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Working Memory And Reading Comprenhension In Young People With Intellectual Disabilities

Table 1:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. PAL-P 1 .76** .52** .47* .18 -.04 .32†
2. K-BIT Matrices 1 .47** . 50* -.02 -.16 .14
3. Spelling 1 . 50* . 29 .03 .02
4. PROLEC. Sentences 1 .24 -.32 .05
5. PROLEC Texts 1 .22 -.02
6. EDICOLE Total 1 .03
7. EDICOLE Total - NO 1
Mean 6.56 18.92 12.12 9.52 9.52 22.68 4.36
Standard Deviation 6.02 5.48 4.19 1.73 3.32 6.49 2.56
Range 0 - 24 11 - 35 5 - 20 5 - 12 2-15 12 – 33 0 - 10
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