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Primary School Pre-Service Teachers' Collective Reflective Discourse On Reflection

Table 2:

Phase 1-The Discourse Beginning Phase 3 - Constructive Promotive Discourse
Discourse Content - Explicit Level
Ex. 18
Eden: "To give myself a feedback what is (was) good? What was not good? From what it can be learned? What does not teach? I also wrote things that I felt. "

Ex. 19
Ora: "I wrote:" reflection of the emotions". I wrote:" a process description". "
Discourse Content - Explicit Level
Ex. 19
Eden: [...] "I don't know maybe it is also related to consciousness and how open you are with yourself and such. I learn a lot more is "Keilou") from what I learn alone from what I transfer ( instead of "teaching") I learn a lot more "Keilou" I learn from that after I'm pass through it, "Keilou" I'm thinking to myself "Keilou" what was? How it was?"

Ex. 20
Eden: "I do understand the part that (you) need to write because I'm "Keilou" I'm giving to it time, really I'm sitting down, thinking about what I should write down, what really had been (happened) for me?"Keilou" I were digging more and more in it (she emphasize the word and the movement of "digging" by showing it in her hand). Yes it digs and bothers, but you do sit down more and think (more) and you give it time and place. In the end, yes, It is more in your awareness."
[…] "(At the end) It was natural. I tell you this is something that happened I know."

Ex. 21
Eden:" If you were. Now you think you have to dig and do it, forcing the reflection. But if we will say that you have been giving to this soldier (teacher commander) a-ll of the time (extension of the word "all") to write a reflection on her lessons, in the end there was a huge improvement, I think. ..."

Ex. 22
PI: "Let's just say that when we are reflective to ourselves and writing a reflection, let distinguish between two kinds of reflections within us, in the teaching: One, reflection after a lesson - its purpose really is to improve and progress from lesson to lesson and also to better understand what has occurred and what has happened? The goal is that it will be authentic, that it will be original. … The goal is really that you will be lead forward from it (from the reflection) and you will have the ability to develop and advance in addition in specific points, even with a particular child. For example…"
The PI continues to refer to this example broadly in this issue with this child who has ADHD reflectively and then, the discourse between the PI and the PST continues on talking on the reflection aims.
Attributionn to past experience - Explicit level
Eden:.. "I got into the army "Keilou" I had not thought about these things either. "Keilou" I did not hate "Keilou" to thinking about myself what did I do? What's good? What's not good? It also seemed to me a digger. Excavation is what they want (from us) and "Keilou" in three months of the course and the novice period every week we had to submit (a report) "Keilou" what we are (were) feeling? What have we learned? How was it? What have we improved? What to improve? Every week we ground it. It was the most digging thing in the world and everyone did not like it, but in the end, it was" Keilou" ... "Keilou" in the end it had become more natural. You do it naturally."

Attributionn to current experience - Explicit level
Ora:"Is that also in a table?"
PI: "No. It's open. You can also write the reflection completely open. The main thing is that there will be (in the reflection) components that really allow progress and development. That's the (important) thing".
Liza:"So, what are the components?
PI: "That's exactly the question that will guide us further (from which we will continue) . Right now
..." Tom: "No. We want to know now".
[…] PI: "The reason for the existence of this third is that the lesson does not exactly happen as we planned. That, there is a gap between planning and implementation. So, third (of the reflection is a) description of the lesson. Up to third what happened in the classroom? From here, my feelings and my thoughts about what happened in the lesson, what worked? What did not work? And what will I do to improve it? That's what it should be at this point. that's it."
[…]Tom:"I wrote a description of the process, a description of feelings and thoughts and conclusions. "
[…] PI:"I suggest to add at the end recommendations for my teaching in the future so that you will have the leverage to continue in the proceeding (teaching)".
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