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Primary School Pre-Service Teachers' Collective Reflective Discourse On Reflection

Table 1:

Phase 1- The Discourse Beginning Phase 2- Resistance Discourse Phase 3 –Constructive Promotive Discourse
Discourse Content- Explicit Level
Ex. 1
According the PI Question in the beginning of the session about: What are you defined as "reflection"? The following discourse took place:
Omer: "Learning from failures and successes. ... You are passing through all the things that you did and you learn from yours' failure, from yours' successes'. To the proceeding Learning."
PI: "How many reflections did you write till now?"
Omer: "In my life?"
PI: "In teaching, in life"
Omer: " I don't have a number."
PI,: " Many, Few, Zero, two?"
Omer: "A lot."
PI.: "What did you learn from them?"
Omer: "There are (reflections) that I learned from them and there are (reflections) that I didn't learn from them anything."
[…]PI: "Can you share with us what did you learn (from them)? For example: What was a reflection that was meaningful for you?"
Omer: "There wasn't any (reflection) that was significant as long as I remember."

Ex. 2
The PI asked: "Why a written reflection is required during the preparation pried?" Moses's answer is: "So that at the end of the year we can look at the improvement process. I don't know. It's (these are) things that you are look (at/on them)".[…] "It is not clear. I do not know. This is what came up to my mind. I'm trying to get into your head".

Discourse Content
Implicit Level
Ex. 3
Moses: "Is this is a reflection in teaching?"
(Another pre-service teacher talks in the background. Laughter and incomprehensible talking are heard at the same time.)
Discourse Content Explicit Level
Moses: "That's exactly what I'm going to say. I don't think there is a difference between a reflection in teaching and any other reflection that you do on a day-to-day basis.  Only it just you are here and you are a student and you need to do a reflection for you, as if this is to say ("Keilou" in Hebrew) to show you" (All the PST are laughing, without the PI.)

Omer: "So, "Keilou" I say that someone who saw it (the lesson) from the outside should say his opinion (on your teaching) and then you take it on yourself (on your responsibility)."

Omer: "Yes and it is something that... you think about it. "Keilou" I agree that (someone professional - like the PI ,or the platoon commander in the army) has to be with you and analyze. I do not agree that (when) you write down the points this the thing that you are learning from it (about your teaching)."

Ex. 7
Marry: "Yes. But when you write it to someone else, it's not exactly a personal reflection."

Ex. 8
Marry: "To write half sentence it's not OK. To write more than a half sentence it's OK."

Ex. 9
Moses:l " It depends on who I do it for. If I do it to myself I don't have to write what I feel about it, since I know what I feel."
[…] "I'm not going to do it. If I was writing (a reflection now) and (then) after a yearI'll read the reflection that I wrote I would have known that I had lied." […]"I have a resistance to the writing."

Ex. 10
Omer:…"When you know that you have to write it's like a task. You don't quiet really exactly… write your reflection (for yourself)".

Ex. 11
Moses: "We received (tasks) to write five reflections and all of them only in your course."
Discourse ContentExplicit Level
Ex. 14
Omer:" So half of my service was after every lesson I passed I had to say two things that were good (in my teaching), two things that were not good, and at some point, I already threw the same things."Keilou" I said to myself:" well it doesn't matter if ... In the end, she'll say her points. I'll learn from that". "Keilou" saw that I just throw away (things) without meaning. I…really feel that when I need to tell you two things like that, "Keilou" as that side, on this side, I ... "Keilou" it might be different, there may be sides, things that are helping to the other person. I personally feel, believe much more in criticism from the outside to me and to learn (from it) than to stir in myself and to look in force for what to improve."
PI: "But to look for (things to improve) in force, it's not the purpose. The goal is to be connected. The goal is that it really will be authentic and loyal and original (to you)". ... "That it will be as authentic and loyal as possible to your personal place. If it is harder for you to write it, so let's think what can optimize it? What do you write? It's not the goal to force."

Ex. 15
Moses: "I tried. Maybe I do not know how to write (reflection)."

Ex. 16
Tom: "Oh. So now I know how to write. That's how I do it."PI: "It seemed to me the most basic things. Excellent" (in response to the pre-service student words).
Tom: "I wrote a description of the (lesson) process, a description of feelings and thoughts and conclusions."
PI: "So, what wrong in that?"
Tom: "You did not tell me it was all right."
(PST and PI Laughing)

Ex. 17
PI: …"I suggest to add recommendations for my teaching at the end (of the reflection) in order to continue so that you have the (reflection) as a leverage to your teaching in the future".Michael: "The description - a description of a process, a description of feelings and conclusions ".
… Moses: "A description of the feeling is just what I think that I need to improve? What do I think to change? "Omer: "No. How did I feel? "Moses: "In order that I will understand, what "Keilou" is needed?"
PI: "There's more than that. If you feel that this writing is the thing that blocking you, you can record it for me I have no problem. I'll hear it from here.
(PST Laughing)
Moses:" Not I ... won't. I will write".
(PST' with the PI Laughing )

Ex. 18
Omer: " It was beautiful for me to know ah ... how much to each one helps a different kind of reflection."
PI: "Eamm… I had a student who even painted a bird of paradise (the flower) when she wrote about her educational vision and through it, she described her educational approach. It was amazing."
[…] PI: "Her name is Bird of paradise ("Eden" in Hebrew)."
[…]Moses: "No. It interests me. I find it interesting."
[…]Moses: "She draw the plant, bird of paradise "Keilou"."
[…] PI: " Yes and she showed through it how her educational perception is expressed." …
Moses:" It's interesting. That's interesting."
[…] Marry: "You are very excited about the paintings. Do you want to paint?" (She is asking with a smile)
Moses: "God forbid! ("Has vehalila" in Hebrew)." (PST laughing, with the PI.)
Laughter - Implicit Level PST' laughter, without P I.
See, implicit level Ex .3 above remarked in bold.
Laughter - Explicit Level PST' shared laughter, without PI.
See, explicit level Ex .4 above remarked in bold.
Laughter - Explicit Level PST' and PI shared relief laughter.
See, Ex. 16, 17 above remarked in bold.
Attribution to Past Experience - From Implicit Level to Explicit Level
See Ex.1, and EX. 2 above.
Attribution to Past Experience - Explicit LevelEx. 12.
Omer: "When I was a platoon commander… I had to do to everyone of main class commander the entire cycle (of feedback conversation) twice professional (evaluation) over guidance of "dry-subject". "Keilou", so that my class commanders, they learned only from my feedback (in her word "neto") from me, at the end they had a very small part that they had to write down. I don't think that they alone could reach to that and as a platoon commander (command) on mine class commanders (I think) they couldn't reach to the same points like those that you are reaching from the outside. I don't think that alone you can get to it."

Ex. 13
Moses: "As for us, in education in the kibbutz, we didn't have a written reflection, "Keilou". But we always had staff meetings, but we sat and talked, let's say about the activity that I transferred and that the guider transferred. Now if we say that she is (was) the leader and I talk (talked) to her and she says (said to me): 'Listen here, you should notice next time that the children ...' or I say to her: 'You hear, you need a little more ... in the activity next time' "Keilou" there isn't any structure of reflection ... (we just) talking about (the) activity".
Attribution to Current Experience - Explicit LevelSee, Ex. 14 above – attribution to PST past experience.

See, Ex. 16, 17, 18 above, attributing to present experience - asking for the PI guidance and approval in reflection writing.
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