Building The Best Personality Of Youth From Spb4K Theory Perspective


The main focus of this study is to link values ​​and lessons from the perspective of the 4K Integrated Thought System (SPB4K) theory. This study can be used as a guide and example in today's youth life. 4 thoughts in this theory are spiritual thoughts, instincts, certainty and creativity. The intrinsic and extrinsic textual study covers religious, religious, moral, ethical, normative and artistic writing styles. Preliminary study finds the novels of Kasih Nan Agung , educating teens about the beliefs of God's existence that creates human events and the universe. With that belief, a teenager will obey all instructions and abandon all his prohibitions. This belief is in line with spiritual thought. If these beliefs exist in adolescents, they will defend religion and belief from being mocked or humiliated. Besides that, the values ​​and lessons that can be emulated by today's teenagers are highly motivated and open-minded in the face of various allegations to not easily give up. This is in line with the thinking of the past and the thinking of the truth. The novels that won the first place of the New Year's Eve Magazine Literary Prize category in 2008 are full of beautiful and unique language styles that can be explored using creative thinking. In this regard, through literary works, teens not only better understand the concept of literature, but also enhance the use of language, language politeness and even add to the collection of vocabulary and vocabulary through the novel that is read.

Keywords: Personalityspiritualityintercourseconfidencecreativitypersonalities


Teen literature, especially novels, is a reading material that is capable of developing the minds of teens in accordance with their age to be given the freedom but in guided. Ahmad (2014) states that teenage work is a work written for teenagers who are average in age ranging from 13 to 19 years old. Teenage work can only be produced by adolescents in the following age or adults whose purpose for teenage reading. Furthermore, he said the work of adolescents should use the views of the adolescent world in terms of processing and thought. Ideally, teenage characters act as story movers, but works that feature adult characters with the goal of teaching. The most emphasized thing in the production of teenage work is that its content should raise the value of motivation that can inspire and nurture the soul of a quality teenager from a sense of reason, a high moral character and personality identity. However, there are various responses to teen novels that are rumoured by writers, critics, scholars and the general public. The reality that is acceptable is that teen literature should give a meaningful role in developing meaningful human capital in life. In fact, teenage literature is desirable to act as a phenomenon capable of producing human beings in all respects. Writing for teens is not merely expressing or experimenting but authors should think and care about their audiences as teenage adolescents are in turbulent times, easily influenced, seeking identity, building a sense of self-growth and character building to meet future human capital requirements. Thus the production of adolescent work should be communicative and contain pure meaning for teens to be exploited. Noor (2008) states that the excellence of a teenager will not manifest itself without constant effort and practice. Motivation and self-improvement in terms of science and religion should be enhanced from time to time. Every teenager has to maintain their faith so they will not be trapped by misbehavior and unhealthy symptoms. To be a brilliant teenager, there is no shortcut in that direction. Good continuous practice should be maintained from day to day so that they grow up to be teens who are strong and strong in their stand and knowledge of the world and the hereafter. In this regard, the paper will further analyze and present the findings of a novel for teenagers titled Kasih nan Agung by Mohd Yusop (2009).

This novel tells of the firmness and courage of a young man named Jaka Sulaiman who rejected the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin. Jaka Sulaiman is a final year student at the University of California, USA in paleoanthropology. Using his Islamic approaches against a group of academics at a seminar in the university where his study was supporting the theory. As a result, Jaka Sulaiman was suspended for two weeks. Following that, Jaka Sulaiman returns to his hometown. While in the village, Jaka Sulaiman met again with Maximilian Blake who caused her to be suspended. There was a conflict between them. Maximilian Blake is in an indigenous settlement on the border of Kelantan-Pahang to see and capture the creature who is said to be a saint. Conflict continues when Maximilian Blake does not want to fulfill the request of Jaka Sulaiman to release the creatures captured by Blake. As a result of the fight, Jaka Sulaiman was accidentally shot by Maximilian Blake. He was then arrested for murder. Finally, Maximilian Blake asked for help from the Disciplinary Committee at California University, Berkeley overturned the sentence imposed on Jaka Sulaiman. In response, Jaka Sulaiman reported the incident in the forest as an accident and not the intention of killing.

