The article reflects the paradigm manner to the key problems of civil youth personality development under the globalization processes, the peculiarities of establishment of civil consciousness of the individual under young people involvement in socio-cultural practice are revealed. Analysis schemes of civil mechanisms influencing the formation of civil conviction of the person are used. Paradigm manner is considered in the system of socio-cultural activities related to the implementation of social activity components. The article reflects the authors’ conceptual view on the paradigmatic manner connected to the specifics of organizing a socio-cultural experiment, as well as based on the structure of forming the participant’s personality. The article describes the basic transformation processes that affect the selection of pedagogical and socio-cultural methods of working with young people. The article describes the new requirements for the education system and socio-cultural education of young people. Civil identity is considered from the position of the activity direction in the context of active civil position of the individual mainstreaming. We disclosed the results of experimental work on the implementation of various civil models of the participants’ behavior in the social environment. The realization of the civil culture of youth is proved by the synchronization of the theoretical and practical use of educational and leisure resources of social and cultural activities.
Keywords: Civil identitycivil development of personalityparadigm mannerlegal consciousness
Today, civil individual identity is associated with the implementation of socio-cultural activities various areas and forms that affect the use of new and traditional legal concepts and categories. Kabakova (2014) came to the conclusion that current trends require from every individual set of legal knowledge that would allow becoming a worthy member of the Russian society, to be involved in current events, realize the rights belonging to a person and a citizen, and defend legitimate interests. Thus, the education of young people in the context of the cultural-legal and cultural-social legitimate concerns has various technologies for the formation regarding to rights and the rule of law. The new policy about civil society formation resulted from the serious contradictions that exacerbate the problem of the social development of young people in law-based state. From these positions, the paradigm manner is ensured by the implementation of the following areas: the emergence of new clusters that substantiate the problem of civil and law legal education considering new social relations arising between people and society; use of technologies for the development of historical memory; establishing relationships between generations in the system of cultural and social delineation of new and traditional values; the use of a number of pedagogical methods of influencing the consciousness of young people from the position of globalization; the involvement of young people in various socio-cultural and civil-patriotic actions associated with the use of new technologies of cultural and creative self-realization of the individual; attracting specialists of different expertise for meetings with young people on previously prepared problems. Nowadays, the new upbringing and sociocultural education system is based on the use of mechanisms for the development of people's historical memory in terms of attracting them to public holidays and mass cultural events that are of utmost importance in the emergence of a socially large-scale field associated with computerization and man-made technologies. Zharkov (2012) notes that education of historical memory is an integrative quality of a person, which allows to feel legally, morally and politically capable. The main goal is to foster historical memory using examples of moral ideals of society, a feeling of love for the Motherland, and a need for activities for the benefit of society (Zharkov, 2012). Many people improve their citizenship by participating in different informational content, allowing them to use their experience and knowledge for the benefit of the state. The system of youth consciousness formation in the sphere of civil development uses mass communications that influence the personality mentality, highlighting various political events and shaping its attitude to what is happening. The importance of the cultural stage in the development of civil identity is also associated with the ability of the individual to use information about civil processes affecting popular culture. Eremin (2017) notes that while the Internet environment continues to evolve, intellectual property law in “worldwide network” currently mainly exists because of self-regulation, and, therefore, before the legislator and law enforcement practice there are many tasks that should be solved not only to ensure the satisfaction of the interests of relevant subjects (right holders, owners of Internet sites, hosting providers, telecom operators, end users), but also the possibility of effective law enforcement. Harshman (2018) concluded that the concept of global citizenship involves overcoming critical global media literacy. In globalization processes the system of reforming different social structures shifts the thinking of people, but the culture of civil behavior remains unchanged, relying on human values - “rights”, “law”, “statehood”, “morality”, “ethics”, “rule” However, the forms of involving youth in civil development are changing, as the gradual complication of political and legal processes brings the need for civil space associated with the use of the cultural and social potential of society.
Problem Statement
The problem of civil culture formation among young people is closely connected with the use of laws of psychological and pedagogical functioning influencing a person’s mentality, since civil development of an individual operates with various concepts that are relevant both for society and for the individual. Thus, many people have such a different understanding of civil justice and many civil concepts are interpreted multivariate. Erokhin (2018) believes that ethical and moral social values signal the expectations of society about how the government should regulate relations from the standpoint of rationality and justice. Many civil educational values of young people have undergone changes based on the transformation processes taking place in society, which significantly complicated the choice of pedagogical and psychological methods of working with them. Different interpretations of civil justice are connected with the use of the laws of the historical civilizational development of society, which brings the understanding of civil and law education to a new level of acceptance.
