Socio And Cultural Activities In Globalization Aspect: Cultural Process Methodology


This article reveals the key globalization problems from the standpoint of the value and legal framework expansion on socio-cultural activities under the new conditions. The authors present their scientific understanding of the key terms and concepts based on a socio-cultural sphere semantic analysis. The article contains an analysis of the concepts associated with the integrational processes, which affect socio-cultural activities and use globalism development patterns at the level of social cultural sphere transformation. The authors review their ideas on changes in the socio-cultural consciousness of the modern person drawing on the conclusions about the significance of the transformational globalization field. The article has a new scientific research content related to the scientific search for the globalization reasons and their consequences for socio-cultural activities. The concepts of "cultural revolution" and "cultural shock" are revealed using new scientific knowledge; constructive proposals related to the innovation systems of the cultural process and cultural social renewal are marked. The authors highlighted the methodological framework for development of socio-cultural activities within the constructive social changes system that affects the world globalization processes from the cultural standpoint. Socio-cultural activities are considered in terms of new requirements for personal development and necessity to apply various theories that have value while transforming the socio-cultural ideal. The reasons that determine the direction of changes in the cultural sphere towards new social and cultural values and relations are identified. The author’s interpretations of concepts related to the social and cultural integration of an individual into society are updated.

Keywords: Sociocultural activityglobalizationcultural revolutionsystem


Today, globalization affects many areas of the economy, politics, culture, history, and social relations. Cultural and historical cataclysms, wars, terrorism, cultural local transformations, social conflicts are mediated by several reasons characterized as a social and cultural self-changing system of a modern personality socialization in the global space. Cultural transformations and social relations, nowadays, are of fundamental nature, as they are related to the use of new economic systems for positioning cultural products implementation, have compounded form of cultural self-realization methods, use systems of self-regulating informational influences on people, and also are associated with dynamic processes of socialization and individualization of a person. Many reforms in politics and culture are determined by controlled and uncontrollable globalization factors with new systems of functioning of the space-time and objective social development of the individual. Modern socio-cultural activities are susceptible to transformational processes in the unstable economic social development, the diverse and dynamically developing clusters emergence that determine the vector and form of the individual cultural positioning based on new social relations, new social institutions and new social values. Many social systems have changed their influence on the individual, and also modified the focus of the cultural services provided to the population, which significantly expanded the cultural innovations levels towards various social standards of man development and formation. Nowadays, cultural individual adaptation is connected with social and cultural institutions that have systems of national, general spiritual, general moral and general cultural direction. These institutions have new resources of cultural information systems involving the use of social development objective nature, the emergence of a different cultural processes algorithm, celebrations, large-scale cultural events with updated content, methods and means of conducting, cultural locations and values. The modern system of interconnection between modern and traditional cultural processes is resulted from socio-cultural forms that have different application positions. These positions are associated with the use of modern cultural systems and are determined by socio-economic and political events that focus on the unifying nature of many cultural decisions and programs, projects and forums. The use of various technologies in solving a variety of socio-cultural problems caused by innovative globalization processes.

Problem Statement

Justifying the ideological form of the issue, it is necessary to highlight certain areas of personal acculturation and the various intensified leisure socio-cultural practices associated with it, implementing various informational, and educational, cultural, creative, value, hedonistic and compensatory technologies. Marketing art technologies and cultural management shows and programs nowadays displace new versions of hobby, artistic, amateur initiatives. But they are not always aimed at meeting the spiritual and moral needs of a person. This raises the serious problem of creative the individual self-realization on the basis of new cultural systems that are connected with the cultural market commercial segments and are not always able to provide to the individual a high-quality self-development in terms of leisure. It is also important to identify different areas of state cultural programs. They seek to attract young people to new cultural projects aimed at civil and patriotic development, social and informational activities, IT technologies for new multimedia cultural sites, digital cultural programs that carry modern social values to various categories of the population. Trendy social shows and quests replace many traditional educational systems for adolescents. This entails the problem of budgetary and business proposals in the cultural sphere integration. This problem remains relevant through the use of cultural fundraising projects, as well as self-management technologies, which sometimes replace those vacuum social voids associated with globalization and socialization.

