College Students Synergy And Political Development Of Sinjai District Year 2007-2017


This research is about the Synergy of Students with the Government in Political Development in 2007-2017. This study aims to find out how the role of students in Helping the Political Development of Sinjai Regency in 2007-2017 and to explain how the pattern is built between students and the government so that later they can synergize more in building Sinjai district. The type of research used is qualitative research which describes events or events, people's behavior or situation in a particular place in a detailed and in-depth narrative form. The primary data collection method in this thesis uses interview methods and observation methods, while secondary data uses documentary methods and literature review methods. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis from the results of interviews, researchers will describe and analyze based on the theoretical framework used in this study. The results of the study show that Sinjai students took part in the process of helping the political development of Sinjai district, both in terms of monitoring the implementation of policies and in terms of evaluating public policies. In addition, this study also shows that the lack of synergy between students and the Sinjai government is seen from the many rules that are considered as inefficient students. For example, Regent Regulations concerning Procedures for Providing Educational Funding to District Students. Sinjai and Regional Regulations concerning Regional Property Usage Retribution.

Keywords: Synergy


College students have three basic capital that makes it able to referred to as an agents of change and an agents of social control, namely its moral strength in the struggle because in essence what they have made was simply - the eye based on a moral movement which became an idealism in struggled, the second is the strength of his intellect, through the knowledge he gained in bench studies, they always wanted to apply all the scientific to moral action and dedication to the community, because of their knowledge is a mandate and a responsibility that must be practiced, the third is college student as a young man has a spirit and soul of the young is a natural character which must belong to every youth biologically, including the brain and physical strength that can be said to be maximal, then creativity, responsiveness, as well as an active involvement of making an innovations in accordance with the scientific field (Sadli, 2012).

Perhaps this is a major factor why young students has always been an actor civilization and the backbone of the nation's struggle to build civilization, even a Sukarno also recognizes the capabilities of young students through his statement "Give me ten youth, then I will shake the world ". And indeed, that was the reality and the facts can not be denied by anyone concerning gold ink that has been scratched by youth college students wherever they are.

Synergy is to build a cooperative relationship between institutions that could be delivered the purpose to achieve the goals. The purpose of synergy is to influence the behavior of people / groups to interact with each other, initiating dialogue with all groups, where their perceptions, attitudes and opinions are important towards achieving the goals. The synergy of students and the government is needed in political development because it is to support and supervise the programs being run by the government. The role of students as agents of change and agents of social control to assist the government in guarding and realizing the goals.

College students whose background regionalism in Sinjai is a subsystem of a college or higher education have an obligation providing creative solutions to problems that occur in the area in particular and society in general. College students of Sinjai district which is the starting point in carrying out their activities, professionalism of college students is the spirit that is inherent in the soul into its own advantages in the struggle for social community. The Association of College Students in Sinjai as an institution students affairs in the scope of regional organizations is a place of actualization and strengthen the emotional connection Sinjai fellow students. In addition, a task more important is how the active role of the association of college student in guarding the development of Sinjai district.

Problem Statement

This research is about the synergy of college students with the Government in the Political Development in 2007-2017. This study aims to determine how the role of Political Development Helps Students in Sinjai year 2007-2017 and explain how the pattern that is built between college students and the government to be able work together in building a Sinjai district.

Research Questions

  • How is the college student's role in the political development in Sinjai district in 2007-2017?

  • How are the college students as a political force to synergize with the government in developing government policies of Sinjai district in 2007-2017?

Purpose of the Study

To find out how the student's role in the political development in Sinjai district in 2007-2017.

The purpose of this research is to determine how the student as a political force to synergize with the government to escort of the Sinjai district policy years 2007-2017.

Research Methods

The research method used by the writer is a qualitative method. Qualitative research is collecting data face to face and interact with people at the research site. The data collection techniques used in this research is an observation and interviews. Observation can be defined as attention focused on the incidence, symptoms, or something. Research should get its own information or data through observation of symptoms by themselves, or through the observation of other people who have been trained researchers first for the purpose (Emzir, 2014).

