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Teachers’ Views On Outdoor Education In Preschool Education

Table 2:

Strengths Weaknesses
- personal development (increasing self-esteem);
- emotional development;
- social development (team spirit, cooperation);
- cognitive development (knowledge enrichment, immediate applicability);
- motor development;
- creative development, motivation;
- attractive, flexible, varied, interesting, innovative activities;
- encouragement of well-being;
- health promotion (eg healthy lifestyle, development of immunity);
- focus on experiential learning;
- active, interactive, constructive learning;
- familiarizing children with the natural environment;
- innovative educational environment;
- encouraging desirable behaviors;
- value interdisciplinarity;
- the opportunity to overcome the difficulties for all children, including those with special educational needs;
- encouraging desirable behaviors;
- involvement of educational partners;
- the possibility to discover new interests and skills.
- the large number of children in a group;
- possible accidents;
- lack of the care staff;
- lack of the funds of the kindergarten and the parents;
- lack of professional training of educators in the field of outdoor activity;
- the parents’ attitude towards the proposed activities;
- lack of teachers’ experience;
- teachers’ prejudices;
- lack of a support curriculum;
- lack of a clear legislation;
- lack of population’s education in terms of ensuring the safety of pre-school groups outside the educational unit;
- the weather conditions;
- the multitude of documents required for the exits from the unit;
- the need for a more careful preparation of the activity;
- reluctance for new of the teachers;
- lack of school buses;
- the children's sensitivity to environmental factors;
- the presence of a large number of stimuli that distract the attention of preschoolers;
- lack of adequate equipment;
- lack of green space in the kindergarten / of the materials needed for activities.
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