Research Questions
Civil identity is an integrational system of knowledge and skills that have forms of social and public legal importance based on the new technologies implementation that form the individual civil position, its behavior and activities. The paradigm manner is a multi-zone integrated approach that implements a multi-vector system of relations between the participants in the educational process and new social systems that affect human consciousness in a social and cultural sense. The paradigm manner in individual civil culture formation has various multivariate and multi-vector social systems and technologies that allow individuals using their experience for the benefit of society considering civil principles. Socio-cultural activity allows an individual realizing, first of all, his or her civic position at the communicative and socio-moral level, as communication system between a person and society is clearly demarcated by various decrees and provisions that form the legal state goals. Today, many laws are aimed at correcting the zone of negative legal consciousness of modern people, trying to manage and regulate human relations with society in many areas - social, cultural, and public. This leads to the fact that young people understand civil justice as a law that must be implemented; however, many forms of civil consciousness are based on responsibility, morality, duty, which is not spelled out in the laws, hence a contradiction between the personality’s desire to be law-abiding and at the same time avoiding responsibility. All these cataclysms determine the main problem - to teach young people decency, honesty, civil justice based on instilling high values of morality and responsibility for their actions, or civil and law education would be impossible. Hence, the paradigm manner allows holding that delicate balance that provides a zonal approach in the individual development of civic consciousness and determines the vectors of social thinking that harmoniously connects social and personal. Many studies emphasize the tense atmosphere in the world contributed not only to the loss of confidence in civil justice, but also forms many negative systems of its generation and perverted understanding, which is especially developed among young people, since it is at this age that social and psychological disorientation. Currently, social sphere, civil guarantees, legal justice today depend on the level of solving various problems of the population, high-quality legal services, full and reasonable control of public authorities in solving social and legal problems.
Purpose of the Study
The paradigm manner uses the entire system of public relations communication, the emergence of new civil services that affect the young people commitment for life in a state of law. Hence, individual civil development should be based on a full-fledged socio-cultural picture of the world, which has both positive and negative sides, which allows the individual responding correctly to socio-legal processes, to be able to evaluate and make choices. Many civil decisions of young people should be based on a system of values that allows them to solve key problems in the anti-corruption direction, understand the importance of the law in personal development, the ability to make decisions that strategically affect the effectiveness of emerging civil and legal problems.
Research Methods
Deduction methods, analytical methods, problem material presentation methods, methods of public processes social forecasting, methods of scientific and paradigmatic quantification of the process under study were used in the article.
1. Civil development of a person is a dedicated process when civil and law knowledge assign to a person, affecting civil behavior in the system of individual while assimilating various forms of social and humanitarian knowledge, based on modern legal and social values. An important direction of civil development of an individual is the understanding of the processes taking place that affects his social development and degree of his civil and law problems understanding. This study has shown that the organizational, methodological and theoretical and applied components of the civil culture forming system of young people under the paradigm manner are effective in implementing the developed models, technologies, programs and methods in the context of qualitative and quantitative measurement of civil culture data.
2. In the study, experimental sites were organized at various levels. The organization of the pilot site was built according to the following scheme: a) socio-cultural practice; b) attracting young people to participate in the work of public organizations, clubs and movements; c) attracting young people to participate in selective events with highly local goals; d) attracting young people to participate in actions with a civil orientation; e) an establishment of cultural and leisure space with inter-cycle links: socio-cultural activities - leisure - creativity - activity - social activity - civil activity - civil experience - civil mentality; e) implementation of cultural and semantic development of the individual on the basis of excursions and visits to museums; g) search activity. On the site, we dealt with different values from the independent variable to the various factors influence. A multilevel experiment was carried out in the “optimum motivation” system, and it was expected that participation in the experiment, regardless of the type of activity - civil, socio-cultural, leisure, would be realized if there is high motivation - emotional, activity, intellectual and cognitive.
3. The active direction of personal civil and law culture formation builds on a systematic and purposeful work on raising the citizenship of young people according to an active civil position of the individual, civil self-determination, awareness of inner freedom and responsibility for their own political and moral choices. The system of active direction provides for the formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism, the work of chairs and departments of the university, the involvement of faculty members in the social and cultural development of participants, the expansion of the spectrum of socio-cultural forms, methods and means of pedagogical influence on young people, their expansion in the field of culture, art, civil and legal knowledge. For this, various scheduled activities were implemented at the expense of the social relations of universities with cultural, leisure and socio-cultural institutions of the district and the region, and experience was exchanged on civic development of young people.
4. The paradigm manner is an approach related to technological and socio-cultural changes that influence the specifics of organizing a socio-cultural experiment in global information system aimed at increasing the level of individual civil culture while integrating scientifically-based models of youth civil behavior and social activity. The structure of the participant’s personality modeling was diagnosed on the basis of the developed paradigm manner:
1) Ideological and civil positions.