Problem Statement

Lately, the social phenomenon that prevails in the homeland is getting worse. Almost every day the media reports with news about teen misconduct such as free relationships between men and women, rape, adultery, narrowing, black metal, run away from home and more. It is no exception as well as the issue of abandoning babies born illegally. If this issue arises, the community will link it to adolescents in which the yellow culture from the west is their next in the country. The emergence of adolescents who are expected to be leaders for future development of the nation will be lower in moral values. Che Husin (2014) states that juvenile delinquency covers all behaviours that deviate from the norms of customary practices committed by adolescents, the behaviours that they themselves do to themselves. Teenage phase is generally a transition transition from childhood to adolescent age. Delinquency of these teens arises as a result of the inability to cope with the task of adolescent development that must be fulfilled by them. At the age of teenagers many changes occur to them both psychologically and physically. In terms of psychology, there is a development that illustrates, emotional disturbances, and behavioural disorders as a result of the stress experienced by adolescents due to changes in ones or consequences of changes in their environment. So much pressure has to be faced by adolescents, ranging from physiological developments, coupled with socio-cultural and technological advances that are rapidly leading to the emergence of psychological problems. The prevailing psychological problems of self-adjustment disorder result in behavioural deviation called juvenile delinquency. Stress, sadness, anxiety, loneliness, and self-doubt make them take risks by engaging in immoral activities. Strictly if not handled properly, psychological changes only act to reflect the negative side of the teenager themselves.

As such, it is not exaggerated to say that through literary works it can play a role in describing the life of society from all aspects of human life. Furthermore, literary outcomes can illuminate the various aspects of human life with its surroundings. Through creative creativity, human experience can be expressed in literary works that contain the values of fineness, hope, role, emotion and other psychological elements. Similarly, with literary works of teenagers who have described the world of teenage life through the behavior of his character. In light of that, the role models, the ideal is not impossible, of course the characters love to be honest, loyal, persistent, rugged, creative and think rationally and mature. Such characters must have the efforts and efforts to develop the ethical, logical and aesthetic of adolescents. According to Siren (2006), adolescent literary works, especially novels, do not run away from displaying teenage behavior, whether it is wrong or true, good or bad, and worthy or not.

Therefore, the works produced in displaying the teenage life regardless of their positive and negative values should be reviewed. Teenage work should also use the teenage world view rather than the aspect of processing and thinking. Ideally, teenage characters act as story movers, but works featuring adult characters with the goal of teaching teenagers are also welcome. The most emphasized thing in the production of teenage work is that its content should raise the value of motivation that can inspire and nurture the soul of a quality teenager from a sense of reason, a high moral character and personality identity. As such, teenage literature is one of the important roles in the book industry both locally and internationally. Most private publishing companies looking at potential work for teens attempt to publish more books for this group with varied themes, stories and anatomy of works that can appeal to those groups. Nevertheless, this interest is not merely to fulfill the book market but should serve as the primary medium in shaping the young generation who are rich in knowledge, experience and knowledge in knowing the identity of Malaysians. Examples of youth literary abilities should be highlighted to assess the extent to which adolescent literature in the country meets the goal of forming a superior generation. Therefore, the illustrative literary works can be a guideline for authors in their efforts to write high-quality and highly-acclaimed high-quality literary works.

Research Questions

The study questions are as follows;

  • What are the values and teachings found in the Noble Kasih Nan Agung

  • How the SPB4K theory is linked through the work of building a youthful personality.

Purpose of the Study

The study aims to:

  • Guiding authors and publishers how the work for teens who are qualified meets the aspirations of the National Education Philosophy (NEP)

  • Guide the critics of homeland literature to assess literary works for teens

  • Provides guidance to KOMSAS literary text appraiser panel and Elective literature texts used in school so as to choose appropriate and relevant works for teens

  • Acknowledging publishers to overcome the dumping of bad books for teens today

  • Can instill pure values ​​among teenagers through works that fulfill the aspirations of NEP

Research Methods

This qualitative study analyzes the main material of the novel of Kasih Nan Agung by Sri Rahayu Mohd Yusop (2009). The findings of the study are based on the theory Integrated System of Thought 4K (SPB4K) which are spiritual thinking, intelligent thinking, scientific thinking and creative thinking.

