The process of formation of the legal culture of students of higher technical educational institutions is preconditioned by the factors of the objective impact the teaching staff has on students' perceptions of legal realities evolving now. It reflects the versatile influence brought by the teaching staff on the legal mind-set of university students. The effectiveness of the legal education process is largely determined by the degree of professional competence of the faculty teaching the disciplines of the legal cycle. The level of legal culture of every young person directly depends on a set of advanced educational technologies used to meet the requirements stipulated by the state standards for higher education programs. When teaching students, the basics of legal knowledge, individual approaches, used by the faculty to ensure that the basic legal concepts of quality are mastered, play an essential role in the work of the teachers. In addition, a significant role is played by the factors of direct influence of the faculty on the development in the minds of students of technical universities of value-oriented views on the legal system of the Russian state as a reflection of the conceptual approaches of society’s influence on forming moral standards among the representatives of the younger generation most relevant to the goals and objectives of today's civil society in our country. This problem is tackled in the process of teaching legal disciplines on the basis of advanced information technology, which significantly improves the quality of the educational process.
Keywords: Legal educationlegal cultureinformation technologyeducational processvalue orientationshigher education system
In the first decades of the ХХI century in the countries of the Eurasian region there is an acute problem related to forming the legal culture of society as an important aspect of further development of the legal foundations of public life. It is noted that the aim of developing a national state is to form a modern civil society and build a truly legal state, which is impossible if the population does not have a high level of legal culture.
Legal culture, being a very ambiguous concept, reflects the difference in the approaches of many researchers in the field of conceptual legal theories. Alekseev (1966), Bondarev (2014), Kartashov and Baumanova (2008), Kostina (2012) believe that this concept organically includes such integral parts as the legal awareness of the population, the legitimacy of the activities of government bodies, the quality of the legal array, the areas of legislation improvement, the assessment of law enforcement practice by the judicial and public prosecution authorities, the practical activities of other organizations of the legal system and the presence of scientifically developed techniques in the field of legal engineering.
According to some approaches, legal culture is understood as a system of materialized and ideal elements belonging to the sphere of law, and their reflection in the mindset and behavior of people. In particular, some authors (Kaminskaya & Ratinov, 1974) note that: “... the legal culture includes the following major cultural components: law as a system of norms expressing government decrees; legal relations, that is, the system of social relations regulated by law; legal institutions as a system of state and public organizations which provide legal control, regulation and enforcement of law; legal awareness, i.e., a system of spiritual reflection of the entire legal reality; legal behavior, both legitimate and illegitimate” (p.41).
Other researchers believe that legal culture is a polystructural education, which includes some elements of genetic, functional, mental, temporary, and spatial nature. In their view, legal culture acts as a value characteristic of the legal system of a particular state (Andreeva, 2017).
Thus, the legal culture is multidimensional, which is confirmed by a very large number of scientific approaches to its assessment. In addition, as an essential aspect of a person's general culture, it is constantly experiencing the influence of the techniques and methods that are aimed at forming the foundations of legal approaches to the legal provisions followed by a particular member of society and underlying the system of beliefs, ideas and feelings regarding legal institutions governing public relations within a country.
Problem Statement
The main objective of the study is to determine the range of the most important factors influencing the achievement of a high level of legal culture among students and identifying the main pedagogical aspects that objectively affect how students can achieve adequate ideas about the legal system of the Russian Federation.
Research Questions
1. The role of legal education of students in forming a high level of legal culture of an individual and achieving the goal of creating the foundations of a law-based democratic state.
2. The importance and relevance of the integrated use of advanced technologies in the process of teaching legal disciplines.
3. The impact of the professional competence level of the teaching staff and the set of techniques and methods used on the process of mastering the basic legal concepts.
Purpose of the Study
This paper highlights a list of main factors that determine the real possibilities and limits of impact on technical university students for training specialists necessary for the modern Russian state and having a sufficiently high level of legal knowledge and legal culture.
Research Methods
Considering and evaluating various approaches to forming the legal culture of young people studying in the higher education system, it should be noted that the scientific validity and effectiveness of the methods applied to influence the mindset of an individual directly affects the achievement of a high level of personal legal culture of members of society. The system of methods of legal education can be based both on general scientific theoretical principles covering the entire complex of cognitive activity, and on a set of techniques and methods whose application is objectively aimed at creating the foundations of legal culture that meets the requirement of forming a developed civil society.
