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Formation Of Teachers Creative Competencies For Innovative Activity

Table 1:

Levels Criteria Elementary level (low) Reproductive Level (satisfactory) Productive level (sufficient) Creative level (optimal)
Motivational The teacher does not show interest in the development and implementation of innovative technologies, since he does not consider this important, he has not motives for creative activity and psychological attitudes to innovative activity; he does not show activity in professional self-development. The teacher is responsible for studying the theoretical issues about innovative activity, but he is not sure that this is important for him in his professional activity; there is no creative activity and its motives do not prevail. Innovative culture is very superficial. The teacher is interested and responsible for innovative activity in the primary grades.In the system of his motivational sphere there are motives of creative activity, but they are not stable. He irregularly participates in the development and implementation of innovative projects, but does not show due perseverance in case of difficulties. The teacher is interested in the profession in general and in innovation in particular. The motives of self-improvement and creative activity dominate in his motivational sphere. He regularly participates in the development and implementation of innovative technologies and programs, either as part of a group or individually.
Cognitive The teacher does not understand the role and importance of innovation in primary school; he does not have sufficient knowledge to solve problems by means of pedagogical innovations. The teacher poorly understands the role and importance of innovation; he has knowledge sufficient to solve some professional problems. The teacher understands the role and importance of innovation in the professional activity of a specialist; he has sufficient knowledge to solve professional problems, he is able to describe a simple innovative technology or program. The teacher understands the role and importance of innovation in professional activity; he is capable to solve complex problems by means of innovation, he is familiar with innovative technologies and programs, including foreign ones.
Reflective The teacher has a low level of ability of critical analysis, he does not realize his own professional actions (goal), his professional self-esteem is inadequate. The teacher differentially implements a critical analysis of his own innovative activity and culture, poorly understands the goals and objectives of professional activity, has a «polar» professional self-esteem. The teacher understands and realizes the goals and objectives of professional activity, he is capable of unstable critical analysis of his own innovative activity, professional self-esteem is slightly underestimated. The teacher has a high level of ability to critically analyze innovative activity, he is clearly aware of his own professional actions (goal), his professional self-esteem is adequate.
Emotional The teacher experiences negative emotional states in relation to innovation; innovative activity is primarily associated with anxiety. The teacher is indifferent to innovation; their use only irritates him. The teacher has a different emotions in relation to innovation, from anxiety to a sense of curiosity; their use causes both interest and anxiety. The teacher has positive emotions towards innovation; their use causes him a sense of interest, curiosity and satisfaction.
Active The teacher is not capable of searching and evaluating innovations, including foreign ones, he is not capable of developing and introducing innovations. The teacher is capable of searching for innovations, but is not ready to evaluate their effectiveness; he is not capable of developing and introducing innovations. The teacher is capable of searching and evaluating innovations, but is not ready for their use in professional activity, he is capable of developing and implementing the simplest innovations. The teacher is capable of searching and evaluating innovations, including foreign ones; he is able to develop and implement an innovative technology or program.
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