The Intrinsic and Extrinsic Application of SPB4K Theory in Malay Literature

Hasan (2004) states the result of literature, whether poetry, novel or drama is a reflection of a nation or society. The nation was born a society, from the birthplace of the author, at the same time the author produced literary works. This literary work is the material and means of delivery of the thought of a nation. This means that literary works that contain the philosophy of knowledge and thinking of a nation should also be examined from the perspective of philosophy of knowledge and education. In a society, poets, authors, poems or literary works there are four elements of SPB4K namely Spirituality, Literacy, Confidence and Creativity. This theory can be used to study the field of modern Malay literature through intrinsic or internal approaches and extrinsic or external approaches. The intrinsic methods of literary works can be viewed from the aspect of themes and issues through spiritual thought. The character or human aspect through the Mindset. Background or situation aspects through the Thinking of the Faith and the technical aspects, style or style of the language through the Creativity of thought. The extrinsic methods of literary works can be examined in terms of philosophy and belief through spiritual thought. Psychology and humanitarian aspects through the Mindset. Historical and social aspects through the Thinking of the Faith and from the aesthetics or the beauty of the language through the Creativity of thought. The relevance of literary works with SPB4K theory and intrinsic and extrinsic methods can be explained in the following table 1 .

Table 1 -
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Although essentially this theory is about the thought, the theory remains relevant to literary and literary criticisms. According to Hasan (2004), there are four important aspects in literature. Firstly, the theme or question of work can be applied through spiritual thought, the question of human contact with God S.W.T, human relations with humans, and human relationships with the environment. Second, the character in the work that can be viewed through the thinking of the past, that is a character that is brilliant, smart, positive, and optimistic. Third, place and time scenes in works that can be absorbed through the minds of credibility based on reality, reality, and truth. Fourth, the technique or the style of work that can be worked through creativity-minded thinking and creativity.


In Malaysia the National Education Philosophy (FPK) was drafted after the Cabinet Committee Report reviewed the implementation of the Education Policy published in 1979. In 1989, the Ministry of Education issued a formal statement that basically became the core of youth formation as a mature and balanced future generation of all aspects. This is stated as in the following passage. Education in Malaysia is a continuous effort towards expanding the potential of individuals in a comprehensive and integrated manner to create a balanced and harmonious human being in terms of intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical harmony based on God's belief and obedience. This effort is to produce Malaysians who are knowledgeable, skilled, noble, responsible and capable of achieving well-being and contributing to the harmony and prosperity of the people and the country. Among the researches on the concept of human development as the foundation of the FPK is the harmony and balance of generations intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically based on belief in God. This effort is aimed at building a knowledgeable, skilled, noble, responsible, capable and well-being Malaysian citizen and Malaysians who can contribute to the harmony and prosperity of the people and the nation. Value means height attributes that include thoughts, religions, societies, and others. Values ​​include pure values ​​performed by a person or a person in a work. Pure values ​​can refer to 16 pure values ​​in the field of education. These values ​​are the value of craft, responsibility, conviction, affection, courtesy, courage, loyalty, honesty, respect, freedom, cleanliness, self-reliance, compassion, perseverance, justice, and value of patience. Based on Novel Kasih Nan Agung, the values ​​and lessons that can be emulated and followed for today's youths is the courage to express truth and belief. Through this novel we can see how a young man expresses the truth boldly against the mischief or bigotry of some academic and western scholars who allow Darwinian evolutionary theory and deny the existence of god. This kind of courage should be in the psyche of a teenager, to be strong and fearless in the face of various challenges and presuppositions of life today.

Next through this novel, it teaches us about the belief of the existence of God that creates human events and the universe. With that belief, one will obey all instructions and leave all his prohibitions. This belief is important for adolescents especially Muslim adolescents in defending the faith rather than being influenced by misleading and misleading writers. If this belief exists in a teenager, they will defend religion and belief rather than be harassed or condemned. Additionally, the values ​​and lessons in this novel are high-spirited. This vibrant value can be seen through the character of Jaka who is eager to continue his studies despite suspension of lessons and overtaken by the disaster. This passionate value needs to be in the psyche of a teenager so he cannot easily give up on the various allegations and challenges that will come. Teens now need to be eager to learn as much as Jaka Sulaiman has shown to earn her graduation.

