Upbringing Of Youth In The Context Of Information Technology Development


In the context of development of new information and telecommunication technologies, specific requirements and problems arise in the area of spiritual and moral culture of youth. Creating a new civilization leads to a break with traditional forms of social and moral control over human behavior. The process of establishment and development of the information society is the objective reality. However, slow success of democratization of our society leads to a lack of serious demand for improvement of the information environment from the within of the country. Spiritual and moral culture of a person is an essential framework of human consciousness and behavior. In the context of societal renewal, changes in the course of economic development of our country and vast flow of information, the value of the moral and aesthetic health of society and person is as high as never before. The modern information society uses various media to expand the sphere of moral regulation, the boundaries of personal freedom and responsibility. A multitude of TV channels, computers, mobile phones, the Internet and many other phenomena led to people losing familiar reference points and behavior examples. Planting and developing the moral culture in youth, their taste and interest in true values is an elaborate and multidimensional task. Use of information technologies, means of computerization and the Internet for education of youth will be most efficient. The works shall be systematic and complex and cover all the areas of activity of the youth.

Keywords: Spiritual cultureinformation technologiescomputeryouth


A radical breakthrough in development of information and communication technologies and media, increased material well-being has effect on functioning of moral norms in a certain system of morals, modifies the moral practices of the society by introducing new moments into the real moral attitudes of people. It is obvious that the future generation is the first to be subjected to these changes. Extending the physical and intellectual capabilities of a human, changing material and spiritual conditions of their existence, the modern information society expands the sphere of moral regulation, the boundaries of personal freedom and responsibility, modifies moral characteristics of a person changing its worldview- and value-related focus.

Personal spiritual and moral culture is quite an accurate indicator of a real level of civilization and humanity of a society, demonstrating strength and efficacy of societal morals. It means that the state shall have an idea that serves as a directing vector for spiritual and moral education and personal behavior. The Concept for formation and development of a common information space of Russia that has been adopted twenty five years ago defines the priorities of users of the state information resources in the following order: citizens, enterprises, state authority bodies (Eltsin, 1995) – the first position is taken by the citizen. The main attributes of the information society are given by Rakitov (1991).

The culture of the information society assumes studies of not only cognitive, but emotional-personal and behavioral aspects of the informational socialization process

Problem Statement

The 21st century is rightly called the time of global discoveries and new technologies. The modern technologies provide humankind with new opportunities, extending human potential. However, they also create circumstances that go beyond the boundaries of moral experience of the humankind. Puzzling questions arise concerning ethical and legal nature of birth and death, as well as allowable limits of research. Science permeates the human nature so deeply as if a person having become a creator and manufacturer. Spiritual and moral upbringing of youth focused on developing a civic stance, respect for cultural and historical heritage of one's people, moral priorities in the professional activity is one of the most current issues in education. “Modern education shall be oriented towards the most valuable elements of the cultural heritage and national originality, it shall at the same time facilitate strengthening of moral principles that will become a foundation of a new, more just and humane order for all the peoples” (Sadulaeva, 2015, p. 135).

Family and school, as usual, take a special place in the process of upbringing. According to the golden rule formalized by Ushinskii (2002), everything in upbringing shall be based upon the personality of the educator, as the educating power may be outpoured only from a living source of a human personality. Only a person may effect the definition of a person, only a character may create another character. Thus, formation of an image of a teacher is very important and shall include a continuous monitoring of necessary qualities included in this image. This problem may be practically resolved with special training courses (Filimoniuk et al., 2018). In accordance with provisions of the paper (Dzidzoeva, 2018), the image of a teacher-psychologist shall conform to the principle of not causing harm to health, social status and interests of students. The main objective of the teacher-educator is to productively involve the students into the learning process, out-of-school and social events, organize events of spiritual-moral and patriotic nature, being a positive example for them.

A current important issue in leisure of youth is transition towards passive recreation. In the context of development of information communication means, there is a significant imbalance in the society towards uncontrolled use of leisure time, leading to a necessity to enforce the social forms of organizing the free time of youth. Presence of advanced gadgets in hands of youth has facilitated substitution of real spiritual values with virtual toys, anonymous long-distance communication that provides the communicators with no responsibilities. These conditions have become causes for desocialization of youth. Availability of many types of virtual entertainment may have negative influence over people with weak will and unformed worldview (Iusupova & Sadulaeva, 2017).

Research Questions

The subject of research in this paper is spiritual and moral culture of youth in the context of development of information technologies

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to reveal the influence of the information technologies onto spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation

Research Methods

Thanks to mass media and daily contacts between different nations and ethnicities, more and more common are becoming the contacts that facilitate internationalization of moral values of different peoples, mutual enrichment of their cultures and traditions, which is undoubtedly an indicator of increased moral culture of both society and person.

The modern information society uses various media to expand the sphere of moral regulation, the boundaries of personal freedom and responsibility and modifies moral attributes of a person by changing their worldview and value orientation.

Nowadays, in the age new information and telecommunication technologies, specific requirements and problems arise in the area of spiritual and moral culture of youth. Creating a new civilization leads to a break with traditional forms of social and moral control over human behavior, which is especially evident in youth. A multitude of TV channels, computers, mobile phones, the Internet and many other phenomena led to people losing familiar reference points and behavior examples, thus creating issues in the moral regulation and social adaptation of person to the new conditions of life.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation authorized teaching with distant learning technologies, thus, equating distance learning to traditional one, facilitating growth of technical literacy of youth, expanding the range of opportunities and increasing the leisure time available to the younger generation,

Unlimited possibilities of the modern information society provide great opportunities for close communication of youth with their peers globally in the interactive world, thus facilitating consolidation of the humankind. Creative capabilities of the modern information and telecommunication technologies – exchange of audio and video information, extensive possibilities for design in both daily life and production, increase in leisure time, etc. provide additional conditions for intellectual, spiritual and moral-aesthetic development of a person.