Observations carried out directly in the field to determine matters relating to problems of this study are intended to determine the objectivity of the facts, about the state and condition of the object being studied. The use of this observation techniques are meant to reveal phenomena that are not obtained through interviews on the research to be conducted in the district of Sinjai. Once the data is collected, and then perform the data processing that is tailored to the analysis done to individual. The initial process of data processing was started by editing each data entry. After the editing process is done the coding process, is classify informants answer by a wide-ranged. In the research process after the data is collected and obtained an important next step is to conduct the analysis (Suyanto, 2008). In the data analysis techniques, not merely outlines, but also provide sufficient understanding and explanation.


Sinjai Student Role in Political Development

Young people must be present as an individual who has the character and a superior personality, avoid immoral political games, seriously and consistently uphold the principle of religious doctrine; Young people need to show their quality that they have the capacity to make changes from within the state structure and cut out corrupt systems. Therefore, ethics and superior political morality in a democratic political system will be realized. This is not a revolutionary idea, but the idea of ​​a rational workable and performed by young people to participate in managing the political structure, social system and culture to be more egalitarian and democratic (Jurdi, 2015).

Based on the above, the IKMS as college student organizations should be independent. This affirmation is formulated down in Article 8 AD IKMS who stated explicitly that "IKMS are independent organizations. The nature and independent character for IKMS is the first human rights. IKMS status as a college student organization of regional shows the character of IKMS. And the character of this task called IKMS function. On the other side the goal is an ideal that must be realized then the reverse function shows motion is an ideal destination to be realized then the function otherwise indicate motion or activity in realizing". College students are the ambassadors for the community renewal of society or an agent of social change, it means that the totality of the younger generation must be prepared to accept the leadership of the nation's relay and the previous generation in the future. College student regeneration function is actually the most basic functions. As the generation that must carry out the regeneration function for the sake of the realization of the goodness and happiness of society, state and nation in the future then the group of college students should always have a progressive character dynamic and not static. As district government chief legal department of Sinjai Mr. Lukman Dahlan, said that:

"College students naturally as young people should still have the passion to continue to fight the voices of truth and the voices of the people. They are not a group of traditionalists but as ambassadors for social reform in the sense should require continuous changes in the direction of progress based on the values ​​of truth."

(Lukman Dahlan, head of Law & Human Rights kab. Sinjai, Interview in Sinjai, dated July 4, 2017 at 13:30 pm.)

The results of the interviews conducted by the author related properties that should be owned by every student to maintain a superior character and personality as manifested by Kamaruddin presidium coordinator Sinjai Student Association said that:

"Application of the dynamics of thinking and behaving as a whole is the fundamental character of students and actualized in real terms through the character and the personality and attitudes 1). Tend to the truth, a free, open and independent, 2). Objective, rational and critical, 3). Progressive and dynamic, 4). Democratic, honest, and fair. "

(Kamaruddin, coordinator of the Presidium of the DPP IKMS, Interview in Sinjai, dated July 8, 2017 at 20:30 pm.)

At the end of 2007, the Association Families College Student of Sinjai that initially only includes one campus just starting out and expand to the entire campus located in the city of Makassar. Actually this is not something new because the original purpose of the formation of IKMS itself in 1992 is to gather all the college students who are studying in the city of Makassar but because of the many obstacles faced such as human resources are still lacking to run the organization, transportation still insufficient, and communication tools that are much less sophisticated, so that initially covers only one campus. It was only in 2007 IKMS expand its borders to the entire campus in the city of Makassar. At the beginning of the arrangement 2007-2009 period, Central Presidium Council (DPP IKMS) as the highest institution in the scope of IKMS only focused on internal improvements IKMS. It was only in the period of 2013-2015 and 2015-2017 periods, IKMS not only focus on internal organization and implementation of work programs, but began to criticize the government both with an audience with the relevant governments and actions taking to the streets to demand a number of problems that occur in the district of Sinjai such as the case of moleslation of students who are considered slow, PERBUP regarding receipt of achievement scholarship and enforcement of regional regulations (PERDA) that are not in accordance with an implementation. For example, the Association College Students of Sinjai movement in terms of escort and protest against government rules that are considered bad and efficient. The rules issued in 2014 were the Regulation of the Sinjai Regent No. 24 of 2014 about the Procedure for Providing Educational Funding to Sinjai Regency College Students.