Finally, the current adolescent values ​​emulated in this novel are open-minded values ​​as shown in Evangeline's character. Evangeline's character in this novel, open-minded about the opinions expressed by Jaka Sulaiman related to the existence of God and human events. In contrast to Evangeline's father-in-law who is not open-minded, rejects all arguments and opinions given to him even though the opinion given is true. In that regard, teens need to be open-minded in accepting people's opinions and views and not hurting them. Furthermore, this paper relates the SPB4K theory to the novels studied in building a youthful personality.

Spiritual Thinking Emphasizes the Strength of Youth Spiritual Self-Defense Challenges

In Spiritual Thoughts there is a clear dual-role human being. First: man relates to God as servant, vertically, through knowledge naqli or revealed knowledge, in hablumminallah relationship and according to practice fardhu ain. Second: humans relate to humans as khalifah, horizontally, through aqli knowledge or acquired knowledge, in hablumminannas relationship and in accordance with fardhu kifayah practices.

Spiritual Thoughts are found in Islamic thought books such as The Muslim Mind. Through this spiritual thought this study will be linked to the importance of teen literature, in which the role of man as servant and as the Caliph of God must be sown in any genre for teens whether poetic or prose-shaped. Allah SWT has pointed out in the Qur'an that humans and jinn are devoted to worship and worship Him. To worship Allah SWT means to concentrate on Him alone by conducting and arranging all the aspects of this world's life and mind in accordance with the will of the Divine, whether as a servant of Khaliq or among fellow humans. All the activities of every slave whether in the form of worship or muamalat should be done in order to worship Allah SWT with the goal of achieving His pleasure. This is what makes the real purpose of human beings possible to achieve real life goals (Siren, 2006). This means that as a servant or caliph, a person plays a role to practice what is commanded and leave whatever is prohibited by religion in the quest for the pleasure of Allah SWT.

According to the SPB4K Theory of the concept of faith and piety to Allah SWT is a key principle in spiritual thought. Furthermore, this theory relates to the spiritual element in the FPK where the need for adolescents is enlightened of divinity and the sense of God's existence. This awareness and awareness will make the adolescents able to act more rationally as guided by their own religious axes. This self-realization will then create a sense of appreciation and gratefulness with every gift of God. When teens know the meaning of appreciation and gratefulness, this will make teens more aware of the responsibilities of being born as children, students, adolescents, peoples and nations. These things will certainly foster and build self-discipline that thereby form a noble character with a calm soul. As such, it is hoped that teenagers with a steady spiritual element within themselves will not easily give up on every allegation but instead make an allegation as a means to rip themselves to the future. Next spiritual thought intrinsically will be related to themes and issues.


Through the novels Kasih Nan Agung , the author expresses the theme of the firmness of one's faith in his religion. Such a thing can be seen through the main character in this novel, which is Jaka Sulaiman who stays with his faith as a servant who has god against those who do not believe in the existence of god. The firmness of Jaka Sulaiman's faith in defending his religious beliefs has succeeded in undermining the theory of unbelievers of the existence of god and saying humanity and virtue of the same offspring. With the arguments based on the revelation of the Quran, he has broken the false and misleading arguments from those who believe in the evolutionary theory of Charles Darvin which says mankind is born of an ape. In conclusion, the authors highlight the theme of the firmness of one's defending its faith. The strength of the faith of a teenager is especially important in matters of religion not to be easily deceived by their unselfish beliefs and misleading beliefs.


Among the questions raised by the author in this novel is the courage to express truth and belief. For example through the character of Jaka Sulaiman who dares to fight against the mischief or bigotry of some academic and western scholars who allow Darwinian evolutionary theory and deny the existence of god. As a believer, Jaka is brave and willing to endure various challenges in proving his beliefs by breaking arguments from those who defy falsehood and hiding behind false and misleading arguments. Next, the second question is the importance of worldly life. This question can be seen through a group of materialists who say that the essence of everything in the world is the mere matter of the philosophical materialism. This philosophy also denies the existence of the spirit of man, and thus the existence of God. This is because the spirits and gods cannot be proved in the form of matter which is the essence of the philosophy of matrialism. The third question discussed by the author is related to the relationship within the family institution. Through this novel we can see the relationship in family institution that is the relationship of a child to a parent. For example, Evangeline's relationship with her father was less close to staying away after her mother and father divorced when she was six years old. So much with Jaka Sulaiman with her mother less friendly after the loss of her sister in the forest. Although Jaka Sulaiman is less friendly with her mother, she is close to her father who understands Jake's feelings.

