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Psychological Readiness To Use Distance Learning Among Teachers Involved In Digitalization

Table 2:

No Questions content Х± δN=95 Age corr. coeff.
1 I am disturbed by the fact that working with DLT may violate my personal space 0,46±0,77
2 I worry about the fact that working with DLT will lead to loss my copyright on the personal developed teaching materials 0,93±0,91
3 I am concerned that working with DLT will make me an object of imposed communication 0,75±0,92 0,28
4 I am afraid that one day distant technologies will make me unemployed, as they completely replace the teachers 0,46±0,73 0,22
5 I am afraid that technology will change our way of life, communication, and the criteria of judging other people (teachers and students) 0,64±0,81
6 I am afraid that the DLT will make the transfer of knowledge impersonal, at the end leading to the disappearance of personally meaningful knowledge 1,11±0,93
Total score 4,46±3,46 0,26
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