The playing activity is a form of the child's manifestation. We all played when we were kids and we often play when we have kids around. The game is possible anywhere, anytime - it's a parallel universe of fantasy and imagination in which children are willing to spend time. For adults, play is a leisure activity, but for children it looks more like a job. Unlike many of us, adults, they usually love their job and rarely happen to want a day off. The game is also a unique way for children to communicate, to experience and to learn. Speaking of learning, the game, this time we refer to the didactic game is an important teaching method in preschoolers and primary school children. So, independent of the way of its manifestation, the game, be it for leisure, or as teaching tool, it is very important in the development of the children. It's hard to ask a child to talk about love, but we can ask him to show love, and of course he will show us playing.
Keywords: Play childeducationloveexpression
The game is one of the fundamental human activities along with learning, work and creation. Adults can perceive the game world as an unreasonable one, but in reality, it is very important to the child, because through it, he builds the world, trains his creativity, and puts effort. "The game is an exercise that consists of repeating for the enjoyment of the activity acquired in other ways for the purpose of adaptation" (Piaget, as cited in Stan, 2013, p. 68).
Features of the games
According to its features, we can say that the game is:
a human specific activity. Only people practice it in the true sense of the word;
a conscious activity;
a bridge between the real world and the imaginary world that the "player" himself creates;
spontaneous and voluntary;
involves an active involvement of the player;
communication and socialization;
exercise and learning;
observation and imitation;
Literature Review
Cultivating proximity instead of isolation
Some children are rulers, others are subordinate; some prefer to play the fashion parade, while others are attracted to ball games, but the instinct to play exists in all children, spitting immediately after birth and blossoming at the age of two or three. The game is possible anywhere, anytime - it's a parallel universe of fantasy and imagination in which children are willing to go. For adults, the game is a leisure activity, but for children, like a hurry with a job. Unlike many of us, adults, they usually love their job and rarely want a day out. The game is also the main way for children to communicate, to experience and to learn. The game expresses the lively character of the children as a joy, good mood, and through the game, the students are actively participating in the lessons (Neagu, 2011).
When a child does not want or cannot play, we immediately understand that he has significant affective suffering, just like an adult who cannot work or refuses to talk. Often, abused and neglected children should be taught to play before they can benefit from game therapy (Cohen, 2012).
From the first glimpse of love, babies and parents begin to use the game as a way to establish the connection between them. Any game that children play with pleasure can bring them closer, but some games even target the inter-human relationship. Games like "peek a boo", "hide-and-seek" and "catch-up" are known around the idea of approach and distance. The game is one of the best ways to build a close-knit relationship that has ever been invented (Cohen, 2012).
When they feel isolated, children may seem retired and depressed, or may seem overactive, unable to be careful, to stand or to quench. In both situations, the child is not the friend of the whole world and cannot connect to the inter-human level with adults, unlike children who do not have this kind of manifestation.
Through the game, imagination develops; the child's cognitive and affective resources are widened. With the help of the game, the child is able to recreate events that have taken place in his or her life, reflecting certain behaviors of others and approaching the world around him in order to better understand it (Simion, 2010).
A lonely child says: "I get bored."
A 12-year-old child sighs: "Nobody likes me."
A parent says, "I do not know what my three-year-old is thinking about; sometimes it seems very sad, and yet it does not tell me what the trouble is.”
You try to get your daughter to call a friend, and she screams, "I cannot call it! What if he's not home? "
An 8-year-old child is always on the edge of the playground, even after getting to know the other children well enough. He says, "I do not like playing football."
The most common reaction of the parents to the isolation of children is annoyance or anxiety. We focus on annoying behavior without seeing the pain it hides or we see the pain very clearly and we feel incapable of relishing it. These are difficult moments for each parent. In these cases, we need the key with which to unlock the door of the isolation fortress and help the child to come out again in the field of play (Cohen, 2012).
In parenting through the game, "sitting on the floor" means sitting on the floor, where children like to play, coming to meet the children on their field, doing what they like to do. In the case of small children, it means to be at their level face to face. In the case of older children, it means spending time on their territory, whether it is the mall, the football field or in front of the TV or the computer. Parents can choose the shows and cartoons which the child is watching and in this way they are creating a secure environment both intellectually and emotionally (Barth & Ciobanu, 2017). We need these moments, as parents, they are part of real life, but let's not forget that the number of hours our children spend in front of the TV irreversibly influence their behaviour, that is why very important in this matter is the extent to which we offer to children this type of escape from the daily, both quantitative, closely related to the number of hours spent in front of the small screen and the qualitative, in accordance with the emotional needs and the cognitive development of the small viewers (Ciobanu, 2018).