Intelligent Thinking and Scientific Thinking Showing the Height of the Teenage Intellectual Power

Social Thought is a thought that refers to the uniqueness, excellence, greatness and empowerment of the human being. This way of thinking requires the intelligence of the brain, mind or mind. In the human event, God created the brain first before the other members. Hasan (2010) states that God S.W.T encourages humans to explore and penetrate the heavens and the earth but with the strength of knowledge. Humans are now facing life threats from human beings. See how great power with greed and greed wants to conquer and capture others. See how human fiercely kills one another. Humans find survival in many ways, the right way and the wrong way. The child is a trust and a gift from God who must be well cared for. We should pay attention to the child because it will be the khalifah fellow man. We must give full love to the child without any conditions. Thoughtful thinking is derived from left hemispherical hemisphere or HOKI-the ability in science and technology. This thinking requires facts and figures, expressions, objectives, truths, accuracy, beauty, witnesses, arguments, statements, certainty, decisions, conclusions and so on. Logical knowledge has three basic principles as follows where according to Willis (1975), logical science is the science of reasoning. Generally, logical thinking is the process of reasoning that leads to decisions such as ideas, facts, or decisions. Hasan (2007) states that intelligence (logic) thinking is derived from the left hemispherical hemisphere or hockey. There are some concepts in this logical science or the so-called mantiq science in Arabic. He further argues that this type of thinking is very important in building the paradigm of the thinking of Malaysian and global civilization filled with science and technology elements. Human daily communication either writing, reading, speech or hearing requires a sense of (logical) thinking. With the logic of logic, human communication will be clearer and more effective. Hence, logic can be defined as a reasoning or thought process that leads to a decision or conclusion. Logical thinking is the whole process that leads to results through a judgment based on clear and concrete evidence. In this study, logic (intellectuality) will be linked to reality, which is to see the logical, correct, and factual elements that assist in the role of the author as a caliph through the genre of published teen literature. In relation to that theory, Mamat (1997) states that the development of adolescent intellect is usually caused by several factors which involve the increasing factor of adolescent age, in line with the increasingly complex and sophisticated physical and mental development of adolescents. In addition, the teenage thinking or intellectual development process is also evident in the behavior exhibited by this group every day. Therefore, adolescent intellectual development is also caused by two aspects of internal and external. The inner aspect represents the brain, which is mature, while the external aspect involves the environment of the teenage environment of the youth that opens wide opportunities for them to try something new.

The intellectual element in National Education Philosophy (NEP) outlines that the need for adolescents is always trying to gain, increase and disseminate knowledge. At the same time, this element is aimed at educating the adolescent to think creatively and critically and to strive to expand his thinking so that individuals can decompose, intimidate, manipulate, formulate and produce brilliant ideas. More meaningful, this element is expected to be able to create an individual adolescent capable of utilizing knowledge for themselves, others and the environment. As such, the thinking and patience ideas will be linked with characters and characters through the novel studied.

Character and Characteristic

Character is the perpetrator or figure in a work that moves the story under the law of cause and effect. Character is not necessarily human but may consist of animals, trees, or natural elements. Characterization is characterization of characters from both external and internal aspects. Character drawing can be done directly by the author or indirectly, ie through action, speech, or thought of the characters.

Jaka Sulaiman

In this Great Novel of Love, Jaka Sulaiman is the main character. He is a brave and powerful young man of his faith in his god. The courage highlighted in this character can be seen when he is willing to face various challenges in proving his beliefs by breaking arguments from those who defy false and hiding behind false and misleading arguments.


It is a side character in this novel. The Wazir holds the character as a friend of Jaka Sulaiman at the University of California, Berkeley. Vizier is also an obsessed person with technology and skilled in using a variety of latest gadgets. The Vizier's character stalled after Jaka Sulaiman was suspended from study and returned to the village.

