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Relevant Issues Of Formation And Development Of Human Capacity Of A Municipality

Table 2:

Management level parameters
Duration of decision making t t is time from report or order receipt to document signing, days
Infrastructure update intensity n, Т n is the number of changes in infrastructure for the period;T is the average period of the infrastructure operation between changes
Share of people employed in management in the total number of employed k 1 = K P K E K P is the number of people employed in management; K E is the total number of people employed in the municipal economy
Level of expenditures on government k 2 = E P G M P E P is the cost of financing the work of the authorities; GMP is gross municipal product
Parameters at the employment service level
Position fill time T fill T fill is the average time between appearance of a vacancy in the employment service and hiring of a candidate, days
Qualification of personnel in the municipal economy k 3 = K H E K 3 k 3 is the proportion of employeers with higher education; KHE is the number of employees with HE;
k 4 = K qual K E k 4 is the share of employees with specialized qualifications by their position; K qual is the number of employees with relevant qualifications;
k 5 = K H E K P k 5 is the share of employees with higher education in government
Personnel development factor k 6 = K impr K E K impr is the number of employees improved their skills within the analyzed period
Sufficiency of personnel reserve k 7 = Д r e s Д M E D res is the number of positions to be filled with personnel reserve; D ME is total vacancies in the municipal economy
Parameters at employee level
Work satisfaction k 8 = K s a t K E Q sat is the number of employees who are satisfied with their work in the current position
Readiness to learn k 9 = K read K E K read is the number of employees ready to learn
Resistance to changes Qualitative analysis of each category of employees depending on the role in the institutional infrastructure of the municipality
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