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Artistic Plastic Education Through The Contest Windows Towards The Light ’

Table 1:

Getting to know the reality through color Artistic-plastic creativity quantitative evaluation Artistic-plastic creativity qualitative evaluation Visual-plastic creativity
Impressiveness of colors Fluidity Emotional expressiveness The creator (the pupil) or intrapsychic reality (intellectual and personality factorsSensitive reality (environment, objects, beings, relationship with nature);
Color expressiveness Flexibility The degree of complexity of the drawing
Originality Movement and action in the drawing The abstract reality (specialized information, treaties, theories from books, magazines, films etc.)
Elaboration Title expressivity The imaginary (archetypes, myths, legends, dreams)
Internal visual perspective Plastic language: plastic language elements, plastic language tools, plastic techniques, original plan and virtual cube
The richness of the imagination Creation - product, opera, plastic fact
Speed of creative engagement
Emotional expressiveness
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