaching, consolidating and evaluating the contents through the exercise company (Ardelean & Mândruț, 2012). This leads to the actual research.
The dependent variables consist of the skills acquired by the students, the school results obtained in the disciplines in the curricular area of technologies studied and the development of confidence in their own potential. These are the school and behavioral performances of the students as a result of the consumption of the independent variable.
The content sample consisted of the themes that are included in the calendar planning prepared by the coordinating professor of the exercise company and are chosen so that the students acquire legal and entrepreneurial skills. The contents used in the themes have been chosen so that they are relevant to the topic of the proposed research and in accordance with the school syllabus which allows the teachers a flexibility in their choice. In this research, the technique of parallel, equivalent samples was applied. The class samples were used, working with two parallel classes, the samples were equivalent in terms of capacity, chosen according to the results obtained at the initial evaluation in the period prior to the experiment.
The two samples were initially given identical conditions, then the experimental factor was applied to the experimental factor (the independent variable). Within the control sample, the educational process proceeded under ordinary conditions, not influenced by the independent variable manipulated in the experimental sample.
The research - action was carried out between October 2015 - April 2016, comprising 99 hours of technology laboratory through the exercise company, according to the calendar.
The control sample went through these activities according to the classical method, using the mixed type of lesson, respecting the methodical norms of teaching, learning and evaluation. The experimental sample introduced as an independent variable the effective combination of the teaching strategies through the exercise company.
When applying the initial test, it was found that the two samples were close in terms of the level of preparation and school performance (figure

After the introduction of the independent variable in the educational activities carried out with the experimental group, the results of the evaluation tests applied at the end of the research, of the two samples, were found changes in the evolution of the results (table
Gradually, the experimental sample achieved better results, while the control sample remained close to values, then decreased further. The results obtained after the final evaluation test showed the clear detachment of the students in the experimental group compared to those in the control sample (figure

By combining the teaching strategies and their permanent use during the practice hours, the interest of the students in the experimental group has increased, as well as their concern for the best preparation, giving rise to competition among the students.
It can be said that the research hypothesis was confirmed, which shows that the effective combination of the teaching strategies led to the development of the students' legal and entrepreneurial competences. The combination of modern teaching strategies in the activities of the exercise company ensures a thorough and effective learning, motivates the students for learning, stimulates and develops the skills of the students, familiarizes the students with the economic life.
The practical-applied research that we have undertaken has been included in the scope of the teaching activity, and its results will confirm the hypothesis from which we started in this pedagogical approach. We live in a period of numerous changes in education, we have to alternate the traditional methods with the modern ones, emphasizing the practical side of the instructional-educational process, because the student learns through work and his own effort.
The methods used by the teachers in the lessons should require from the student his own effort and rational thinking, because nothing can be learned without understanding.
We consider that the exercise company model is a successful model because it is a student-centered learning and activity, it emphasizes the development of thinking, the formation of skills, it encourages student participation, creativity, initiatives, determines a teacher-student partnership, they have a strong formative focus, not informative, implies the use of a simple, accessible language.
In the exercise company, real-life situations are promoted and the application of knowledge to real problems will be pursued, in order to take greater account of the needs of students, employees and society.
Students will be allowed to apply their own way of understanding the content, by discovering, conversing and making materials such as: projects, schemes, portfolios (Potolea et al., 2012).
The activities in the lessons can be varied, so that, regardless of the characteristic learning style, all students acquire the necessary skills. Methods can be used such as: observation, independent work, experiment, simulation, problematization, role play, exercise, group discussions that stimulate criticism, learning through projects, case study, brainstorming, simulation under real conditions, etc. Within the exercise company, the legal rules governing the real life of entrepreneurs (laws, government decisions, government ordinances and others) are applied and used, so students will have contact with the law in the entrepreneurial field long before they are on the real market.
Through all these activities the students become aware of the importance of knowing the law regarding the establishment of a company, the stages of setting up, learn how to correctly complete documents for setting up the company.