Research Questions

With regard to the implementation of various socio-cultural activities, it is important to note that cultural changes in a person occur against the globalization processes background that have systemic bases of functioning in different directions - socio-economic, socio-political, historical and ethnic, associated with personal cultural potential realization. Many studies emphasize the close connection between culture and the nation. Their interconnected is based not only on the base of traditions. Innovative cultural systems impact modern person consciousness through the information network "Internet", global economic structures network that bring something new to socio-cultural activities while using alternative socio-cultural technologies. Socio-cultural activity today is aimed at solving modern global problems on the following areas: expanding the cultural consciousness of the individual based on new values; the development of the value-normative field of the nation by attracting integrative cultural international systems; the application of a cultural approach to the variable activity component of the implementation of regional programs. It is also important to use intercultural communication by the introduction of cultural projects on solving today’s issues, namely the problems of adaptation to new sociocultural conditions, the formation creative skills, the inter-ethnic communication skills development, laws of creativity in a mobile and flexible changing social and cultural environment implementation, realization of technologies on individual social skills establishment, to solve actual today’s problems. Considering all these issues we will designate constructive proposals related to social cultural renewal innovative systems: introduce new standards for assessing the quality of socio-cultural education and upbringing drawing on the new cultural segments in the specialists’ training in the sociocultural sphere; optimize the control and correction system of the cultural and leisure projects for young people with new cultural and leisure needs; to direct sociocultural research vector towards modeling innovative socio-cultural programs based on the integration of science, art, information technologies, alternative and creative techniques for their implementation.

Purpose of the Study

The study of the modern socio-cultural sphere is associated with the implementation of different socio-cultural activities that bring into the world new ideas for the socio-cultural space reorganization. These ideas indicate the purpose of this study - to reveal the main globalization systems that influence the effectiveness of socio-cultural activities considering individual creativity and its creative potential realization.

Research Methods

The work uses methods of comparative analysis; methods of analytical research, generalizations, conclusions, methods of concepts synthesis, logical inference are implemented.


The study obtained the following results:

1. The development of culture, society, social institutions that have different levels of embodiment of creativity and creative orientation of the individual change people’s mindset. Socio-cultural activity is a system mediated by the implementation of socio-cultural processes in the functioning of the activities of socio-cultural institutions and institutions aimed at stimulating the creative initiative of the individual. Globalization is a form of sociocultural evolution of society, connected to the world laws of development use, new reforms in various structures of society, determining the transformation of various world systems in the context of changes in all areas and sectors of the economy, politics, culture and society. Globalization processes are modified systems that affect cultural, socio-economic and political innovations by differentiation of spheres, forms and levels, and categories that determine the world’s progressive development quality. The Cultural Revolution is a change in the conditions of the creative personality development through new experimental creative sites and laboratories that have an impact on the personality and society in the system of local individual development. Cultural shock is a new system changing a person's consciousness, which uses the manipulation with new socio-cultural categories and values, often not always understanding their direction. So, Bessonova and Stepanchenko (2017) came to the conclusion that the conceptual and terminological system of socio-cultural activities is based on concepts related to the concept of an object and its features, the product of activities and essential features. Zharkov (2012), considering social and cultural activities in procedural (historical) terms, understands it as a way of activity, that is, a specific set of techniques, procedures, norms, characterizing the level of development and orientation of the socio-cultural activity to create or destroy the existing order. In this regard, we believe that cultural processes are socio-cultural forms of changing social relations and social levels of development in the system of historical factors influence on culture from the standpoint of world standards, cultural patterns, socio-cultural values subordinate to objective social reality.