2) Socio-cultural characteristics.
3) Stereotypes of thinking.
4) Individual psychological characteristics.
5) Purposefulness in the process of structured actions and operations aimed at achieving certain goals.
5. An important condition for the youth’s civil culture formation is historical excursions, excursions to museums, to historical cultural objects of high cultural value.
Today, socio-cultural activity is an integrative multifunctional field of activity, which intrinsic value is associated with the value hierarchy of organizing free time for young people on the innovative educational and socio-cultural technologies basis aimed at enhancing and intensifying the activities of the individual. It obliges the person not only to create cultural values, but also to realize their rights to education, creativity, social activity and initiative, to carry out a whole range of target orientations that contribute to the disclosure of personal qualities and abilities
7. The paradigm manner provides the key civil qualities culture formation through the achievements of pedagogy, psychology and socio-cultural activities in terms of the multifunctional directions of youth creativity, their willingness to participate in socially significant events. The paradigm manner is a conceptual approach that aims at the implementation of motivational, activity and need-oriented civil attitudes of the individual, conditioned by modern social-civil norms of morality and law and actualizing various areas of pedagogy in organizing the youth’s pastime. The study underlines the following principles of the of public organizations work with young people in the system of socio-cultural practice as an institutional structure:
1. Holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing; lectures, seminars, exhibitions, sports and other events.
2. Youth movements’ revitalization on the basis of legal and social support.
3. Independent political, organizational and financial activities. So, Kravchenko and Basten (2016) came to the conclusion that in modern society, the development of legal culture in the field of financial relations largely depends on the financial institutions operating in society, the level of financial and legal literacy of the population, and the social values that dominate society. There are objective conditions and subjective reasons for the formation of a developed legal culture of those who involves in financial relations (Kravchenko & Basten, 2016).
4. Management of regulations, statutes, documents that should not contradict the State system.
5. Recognition of young people right to participate in various political, public, professional, religious, cultural and other associations.
Cho (2018) notes that in the era of globalization transformation, traditional concepts of citizenship are faced with a new idea of civic education, where students have the opportunity to participate in civic activities aimed at promoting social justice. The paradigm of social and cultural development of the individual in its civil position is determined by the system of social and regulatory nature, the system of pedagogical youth activities management, the conditions for the development of social and cultural-oriented consciousness, which are associated with the goals of society and law. So, Kibizova (2017) believes that to assess youth’s legal culture level, first of all, it is necessary to turn to the characteristics of the young people legal consciousness. Legal awareness of young people is characterized by social and psychological nature, considering the age, socio-economic and socio-political status of a given socio-demographic group. The author believes, that the main factors influencing the formation of youth legal awareness are, surely, the results of the state and municipal authorities, international organizations, religious denominations, socio-demographic groups and other collective entities, including family, educational institutions, labor collective, mass media, the entertainment industry and individual leaders in their totality and interaction (Kibizova, 2017). Rasmussen and Callan (2016) claim that training programs should be directly related to the needs of practitioners and be based on the works needed to improve public administration.
An important condition for the formation of a civil culture among young people is the stimulation of innovative youth’s activities, as well as systemic establishment of institutional structures based on experimental work. It was connected to various sociocultural practices selection according to personal interests and the experience of the participants. The development of social and public relations among our participants is the highest form of civil culture manifestation, which is distinguished by participation in social life due to understanding of the laws of cultural, political and public life in the country. Ensuring the functioning of socio-cultural activities was implemented through the development of basic personal civil culture characteristics and is associated with the organizational, pedagogical and socio-cultural orientation of socio-cultural activities. The implementation of the different stages of the youth’s civil culture formation occurred due to the synchronization of the theoretical and practical use of educational and leisure resources of socio-cultural activities corresponding to the educational needs of young people in the conditions of pedagogical and socio-cultural systems of working with them.
So, the new social ideology is connected with the processes of globalization, however, this leads to the fact that love and duty for the motherland and law-abiding accept new forms, in particular, there is a gap between understanding the significance of the foundations of the state and order and worldview associated with the development global thinking. Synthesis of personal social relations, his civic activity, and hierarchy of values and perceptually communicative culture allows identifying the main vectors of building a socio-cultural process, providing mechanisms for translating values, norms, ideals of a modern civil society. The praxeological level of the civil-legal identity of young people is shaped in the context of the priorities of the content and direction of cultural ideology, politics, society, education, leisure, upbringing.
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28 December 2019
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society
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Sirotkina*, O., Kalimullina, O., Shamsutdinova, D., Fedulova, I., & Husainov, B. (2019). Civil Personality Development Under New Social Transformations In A Paradigm Manner. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 2904-2910). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.12.04.391