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Main Trends Of Increase In Productivity Of Beekeeping

Table 1:

Country Average honey production, kg/bee-family Quantity of bee-families per 1 bee-keeper (private) Procurement price, $/kg ROM, r.u. ROL, $/person Gross honey harvest in a country, thousand tons
1 Canada 64 92 4.52 0.5 8871.25 33-40
2 Turkey 16 67,4 4.65 0.5 1671.52 80-95
3 Denmark 18 30 5.29 0.5 952.2 2.5
4 USA 25.2 26 4.19 0.5 907.83 70-100
5 Ukraine 20 40 1.94 0.5 517.33 70
6 Argentina 40 78 0.48 0.5 499.2 60
7 Russia 19.2 31 1.94 0.5 380.89 50-60
8 China 33 35 0.19 0.5 73.15 400-450
9 Mexico 27 5 0.77 0.5 34.65 55-60
10 India 8.5 4 0.97 0.5 10.99 50-60
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