These documents will become/constitute elements of the student's portfolio which will be evaluated periodically and at the end of the school semester/year, at the same time there is clear evidence of the results and the progress of the students can be easily observed. The materials made by them will constitute documentation support for the participation in competitions of the exercise companies (business plan, fairs). The evaluation of the results at the exercise company is based on the observation sheets, questionnaires, by evaluating the student's portfolio, supporting projects (e.g. business plan), applying tests, etc.
The training through the exercise company is highly appreciated by the students, who can develop their practical skills, work in a team - which calls for qualities such as a spirit of responsibility, organizational capacity, accuracy, precision, accuracy, ability to resolve conflicts. The students are delighted with the exercise companies because they can showcase their skills.
Based on research studies, the consulted bibliography, the experience gained at the department, I have strengthened my belief that in order to optimize the didactic process and the accessibility of learning, the didactic framework must combine as efficiently and with pleasure the methods and procedures with educational supports as diverse as possible, must find ways to support students for the good development of all didactic activities to develop critical thinking, stimulate thinking, creativity, language, making the student to look for solutions to different problems, make critical reflections and value judgments, compare and analyze given situations.
This work (paper) summarizes my experimental work, based on the experience gained, in order to demonstrate the extraordinary efficiency, both intellectually and emotionally, of integrating modern alternative methods (the exercise firm) into the learning act in order to develop legal skills and entrepreneurship. From my own experience, I noticed how a shy, shameful student becomes a more active, talkative, and creative one. We can’t always afford to use modern active participative methods, but we must make sure that they do not miss a day in the life of the students. In order to have a prosperous society, based on a solid economy, to reduce social inadaptation, the school must form competent specialists in different fields of activity, depending on the requirements of the labor market, to enter into viable partnerships with economic agents.
Within the present paper, we have demonstrated how important it is to combine and use classroom didactic strategies adapted to the needs of the students' curriculum and age specificities and which contribute successfully to stimulate interest in the development of legal and entrepreneurial skills. The effectiveness of the teaching methods used in the classroom depends on how the teacher knows how to match the theme with the existing teaching material, how he can guide students through questions, instructions, explanations, appreciations. The teacher must be persuasive in motivating students and should facilitate the learning process, emphasizing the usefulness of knowledge and the need for good practice. The teacher should be interested in what students want to learn and what they can do with this knowledge.
The contemporary role of the teacher must be that of mediator in the process of knowledge or of a counselor, along with the traditional role of an information transmitter, which is not discarded, but whose share is, visibly, decreasing in modern, focused on skills. The teacher is today an agent of change, preparing his students from this perspective, to create learning activities appropriate to the intended objectives. The teacher in this context has the role of forming these skills for young graduates who are also useful in everyday life (in understanding economic, legal news, dealing with situations with employers or public authorities).
Teachers assume a variety of roles, materialized in activities such as: design, management and organization of learning activities, psycho-educational counseling, classroom management, communication with students, parents and colleagues, lifelong professional development, participation in improving educational process and school innovations, providing educational services to the community etc.
The teacher is an expert on the teaching-learning act through decisions about everything that happens in the learning process. It becomes a motivational agent that triggers and maintains students’ interest, curiosity and desire for learning. He is a leader because he leads a group of students, exercising his power over the main phenomena that occur here. He is the friend and the confidence of the students when he supports them in overcoming anxiety. As a counselor he is a sensitive observer and a persuasive mentor.
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- Ardelean, A., & Mândruț, O. (2012) Didactica formării competenţelor [Didactics of skills training]. Arad: „Vasile Goldiş” University Press.
- Bocoş, M. (2005). Teoria şi practica cercetării pedagogice [Theory and practice of pedagogical research]. Cluj-Napoca: Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă.
- Potolea, D, Toma, S., & Borza, A. (2012). Coordonate ale unui nou cadru de referinţă al curriculumului national [Coordinates of a new frame of reference of the national curriculum]. Bucureşti: Centrul Național de Evaluare și Examinare (CNEE).
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17 June 2020
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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, special education, children with special needs
Cite this article as:
Gazsi, Ș. E., & Chiș, V. (2020). The Professional Competences Of The Pupils Developed Through The Exercise Company. In V. Chis (Ed.), Education, Reflection, Development – ERD 2019, vol 85. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 791-797). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.06.82