In the course of the study, general scientific methods were used like analysis of the main provisions of the legal system, synthesis of legal concepts, and comparison of individual legal phenomena to highlight similar and different features and their characteristics. A systematic method was used, which implies that legal phenomena are studied in their interrelation and interdependence. It is based on scientific classification of legal elements, on the most common features of the legal systems of the countries in the Eurasian region. Formal legal approaches imply that specific assessments are developed upon the occurrence of certain processes and phenomena, both of individual and mass nature, allowing students to act in a practical situation within the legal framework.
Legal culture reflects the totality of ideas and attitudes various strata of population have towards legal regulation of social processes applied by the state. The multidimensional nature of legal culture makes it difficult to define the essential and substantive side of this element of legal reality, which would reflect the ambivalence of such a complex phenomenon in the best way possible. It combines the characteristics of an objective and subjective nature, which contributes to the development of a wide range of conceptual statements (Kharnikov, 2018).
Legal culture acts as a type of society's culture (Sokolskaya, 2017). It represents a set of spiritual values that reflect a person’s real perception of legal concepts. Legal culture should include the way in which members of society interpret the legal ideas and mechanisms that are objectively embodied when the state regulates the most important spheres of human existence (Agranovskaya, 2012).
However, it cannot be reduced only to the spiritual domain of human life. It seems that legal culture is largely associated with the material conditions of life of members of society. The sphere of legal culture is the area where ideas are formed about the ideal content of regulatory and legal provisions and the ways they could be actually implemented in man's everyday life.
In legal culture there is always a key statement that law has an objectively fair nature. This postulate allows us to substantiate the principle of equality of members of society in the process of legal regulation of various situations arising at a particular stage of existence of small and large communities.
The role of legal education of students in forming a high level of legal culture of the individual and reaching the goal of creating the foundations for a legal democratic state in the countries of the Eurasian region
An important element of the legal culture of society are the legal views of students. They are an organic part of the general space of legal culture. Therefore, in order to achieve its sufficiently high level, a system of educational and legal nature must be implemented. It implies that legal knowledge is transferred to the widest possible range of people, which should significantly reduce illegal actions in human society. What is more, the process of teaching legal skills should correspond to the practical conditions of the economic, political, social life of man in a particular historical period in a specific state.
Legal education is a multifaceted process, covering various aspects of learning and teaching activities. Its success depends a lot on the objective conditions created for the entire student population in every single higher education institution. That is, the task of forming a high level of legal culture among the younger generation is directly related to the material conditions created in universities for the implementation of curricula prescribed by state standards. The way a person adopts an objective attitude towards the legal requirements formulated by the state largely depends on the environment at specific educational institutions where students are taught. In this aspect, the availability of quite comfortable classrooms, which allow a young person to realize their abilities in the most favourable environment, plays a significant role. The positive effect of teaching legal disciplines is more noticeable if the academic buildings of universities have a large floor area, which positively affects the perception of legal knowledge concepts by young people.
It is important that the most effective techniques and methods should be developed and used by the teaching staff of higher educational institutions to increase the level of personal legal culture of each student (Glukhov & Vasetskaya, 2017; Rudskoy, Borovkov, & Romanov, 2018). Achieving a high level of legal culture of all students will prevent a lot of negative phenomena inherent in the life of Russia's population today.
It is no secret that currently in the countries of the Eurasian region, manifestation of legal nihilism is common for the mentality of many people, especially for the younger generation, which is a reflection of a rather low level of legal culture of members of modern Russian society. This situation prevents the ideas of building a truly legal and democratic state from being objectively implemented in everyday reality, a democratic state whose activity is based on strict compliance with the legal requirements established by Russian legislation so that a positive attitude is maintained among society towards the basic legal norms ensuring that the citizens enforce their rights and freedoms envisaged by the existing legal array.