Chris Ackerley

The side character in this novel. Chris Ackerley is a professor of paleoanthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is open-minded and accepts the views expressed by Jaka Sulaiman.

Maximillian Blake

Holds the character of a paleoanthropologist at Columbia University. He was obsessed with Darwin's theory of evolution and thought that human descent originated from a pedigree family. In this novel also, he was the father of Evangeline. Maximillian Blake's relationship with her son is less closely related to not staying once after parting with his wife.


The side character in this novel. He is the son of Maximillian Blake who is less closely with his father. He is a student at Universiti Sains Malaysia in a doctorate.

Awang Safar

Is a father to Jaka Sulaiman. He is the person who is responsible for his duties as an officer of the Department of Orang Asli Affairs. He is also a father who understands the feelings of his child. Always give encouragement to Jaka.

Creative Thinking Enhances Emotionally Balanced Generating Excellent Teen.

According to Hasan (2004), creativity (lateral) thinking has been linked to a kind of thought that is derived from the right hemisphere hemisphere (HOKA). This thinking has a lot to say about management aspects, so creative thinking is more about art. The areas of art are art, art, drama, dance art, music art, language art and many others. The purpose of this thinking is that we understand the importance of thinking and place in human thinking. In this thinking there are techniques of creative thinking.

Creativity thinking in the SPB4K theory is a continuation of Edward de Bono's lateral thinking. Actually, this idea has long been with the history of man, it is only systematically reorganized by de Bono. This thinking is not only concerned with art, creativity, imagination, and aesthetics, but also relates to new innovations and ideas that can bring prosperity to the world. When thinking in this category is applied in literary studies, research can be done through two approaches namely intrinsic (internal) and extrinsic (external) approaches. Through an intrinsic approach the study was made by assessing literary works from a technical point of view, style, or style of language while through an extrinsic approach the study will focus on the aesthetic and artistic aspects. In this study, the extent to which creativity creates teen literature that fits into the level of teenage thinking.

The brilliant generation who are able to lead the country well requires strong emotional resilience. Without the wisdom of managing emotions, teens are easily affected by the variation of unhealthy symptoms that are in their environment. Poor emotions will cause teenagers to fail to realize their goals either on their own or in particular countries. Because of the importance of emotional balance being nurtured since the beginning of the spiritual element in the NEP is used as a guideline for educated learners to be controlled and emotionally calm. Additionally, the emotional elements of emotion that must be present in teenagers is also the ability to possess and nurture feelings of love that will embody the spirit of unity and solidarity, especially in multiracial countries such as Malaysia. This emotional balance will release the know-how of appreciating and assessing the beauty of the present. Therefore, adolescent literature should be full of guidance, guidance and instruction that can make teenagers mature in thinking, acting and managing life or future leadership. The community deserves admiration for adolescents that they are able to accept and digest a variety of issues as long as there is guidance.

In this case it is not exaggerated to say that the FPK is a framework of analytical framework to serve as a guideline for creative writers who want to make teenagers an audience. This is because, the application of FPK in the production of narrative works is believed to be able to build a personal adolescent who excels with brilliant minds. FPK is also used as a core to identify the position and suitability of teenage work for future generations. Furthermore, through the creativity of this novel, it will analyze from a language style angle. Style of language. Language style or element of beauty is the way people use language as a tool or vehicle to convey thoughts or views on a theme and question through their work. In addition, the style of language means the way an author exploits his language in writing. Among the language styles found in the literary genre of Malay are the selection of diction, verse, personification, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, sinkof, reconstruction, assassination, alliteration, reproduction, and symbolism.

