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Text Analytics On Company Reviews In Jobstreet

Table 8:

Factor Description Future Works
Size of data There was only 132 reviews collected from JobStreet website. Based on the findings, it is sufficient to reveal the general information about the companies such as good environment and stressful. However, more data was required for comprehensive or specify information. Collect company reviews from different sources such as Indeed.
Small sampling evaluation There was only a small sample collected to evaluate the outputs which could not representing the overall organization. Collect more evaluation feedbacks from different department and level of position.
Unigram tokenization The unigram tokens may not provide complete information. When glance on word cloud, guessing is needed in identifying meaningful phrase by combine 2 or more unigram token. As discussed in Text Mining section, expand the unigram to cover bi-gram or more tokenization can produce more and specify information in word cloud.Correlation between tokens would be a good method in identifying high correlated words for determine meaningful phrase. Correlation checking was not applied in this work due to technical limitation.
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