Considering that those who study in higher educational institutions today will subsequently occupy leading positions in government and local self-government bodies, as well as in the management structures of various legal entities, raising their legal culture is one of the urgent tasks, which must be achieved in the process of educational activity. Due to the complexity of this problem, the teaching staff needs to develop a scientifically-based and conceptually acceptable program of legal education and training in the framework of the requirements of state standards developed in the higher education system of the countries of the Eurasian region. It can lead to positive results in raising legal culture of the most active representatives of the younger generation, which in the future will entail the consolidation of the legal concepts onto the mindset of every student corresponding to the level of tasks to be solved by society in the coming decades.
Legal culture as a complex social and legal phenomenon is not formed spontaneously. Its level depends largely on the methods used by teachers in the educational process. What is more, special attention should be paid to how elaborated are the pedagogical approaches implemented when legal disciplines are taught. This complex of techniques and methods should cover all aspects of personality education so that a young person can achieve the multifaceted perception of the legal concepts that have established in today's Russian society in the early XXI century. Considering the problems of legal education of students of technical majors, we can distinguish an aspect such as the socialization of an individual according to the requirements of a developed civil society. Educating a socially-oriented individual in the time when market reforms are carried out in our country is an important pedagogical task, which can objectively rely on a fairly high level of social requirements set for the individual qualities of students.
The process of forming legal culture is aimed at educating an active individual oriented on the positive values of today's democratic society. The educational impact on students relies on an objective circumstance, manifested in the fact that state universities act as guidelines for the entire learning process of the most advanced groups of Russian youth. Therefore, the teaching staff must take into account the diverse global contexts important for the development of human civilization at the present stage of its existence. Furthermore, the rich experience of both Russian higher educational institutions, and leading universities from other countries must be used when legal disciplines are taught.
Such approaches can significantly increase the effectiveness of pedagogical processes when teaching law to students.
The problem of raising the level of legal culture among young students concerns various aspects of academic knowledge. The level of legal literacy among university students can serve as a way to measure how successful are teachers when using different approaches to the process of legal education, which largely determines the orientation of young members of society towards conscious implementation of the requirements of regulatory and legal acts in force in the countries of the Eurasian region. The acquisition of legal knowledge by students is a necessary prerequisite for the younger generation to understand comprehensively the basic legal needs of today's Russian society.
That is, legal knowledge is directly reflected in the behaviour of an individual in society and has a positive effect on the process of changes in the political, legal, economic, a social life of the population.
The importance and relevance of integrated use of advanced technologies in teaching legal disciplines
In addition, the process of higher professional education objectively requires wide opportunities for students to use advanced and up-to-date technical means and equipment (Rudskoy, 2007; Sergeev, 2012, Shestakova, 2012; Zemlinskaya & Fersman, 2016). When legal subjects are taught it is important that information is available for students, because young people, using modern technologies, can receive real-time data on the changes made to various legal documents regulating public relations in specific fields of activity. In addition, information technology implies that students can receive information necessary in the framework of legal ideas not only from regulatory legal sources, but also from other people who are involved in educational process.
This circumstance makes it possible for university students to take the advantage of interpersonal communication and react to mistakes in a timely manner. It also creates prerequisites for adjusting quickly incorrect results.
Involving information technology in forming legal knowledge stimulates an individual to study legal concepts that may gain the student's interest when using the capacities of social media. Having information support of legal education, students can independently formulate their conceptual preferences, which is reflected in deeper insights into the basic principles of the legal system of society and is one of the significant results of multifaceted pedagogical activity in the field of legal education.
When students use information systems, they get practical acquaintance not only with new legislation, but also have the opportunity to master various skills in the legal sphere of human society, which is very important for the subsequent formation of objective concepts about the main elements of the legal system.
Information technology draws attention of university students, as it is the most progressive means in the mass mentality of young members of society. Therefore, the teaching staff should make the widest possible use of the entire range of information approaches and methods when teaching students to the most significant principles enshrined in the legal acts of national states.
In teaching activities aimed at achieving a quite high level of legal concepts among young people, it is very important that now students have an objective opportunity to communicate individually with faculty members using the Internet. This principle influences very effectively the development of flexible individual connections between every student and teachers.