The part that is considered less efficient is the criteria are eligible to receive a scholarship college student is too few and only entered a few campuses seen from campus accreditation. It is also considered reasonable by the local government and therefore, PERBUP declaring issued in 2014 re-vised in 2015 by paying attention to suggestions and input aspirated college students. This was confirmed by Mr. H. Sabirin Yahya S.Sos as regent Sinjai which says that:

"One example of influence or contribution of students in helping to advance the Sinjai district’s promotion. Sinjai is a protest against the rule Perbub 2014 regulation on the procedure for granting scholarship assistance to Sinjai college students".

(Sabirin H. Yahya, Regent Sinjai, Interview, in Sinjai, dated July 04, 2017 10:00 pm.)

Besides listening to the advice and opinion in aspirated by college students, the government also included college students as one of the file verification teams received a Sinjai scholarship. This was done because, college students are considered important in assessing and helping stages of verification so that later no confusion there between the government and the college students themselves. In addition, the government also makes the college student as a file verification team because they have a strong idealism and independence that the implementation of these rules are implemented as intended.

In addition to the regent’s regulation above, the next highlight of the college student is the Regional Regulation Sinjai Number 11 of 2012 on Local Resources Levy is the result of the revision of the Regional Regulation Number 11 of 2010. The problem in this area is the implementation regulation of these rules, which do not according to the application. In Chapter VI, Article 8 has been quite clearly explained how the cost of rent for the for each buildings in the district of Sinjai, but in reality in its implementation it is not executed properly. As by the coordinator of Students Family Association presidium Sinjai said that:

"In 2013, 2014 and 2015 IKMS ever do an activity which is housed in one building in Sinjai district Try Out the activity is a routine activity IKMS every Year. The problem is the cost of rent is quite expensive and is not in accordance with what is in regional regulation (PERDA)".

(Kamaruddin, coordinator of the Presidium of the DPP IKMS, Interview in Sinjai, dated July 8, 2017 at 20:30 pm)

The college student’s unxiety was actually a matter of socializing the regional regulation (PERDA) which is less open because for three years (2012-2015) new college students found out in 2016 that are binding Regional Regulation on leasing buildings in Sinjai district. Seeing this matter, college students are not remain silent. They demanded the government to act decisively to anyone who does an illegal levies in this matter and returned the excess payments of building leases over the previous three years. Here are the contents of the following Regional Regulation Chapter VI Article 8 regarding the amount of payment for each building in the district of Sinjai as shown in Table 01 .

Table 1 -
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Before the goverment determine a public policy, there is a stages that have to through before the Goverment go to the implementation. This stage is the most crtical point in order to make a public policy. In this stage, the public policy will be tested related to the urgency, the utility and the impact of the policy. So this stage will be influence the next stages. The 2nd stage is the formula of the policy. This stage is the next step from the arranging agenda from the previous stage. The troubles that the previous stage face will be discuss by the expert. The troubles will be define and try to find the solution Next stage is legitimacy of the policy. In this stage, a policy will be ratified by the autority so the policy could be implemented in the society. And the last stage is implementation of the policy. In this stage the society have the responsibility to implementing the policy while the goverment have to socialize and will act as a supervisor and also to evaluate the policy Based on the statement of Mr. Lukman Dahlan, he said:

"The policy must be discuss based the urgency and the impact of the policy. So the discussion must be include the other stakeholders".

(Lukman Dahlan, Head of Legal and Human kab. Sinjai, Interview in Sinjai, dated 11 July 2017 at 13.00 pm.)

Mr. Lukman Dahlan assume that this phase is an important step in the establishment of the rules, and therefore the need to bring the stakeholders who will run this rule. Furthermore, there are two stages before a policy is implemented, namely the stage of policy formulation and adoption / legitimacy of policy. From the five stages, the role of Sinjai college students is more in the implementation and evaluation stages. As Ir. Andi Kartini Ottong, MP said as follows:

"The role of Sinjai college students has a greater role in the implementation and evaluation stages. Whereas in the agenda setting phase, the policy formulation stage and the adoption stage of the students role are lacking".