Sitting on the floor also means getting into games that we'd rather ignore or eliminate. Children need our approval and enthusiasm before they can get out of the way they are stuck. So even if the goal is to make the child give up the violent game, the only effective way is to play that game together with the child, which gives him the space to try new ideas and ways to confront his own aggressive impulses.
The most important connection game for babies is "peek-a-boo". This game not only brings proximity, but also makes use of the idea of approaching in a spectacular way - now you see me, now you do not see me, now I'm back. The peek-a-boo game reflects the delicate balance of existence and loss of connection, presence and absence.
Playful activities in school education give students fresh insights into the subject under study. Students endow with a lot of competence and acquire knowledge. By playing, students can present themselves as independent, capable beings in certain situations. The game cultivates the courage of children and the feeling of friendship (Catalano & Albulescu, 2018).
As a teacher, we can make children be attracted to educational disciplines through playing (Florescu, 2016). Lessons are more interesting, richer, and more expressive when they are based on the game. In this respect, good didactic management of the game is needed, so that every student is involved in the learning process (Romanescu, 2017).
Research Method
The game – a tool for establishing a strong relationship with children
Strengthening parent-child relationships requires work and effort. Parenting is a hard job, but maintaining a close relationship and open communication with children, parents can stay parenting easier for parents, because children who feel more connected to their parents are more eager to listen, help and follow the instructions connected with them at all stages of life. Moreover, a strong parent-child connection makes. Children who feel connected are also more likely to talk to their parents about problems with friends or about school issues. Here are some simple tips that families can use to deepen their ties with children.
Tell the children that you love them every day, regardless of their age. Even on test days or after disagreements, parents should make sure that they know that although they did not like their behavior, they love them unconditionally. Conflict is the most important moment in which parents communicate their love for children. A simple "I Love You" can strengthen the relationship.
The success of this action is really given by playing on the floor with your children. Play with dolls, balls, table games or sing songs. It does not matter what you play but enjoy each other and engage in giving unlimited attention. Let your children see your sad and melancholy side. Adolescents enjoy books, chess and computer games, while little children have fun playing any games with their parents.
Reading books for bedtime or children's story creates lifelong rituals. This is one of those moments that parents share with their children, so parents need to make it as calm and enjoyable as possible for them. Once the children start reading, ask them to read a page, a chapter or a short book for you. Even adolescents still enjoy the ritual of being told "Good night!” by their parents.
Parents sometimes lose opportunities to approach by not allowing the child to help them with different tasks and chores. Unpacking food after you come from the store is a good example that children, regardless of their age, can and should do it. Children feel strong when they help and let them know that their opinion is of value in your eyes. Of course, if you ask them, be prepared to accept the child's choice. It is important to respect the children's choices. Children reach independence at an early age, and parents can help promote those decision-making skills.
Dinner in the family sets the right time for a conversation. When the program allows you really talk and enjoy each other.
Analyses and Findings
Unfortunately, when older children grow up, they cannot easily establish a link, and this often remains unnoticed. For one reason or another, after the initial stage of close ties between the baby and the parent, distancing and clumsiness appear. Rarely adults play with older children with as much freedom and ease as in those original peek-a-boo games. Few parents live that profound happiness awakened by the long-lasting, loving look of a child over two years.
Children who feel they have a good relationship are also inclined to be more cooperative and more attentive to those around them. So instead of punishment, which tends to aggravate the loss of parent-child connection, try to think about how to restore the connection. When did you last have time to play, relax or just stay together? When do you look your child in the eye, is he present or absent? Restoring the connection may require a hug, a tight time together, an outside run, a snack or a conversation.
In conclusion we can say that through the game the child manifests his desires, feelings, emotions and aspirations. By achieving this goal the balance of psychic life is restored and its overall functionality is stimulated.
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Publication Date
17 June 2020
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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, special education, children with special needs
Cite this article as:
Pascariu, C. C. (2020). The Game – Theway Children Teach Us The Art Of Love. In V. Chis (Ed.), Education, Reflection, Development – ERD 2019, vol 85. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 625-629). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2020.06.64