Considering that the teaching staff represents a significant authority for university students, direct communication with teachers is important for every student (Tanova, Evseeva, Pozdeeva, & Trostinskaya, 2018). In this context, it is easier for people involved in the teaching process to convey the most correct educational attitudes to an individual. It must be said that the legal culture of any person is based on many sources, which implies that they should be divided into more important or less significant ones for a particular student. In this regard, it should be noted that stable and regular communication on the Internet between students and teachers in the learning process creates conditions for orienting the minds of young people on the legal attitudes that directly derive from individual communication with the members of teaching staff.
It seems important that young people, individualizing their educational ties with teachers, should have the ability to quickly respond to mistakes and lacunae in the field of legal knowledge. The use of information technology contributes to developing creativity of a young person when they master specificities of legal approaches to regulating social relations in the countries of the Eurasian region.
Information support of the educational process in creating conditions for a sufficiently high level of personal legal culture makes it easier for teachers to bring to the mind of each student the most important conceptual features of the legal system of our state. In addition, information technology, being easily perceived by students, help them form an individual image of a person who feels confident in the complex aspects of legal activity of society.
The teaching staff should use to a full extent the advantages of information technology tools to consolidate their authority among students, which creates a favourable basis for achieving positive results in the process of mastering the legal concepts of the state. It should be said that students who use information technology in the educational process, are in the environment which correspond to the mindset of young people focused on the most advanced technical achievements (Zemlinskaya & Fersman, 2017). This circumstance objectively corresponds to the desire of the younger generation to master new knowledge using advanced technological methods and techniques.
Young people are subconsciously interested in new and unusual phenomena. Therefore, teachers of legal disciplines need to update their approaches to correspond in the best way possible to the orientation of young people towards information support and communication between members of society.
The more widely and diversely the teaching staff will use the information technology capabilities in the field of legal education, the more quickly positive results will be achieved by students of technical universities mastering the fundamental principles of the legal system of national and international legislation.
The impact of the professional competence level of the teaching staff and the set of techniques and methods used on the process of mastering the basic legal concepts.
Legal education of young people is based on all the rich experience accumulated by pedagogical workers in transferring knowledge from previous generations to the next ones (Shipunova, Berezovskaya, Mureyko, Evseev, & Evseeva, 2018). What is more, it has an obvious distinction, since the main task of the educational process in this area is to gradually create conditions for young people to understand the requirements established at a particular stage of historical development of society. This problem, on the one hand, is comprehensive. However, if it is considered within the framework of a narrowly specialized field of activity, it has its own characteristics. The legal culture of society includes the perceptions, values, attitudes, and relations of all members of society to the legal regulators used by the state in a certain historical period.
In modern society, the basic concept of development in the legal space is creating a legal democratic state, which is enshrined in the Constitution of the national state. This goal cannot be reached if the level of legal culture of the young generation is not high enough to understand the most important aspects of legal reality. Therefore, the activity of faculty teaching students the basics of legal knowledge is an integral element of the process related to creating in the individual mindset of young members of society such reference points, according to which it is possible to form conceptual structural ideas about the most important principles of legislation of a particular state.
According to some researchers (Gulevich & Golynchik, 2011) legal education of students is understood as a purposeful process of transferring the legal foundations of society and the legal concepts of the older generation to university students. Therefore, educational technologies used to teach legal disciplines must combine into a single whole a complex of various scientific and pedagogical techniques and methods, and individual methods for influencing every student by the teaching staff.
Such a dialectic unity of the two sides of the educational process leads, in our opinion, to achieving effective results in forming the foundations of legal culture among students. University teachers should objectively correspond in their scientific and pedagogical potential to students' needs in the field of legal concepts that correspond to a sufficiently high level of development of the legal system of the Russian Federation. In this connection, constant individual work of the faculty members is required to improve their professional skills, both through enhancing the set of methodological approaches used in the process of teaching students, and as part of further training on the basis of regular courses offered in a particular university. Teachers in these courses can learn effective pedagogical techniques and methods which representatives of other academic disciplines used in training a large population of students (Abdalina & Zhigulin, 2017).
The higher and the more professional the level of further training courses is in a particular educational institution, the more effective the work of the faculty becomes when dealing with tasks in the field of pedagogical activity. The importance of the high professional level of the teaching staff is highlighted by various researchers (Timofeeva & Maximova, 2013; Tovstiga & Tulugurova, 2009; Vlasova, Ilyina, & Morokhina, 2012).