(Andi Kartini, Deputy Chair of the Parliament kab. Sinjai, Interview in Sinjai, dated 11 July 2017 10:00 pm.)

The college student movement requires a variety of movement patterns. The tendency in certain extreme poles between motion moral and political movement it will reduce the role of the movement itself. Therefore, whatever the explanation, both patterns are still needed. The important thing is still able to give a feel for the change process itself. In other words, prioritizing one pattern (political or moral movement movement) will lead to analytic failure to formulate a movement strategy to achieve change orientation movement (Eggi, 1995).

The pattern of College Students Synergy with the Local Government of Sinjai District

A moral movement is a movement that support for fight values with a certain measure of morality. This is where the independence of the college student movement will look. College students are not subordinate to certain political forces. While the political movement is a movement to make political change by siding with certain political forces, or make himself as a student of political locomotive. They are not allergic to sharing and political lobbying with political power. For them it is necessary to perform as a strategy to achieve change. Viewed from the above explanation it can be said that the development of students' potential really need to be facilitated by the local government, in this case the youth organizations in the region and outside the region (community). The existence of the region is present through the existence of the regional community who pioneered the stamina existence is the area of ​​youth and students. Therefore, it needs to be to be considered for a regent and chairman of the parliament which was to think hard and work smart to educate the community (Akira, 1977).

Here is a pattern formed synergy between college students of Sinjai district with local governments to help build and realize the vision and mission of Sinjai district in accordance is shown in Figure 01 .

Figure 1: The pattern of College Students Synergy with the Local Government of Sinjai District
The pattern of College Students Synergy with the Local Government of Sinjai District
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College students as one of the political forces should maintain communication with local governments in the process of helping the political development of Sinjai district. Therefore, the pattern of synergy between college students and the government needed to reach the same purpose. Illustrated in the chart above that the pattern of the synergy that exists between college students of Sinjai with local governments in terms of political development and evaluation of public policy. From this pattern in essence the college students of Sinjai are able to carry out thei duties as agents of change in the midst of society and social control over local governments in realizing political development in many fields, particularly in mass participation and Guidance Life Democracy.

Safeguarding of public policy is one proses political development so that policies in the future can be better than before. The role of students required in this process, either in the form of escort policy implementation as well as suggestions and opinions are voiced. Roles and political participation in terms of development of a region is very important to efforts to understand the political existence of college students. That is why there needs to be a synergy relationship between college students and the government for the development of a region can run well without ignoring other political forces such as the mass media, interest groups (NGOs) and political parties and other political forces.


If the expectations of the college students can be run with the maximum harmony without any diversion. College students only trying to provide a solutions which means that this part of the form of devotion to the community at large. These are just some small examples of how regional development will be maximal with a little stretching hands and the help of the college students. Because students have an important role for the progress of a region that is growing. The aim of college student is how to develop the region themselves without foreign intervention that wants to control and damage the area.

The college student movement will be patterned on the two major patterns, namely the moral movement and political movement. Moral movement is usually perceived as a movement that takes sides with universal moral values, namely the values ​​of truth, justice, democratization, human rights, and etc. A moral movement is usually not included in the political interests to support each other against a particular group power. They only support their interests in accordance with good value. While political movement is a movement for political change by favoring certain political forces, or make himself as a college student of political locomotive. They are not allergic to sharing and political lobbying with political power. For them it is necessary to perform as a strategy to achieve change. They criticized the moral movement as fears to get in touch with political interests, and only able to do a moral exhortation. Siding with certain political forces in the riel is okay, as long as the ideas championed changes in line with their students.


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Publication Date

30 March 2020

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Business, innovation, sustainability, development studies

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Makkatuo, A. R., Kambo, G. A., Suriawati, S., Ibrahim, M. M., Arief, E., Aznur, R. P., & Syamsuri, S. (2020). College Students Synergy And Political Development Of Sinjai District Year 2007-2017. In N. Baba Rahim (Ed.), Multidisciplinary Research as Agent of Change for Industrial Revolution 4.0, vol 81. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 461-470). European Publisher.