2. Socio-cultural innovations appear only when globalization opens the world space on the basis of socially and politically significant communications, which allow accumulating new experience, exchanging various innovation strategies and creative techniques from the standpoint of new social and cultural ideals. A socio-cultural ideal is a type of social or cultural product or result of creative activity that influences individual while pursuing all the aggregate qualities of a creative individuality. Socio-cultural ideal demonstrates a completely different level of personal development, which has the highest spiritual and intellectual values. This ideal contributes to the globalization development in conditions of positive human relations, productive creative activity and new results that have significance for the world community. Various international forums, festivals, and innovative conventions today carry a new social and cultural burden in during the functioning of various cultural patterns connected with the structuring and modeling of the world systems of personality development. Dombrovskaya (2013) notes that “the importance of studying current trends in the development of socio-cultural activities is associated with assessing the level of sociocultural development of society, developing a model for overcoming negative trends in the socio-cultural sphere” (p. 98). Nguyen, Jefferies, and Rojas (2018) believe that intercultural exchange of experience between students based on globalization processes leads to an increase in cultural level based on the development of intercultural communication, which is focused on the effective socialization of the individual. Nowadays, the scientific analysis of sociocultural phenomena and processes depends on the ability to develop conceptual schemes, identify areas of sociocultural problems, the level of understanding the technologies of sociocultural activities the improvement.

3. Today, the sphere of socio-cultural change varies due to various leisure and cultural-leisure projects directed at the implementation of various communicational types, aimed at the creation and dissemination of new cultural values. So, Korolkova (2018) notes that modern socio-cultural activities can be defined as an integrative multifunctional activity field; its goal is to organize rational and meaningful leisure for people, to satisfy and develop their cultural needs, create conditions for self-realization for everyone, reveal individual abilities, self-improvement and amateur creativity during free time. Veisero and Khomenko (2016) believe that there is an increased social need to create the maximum number of new zones to meet the social and cultural activities of Russians. This was reflected, among other things, in the emergence of many fundamentally new institutions, enterprises, socio-cultural organizations, which allows expanding the range of content, forms and types of cultural and leisure activities, as well as the technologies that provide them. An important condition for the activation of these processes was the emergence of a new mechanism for governance and managing these institutions and organizations, including elements of cost accounting, the development user fees system, and individual forms of activity based on private property (Veisero & Khomenko, 2016). It can be noted that the culture of self-actualization of the modern person depends on the use of new channels of socio-cultural development based on the latest information systems, allowing to vary the world achievements in the field of culture and art. The use of creative resources of cultural and leisure projects aimed at the development of a national, universal and regional historical and cultural potential of the socio-cultural environment allows implementing it. Ethnic systems, new patterns of ethnic creativity determine, in many ways, the culture of individual creativity at the highest level. The exchange of interethnic values ​​allows an individual to use the experience of a globalization trend, which is mutually enriching different cultures in the growth of the individual creative orientation, the development of its creative potential.

4. A sociocultural system is a system connecting to initiatives and creative results of the activities of talented people, implemented in a new, qualitatively different way. This is due to innovations, which introduction is global, aiming at expanding competitive advantages in the future. New levels and facets of human creativity development are determined by the use of international experience in intercultural communications. And it actualizes the main vector of globalization - the creation of unique intercultural environments, which would identify global problems and findind a universal solution that can influence the mentality of all nations without exception. Idrisova (2006) argues that optimize the organizational forms of innovation activity and the innovation infrastructure, economic relations in the innovation sphere and the management of the activation of innovation processes in the industries and the region it is important at the moment. Morgado and López (2016) believe that Internet technologies significantly expand the scope of new socio-cultural systems application. They research themon the example of new sound technologies that carry various globalization directions in the sociocultural development of a modern personality. According to scientists, modern sound multimedia culture influences the sociocultural consciousness of the individual, allowing the formation of unique creative environments (Morgado & López, 2016). Creativity is a natural system of human activity, subject to specific laws related to the use of the results of human thought, which has a tendency to novelty and innovation, the development of imagination and thinking, fantasy and artistic creativity that are responsible for a qualitatively new product. A creative person is focused on solving new problems and searching for ideas that bring her satisfaction if they are connected with an innovative and creative way of self-expression. We believe modern socio-cultural activity opens up great opportunities for the development of the creative potential of the individual in the context of globalization. It contributes to understanding the new in the intercultural space – of many historical, philosophical, political, economic, social problems and values. Many studies confirm that globalization has very clear guidelines as economic levers emerge and contribute to various arts and individual creativity flourishing, social innovations of various countries and cultural changes in various social and cultural spaces. However, in our opinion, globalization has a negative character, since it contributes to the spread of not only positive, but also negative trends in the development of society.