Legal education of students of technical universities has its own specifics, because legal disciplines are not dominant in the complex of knowledge acquired by students. However, forming the legal culture of every student should have a significant place in the pedagogical process implemented in universities and technical institutions. This principle relies on the fact that young people, after graduation from universities, will inevitably encounter legal issues in their professional activities. It is enough that the absolute majority of university graduates during their transition to active independent work, as a rule, sign employment contracts with employers. Even in this aspect, it is important that specialists of technical branches could really defend their rights granted to them by the legislation of the national state. If, a young person has formed adequate ideas during education about the main principles of the legal system, then people striving to achieve positive results in their field of activity they have chosen have significant advantages over other members of the younger generation. Supporting this position, we believe that the legal culture of students is based on a scientifically proven and pedagogically competent organization of legal education which allow students not only to receive the necessary amount of knowledge, but also develop adequate legal awareness.
In order to solve the problem of forming a high level of legal culture among students at technical universities, it is necessary to use such an effective form of education as individual conversations of the teaching staff with students studying legal disciplines. Of course, an individual interview with a student takes a lot of time, which, since academic workload of teachers is considerable, does not always have a positive effect on their working time. But the results of such an individual approach have an absolutely positive effect, creating a favourable attitude of every student acquiring legal knowledge and reinforces in their mindset the importance of legal disciplines in the educational process. Thus, the students become more focused on learning the principles of the legal order, implemented in Russian society
As a result of the research, it can be concluded that a high level of legal culture of students is an objective outcome of the effectiveness of the educational legal system, which determines the process of transferring legal knowledge from the teaching staff to university students.
The learning process is largely determined by economic, political and social conditions that have developed in the legal reality of Russian society today.
The level of legal concepts students has about the most important aspects of influence the state has on the regulation of basic social processes is significantly affected by the variety of techniques and methods used by the faculty teaching academic disciplines. It is very important in terms of legal nihilism manifested in mass both by young people and by Russian society as a whole.
Pedagogical influence on the minds of students allows the latter to form the basic legal concepts, which help to solve the important task of building a truly legal and democratic state.
The complexity of this problem directly depends on the development of a scientifically grounded and conceptually acceptable program of legal education of technical students in accordance with the state standards for the system of higher education. The teaching staff, making sure that young students have the most appropriate legal views, should rely on a quite high level of material conditions, which is a necessary element for pedagogical activity to be effective in every educational institution.
Legal disciplines are significantly affected by the extent to which advanced technical means and equipment are used in the educational process, which greatly increases the interest of young people in acquiring knowledge, including legal ones.
Modern information technology has a positive effect on the multidimensionality of students' perception of the basic concepts of the legal system and objectively makes young people interested in acquiring additional legal knowledge.
Forming a fairly high level of personal legal culture of students is directly affected by the authority of the teaching staff, as a significant factor influencing the importance of legal disciplines taught in technical universities. This authority of the faculty engaged in teaching legal disciplines largely depends on the level of their professional competence.
In this aspect, it is essential that the faculty members should have a lot of practical experience in law.
The influence of teachers on the legal mindset of students means that the faculty members continuously affect the ideas the younger generation has about the most important aspects of state regulation of public relations and can impact young people’s basic conceptual approaches to assessing the legitimacy of certain types of activities of members of society. What is more, the influence of teachers of legal disciplines is manifested in the fact that every student gradually develops legal views most relevant to the targets of the state aimed at building a developed civil society.
A well-developed system of approaches within the framework of educational activity becomes very important in the process of transferring legal knowledge. It allows influencing in the most effective way the level of personal legal culture.
One of the fundamental emphases of legal impact on the younger generation is forming a set of values for every technical university student, covering the most important aspects of the legal system of the Russian state, which influences a lot the creation of proper socially-oriented ideas among students and is objectively needed to enhance the legal culture of Russian society as a whole. Such values get reinforced in the minds of young people and serve as an effective means for overcoming legal nihilism.
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02 December 2019
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Demidov, V., Mokhorov, D., & Mokhorova*, A. (2019). Forming The Legal Culture Of Technical Students In The Educational Process. In N. I. Almazova, A. V. Rubtsova, & D. S. Bylieva (Eds.), Professional Сulture of the Specialist of the Future, vol 73. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 695-705). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.12.74