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Transversal And Specific Competencies In The Perception Of The Students In Geography

Table 2:

Competencies Number of students who have identified the skill according to their specialization Total
Geography Geography of tourism Cartography Territorial planning Hydrology, Meteorology
Interpretation of synoptic maps 2 2
Analysis of weather maps 2 2
Synoptic code decryption 1 1
Weather forecast 1 1
Performing hydrological measurements 2 2
Chemical analysis of water 2 2
Execution of drills 1 1
Territory Planning and design 2 2
Research and analysis of the territory 1 1 2
Conducting social surveys 1 1
Tourism management 1 1
Analysis of tourism statistics 3 3
Business organization / administration 1 1
Organization of stays / trips / hikes 2 2
Tourist guide 2 2
Organizing a travel agency 1 1
Managing customer / supplier relationships 1 1
Allocation and management of material and financial resources 1 1
Planning and execution of activities in the companies of commerce, tourism, services 1 1
Use of professional GPS devices 1 1
Preparation of cadastral documentation 1 1
Topographic survey and mapping 1 1
Calculation of coordinates 1 1
Use of radar images 1 1
Making maps 1 2 3
Use of the total station 2 2 4
Topographic measurements 1 1
Cartographic measurements 1 1
Map analysis / interpretation / use 6 2 1 1 10
Digital competencies (GIS, ArcGIS, ArcMap) 10 8 2 3 1 24
Interpretation of satellite images 1 1
Space/Land Orientation 5 8 2 15
Interpretation of diagrams, graphs 1 1 2
Identification of cause-effect relationships 1 1
Use of scientific language 1 1
Use of measuring instruments 1 1
Carrying out research projects 3 3
Realization of professional projects 1 1 2
Explaining geographical phenomena / processes 3 2 5
Use of bibliographic references 1 1
Data interpretation (hydrological, meteorological, topographic, tourist) 1 1 2
Analysis / description of an urban system 1 1
Field mapping 1 1 2
Analysis of the relief 1 1
Excel Use 1 1
Total number of students 12 11 2 3 2 30
Total competencies 39 34 16 13 15 117
Competencies average by student 3.25 3.09 8 4.33 7.5 3.90
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