5. Socio-cultural activities are directed for the successful functioning of many areas - supplementary education, upbringing and socio-cultural development of children, adolescents and youth, the implementation of youth programs, and the exchange of experience, which contributes to an increase in the quality of pedagogical activity. Today, pedagogical management of cultural and children, adolescents and young people leisure activities forms are based on world standards, due to globalization. So, Rona, Forster, and O'Neill (2018) concluded that in the conditions of the summer camp, social and cultural leisure practices related to the sociocultural education of children, have a great effect in the system of personality enculturation. Socio-cultural activity allows using the achievements of the world professional space in preparing students for their future profession. So, in the Kazan State Institute of Culture, the project “Bureau of Employment and Temporary Employment for Social and Humanitarian Faculty Students – Working World” is being successfully implemented. The basic platform is the social network "V Kontakte", where work is actively carried out on the proposal of vacancies, specialized projects for students, the first of which have already been successfully implemented within the city and republican programs. The students compiled more than 100 resumes of international standard in two languages ​​(Russian and English) for the possibility of cooperation with foreign organizations, a student’s employment record book was developed.

6. People's competence improvement, sociocultural practice complexity, increasing social activity various creative social systems, reorienting public consciousness to economic and cultural integration perception, all management systems modernization – these are the globalization processes complicating modern socio-cultural reality. The basis of socio-cultural activities is specific historical conditions that determine the quality of cultural development based on multi-layered social relations. Forecasts for the implementation of socio-cultural activities depend on the intensive updating of its conceptual and terminological apparatus, which ensures the onward movement of many cultural processes in the direction of searching for various resources, projects and programs. The growing influence of globalization on socio-cultural activities is associated with the use of various paradigms that explain the world from the standpoint of new results of science, practice, experience, theory and methodology in various countries.

7. The methodological basis for the socio-cultural activities development in the system of constructive social changes affecting the world’s globalization processes in cultural field consists of the following areas: various systems integrate into the world cultural space via new information technologies; multimedia is used in the expanding the individual socio-cultural activity context; social relations among young people develop on the basis of new sociocultural technologies, which determine the level of cultural innovations in the modern commercial challenges context; micro-cultural zones go through the use of information systems in the functioning of creative sites with new targets.


So, socio-cultural activity in the aspect of globalization changes, intends to create a new world outlook objective reality, carrying changes in the individual consciousness, searching for an algorithm for developing various values ​​in the context of diverse human creative activity forms, studying socio-historical experience and its influence on culture. Logical processes determining the global tendencies direction influenced by qualitatively new connections between space and man, the emergence of world-class quality standards, the use of mass and individual cultural development laws, the implementation of social programs related to the exchange of experience in the information space, the emergence of new cultural products of importance for the whole world, the implementation of large-scale mass cultural events, the use of problem-solving experience based on innovative instrumental and technological processes. Socio-cultural activities today are related to the following areas:

- socio-cultural regulation of social state orders;

- updating the structure of various cultural, leisure and socio-cultural institutions activities;

- target orientation of different countries cultural policy in the intercultural exchange of experience;

- the information system complexity;

- optimization of the processes of social and cultural integration of the individual into society.

Cultural events have new types and forms of embodiment associated with the use of world cultural experience. So, in the Republic of Tatarstan, the holiday "Sabantuy" has globalization aspects: it is held at the international level (in particular, security, system of conducting), multimedia and sound forms, foam and laser installations, inviting world stars and guests, participation of various creative teams with international program, the exchange of intercultural standards. Moreover, while sociocultural transformations of society, world space allows for mobile and flexible responses to sociocultural changes, using the best world cultures and patterns in various types of creativity and art, which makes it possible to develop the creative orientation of the individual in an innovative way.


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28 December 2019

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Future Academy



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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society

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Ivanova, A., Turkhanova, R., Terekhov, P., Akhmadieva, R., & Shamsutdinova*, D. (2019). Socio And Cultural Activities In Globalization Aspect: Cultural Process Methodology. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 2837-2844). Future Academy.