From the point of selection of diction in this novel Kasih Nan Agung , the author uses an easy-to-understand word. The choice of words used by the author corresponds to the featured theme. Such words help readers understand and appreciate the characters and messages they want to communicate. However, there are also words and terms that are not well understood by the reader. Simile is a comparison or direct metaphor for two objects that have the same properties and meanings. In common, simile uses comparable words like, like, like, tub, or executed. Examples of simile use found in this novel are as follows; Black whole and move fast like lightning into the forest. Subsequently, the author entered the sinkof in his writing. Sinkof is the abbreviation of certain words and is also used by authors in writing novels. This is in line with the reality of the Malay-speaking society that tends to spell certain words in their speech, for example: "I cannot go back" Maximilian said. The dark words in the passage are sinkof, which is abbreviated. Word is not shortened from no word. In addition, the author also incorporates the personification element. Personification is the gift of human nature to things other than humans, such as things and animals. Examples of the use of this element can be found in the following sample paragraphs; The sun burns our brains.

Finally, the metaphor. The metaphor is a comparative form that excludes the use of such an analogy, like, like, like, like, and others. Typically, the metaphor pairs the elements of abstract elements. The use of this style of language style plays an important role in enhancing language style. Examples of paragraphs describe the role of the metaphorical language as follows: From the time of the nautical day, every hero has his own technologist, like a hero with his cleverness.

Her ideas through creative work such as novels, teens have the opportunity to understand the reality of life and share other people's experiences for guidance and to learn if the same situation is touched. In addition, adolescents are well educated with good values ​​in forming adolescents into noble and praiseworthy human beings. In fact, the literature is about society and is produced for society. Only with the production of a work that is full of thought but remains blended with storytelling style full of creativity and aesthetic values ​​such as this can sustain the life of literature especially in the psyche's life. Among the advantages in this novel is that it contains good and useful messages to readers who read it.

The messages contained in this novel are deeply meaningful and affect those who appreciate this novel. For example, the main character in this novel gives the reader a message about the existence of a god who creates human events and rejects the understanding and fortune of the western scholars in allowing Darwin's theory and rejecting the existence of God. Next through this novel, readers can add knowledge and be able to open the horizons of science. This is because, in this novel there are facts about palaeoanthropology that are rarely heard and learned. For example, the purpose of palaeoanthropology itself, the scope of palaeoanthropology studies and others. In addition, there are historical facts related to this novel. An example is the history of the existence of an early human settlement. In addition, the storyline in this novel is interesting. This is because there are elements of suspense that require readers to read out to find out what happens next. For teens, reading novels can fill their time with beneficial things from engaging with less beneficial activities.


Teen literature plays an important role in shaping a brilliant and balanced personality. Therefore, there are some aspects that need to be emphasized in producing a youth literature especially novel that gives positive feedback to readers. In addition, themes and issues should be addressed to form the structure that the reader can understand. The themes and subjects of literary works must be compatible with teenage life and age. The question is related to the reality of the life of the past and present, the question of aspirations, hopes, imaginations and questions that have a connection with history without violating public sensitivities and offending other religious beliefs. This is because this aspect has a close relationship with the achievement of age, psychology and the reader's own mind. Thus are some of the criteria that must be taken into account in order to create a superior generation through literary works. Apart from that the theme, presentation structure and positive values ​​should be emphasized as teen literature should bring two aspects of educating and entertaining. In addition, teen literature is intended to prevent teenagers from being poisoned by negative external elements. Teen literature is very important to create a balanced and brilliant personality. This is because, every aspect or question revealed in the resulting teen novels has its own interests and messages as desired by the author who are sensitive to the upheaval in society and the environment. Every work produced by teenagers has its own significance. Among them is an important teen literature to raise the dignity of adolescent literature in order to have its own identity. Both, through the reading of teen literature, readers gain knowledge and knowledge besides being able to add experience and nostalgia past. Thirdly, adolescent literature is important for teaching and learning as it emphasizes the moral values, aesthetics, didactic elements, human values ​​and ideas of positive thinking applied in the work. Furthermore, adolescent literature is important to change the notion of the audience and to propagate a community paradigm that states that adolescent works are not beneficial without thinking about the aspects of education and the value of beauty in a work.


This research has been carried out under Eksploration Research Grants Scheme (ERGS/2013/0089/107/22) provided by Ministry of Education of Malaysia.


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30 March 2020

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Business, innovation, sustainability, development studies

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Omar, A. (2020). Building The Best Personality Of Youth From Spb4K Theory Perspective. In N. Baba Rahim (Ed.), Multidisciplinary Research as Agent of Change for Industrial Revolution 4.0, vol 81. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 350-361). European Publisher.