However, in the hands of an uncultured person who is unconcerned with the elementary norms of community, information technologies, such as the Internet, mobile phones, media and others may become means for considerable increase in evil and misery, a cause for conflict in interpersonal relations. In unskillful hands, various mass media may become a source of egotism, individualism, lead to weakening of kin relations, originate disregard and moral indifference to those around.

A characteristic feature of our time is a shift from active leisure to passive one. The information society amplifies the element of spontaneity in the use of free time, especially in youth. Therefore, there is a need in societal forms of organization of leisure time of the younger generation. Social and individual forms of organization of free time shall be in dialectic relations, so that the free time is used in the interests of all-round development of a person. Nowadays, the young people do not need to spend their time and effort to physically go to cinema, theater, stadium. At a single click of a button, a person has a wide selection of any type of entertainment. In conditions where the market is overflown with cheap, amoral, pornographic publications, this selection depends on moral and aesthetic educatedness of the person. Nowadays, young people are not attracted to libraries, instead, they are reading virtual books; all this leads to despriritualizaton, personal moral and aesthetic degradation. Only entertainment that is aimed at cognition, personal spiritual and aesthetic development may be called cultural entertainment.

Planting and developing the moral culture in youth, developing their taste and interest to true values is an elaborate and multidimensional task. That is why all means, methods and forms of education shall be used to influence personality. The works shall be systematic and complex and cover all the areas of activity.

The leading vector in formation of personal moral culture in today's society is interaction, complementarity of constantly improving material conditions of human life and goal-oriented transformation of their social consciousness. One shall facilitate creation of such an atmosphere at all the levels of society that excludes the possibility of deviation from social morals and stimulates active creative work in development of new forms of social life.

Nowadays, bringing up a personal culture of sustainable consumption is one of the pressing social tasks. Advanced growth of personal spiritual, moral, aesthetic and cognitive needs is an essential indicator of developing culture of consumption. Otherwise, improvement of prosperity may consolidate underdeveloped taste and lead to increase in and wider distribution of consumerism.

According to Bestuzheva-Lada (2012) and Dzidzoeva (2018), socio-cultural values represent a mobile ПРОПУЩЕНО СЛОВО that assumes a personal choice and multifaceted considerations for personal interests and desires, interaction between a person and the society, its institutions.

The most important factor facilitating development of social moral experience on behalf of a person is their active creative work for the good of the community. Working for the good of the community has an educating nature, if a person participates in the social activity fulfilling their duties owed to other people, being driven by humanistic, charitable and not selfish, venal intentions. Young people who may skilfully use the great opportunities and advantages of the modern information technologies in their social activity will always be in demand; this very fact will stimulate their for intellectual and moral-aesthetic development.

Methods of conviction, persuasion and even coercion are effective methods that society uses to influences a person. Nowadays, we have a large arsenal of media that form a priceless tool of spiritual and moral-aesthetic upbringing of youth. We shall use all the media means to communicate the social ideology to the younger generation and develop correct views and convictions in them. At that, morale building activities shall have positive influence not only onto the intelligence, but also onto personal feelings and emotions.


Advantages of a computer (not necessarily one connected to the Internet) is that one and the same equipment is used for both learning and professional activities on the one hand and for entertainment on the other hand. As such, it is also a big problem.

However, such a combination of learning and playing holds great opportunities that may be vastly multiplied by using a network. The possible opportunities include creating websites that combine learning and gaming, integration of activities from such sites into school lessons, their constant upgrade by efforts of teachers, etc. In the end, homework may be also done and sent by email and the authors may guarantee that there would be less problems with undone homework as a child would not be required to divide their attention between a beloved computer and a much-hated exercise book. The sympathy to the computer will be extended to school work.

Computer use has negative sides as well, including from psychological, physiological and even ideological points of view. In the end, a blinking screen cannot and should not be a substitute for life. Information superhighway is great, but life is not only information, and wisdom does not result mechanically from a large number of books read, even less so from the number of browsed websites. However, preparing a person to living a full life and experiencing reality in all its richness and multitude of opportunities is a task for education. It is possible, that computer here is not only an ally, but also an opponent of educator (more specifically, both of them at the same time). Sadly, this problem have never been and never will easy. Nevertheless, it requires a solution. Be it with a computer or without it.

Advantages of a computer connected to the Internet is that one and the same equipment is used for both learning and professional activities on the one hand and for entertainment on the other hand. (Sadulaeva, 2015).


A necessity to organize a historic generational bridge, conservation, distribution and formation of national culture, development of careful attitudes towards historical and cultural heritage of peoples of Russia, as well as bringing up patriots of Russia, citizens of a constitutional democratic state, capable of socialization in the context of civic society – all this is stated in the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation up to 2025 (RF Government Decree dated 04.10.2000, no. 751).

According to Kotsenko (2018), daily educational activity shall be constructed in such a way that a specific objective is reached every time; the objective being acquisition of social information on behalf of the younger generation and forming necessary qualities and skills from this information. At that, upbringing shall be such that it is capable of providing upgrade to higher levels of individual improvement. If this objective is reached every time, then step-by-step a more complex task of achieving common social goals will be achieved as well.


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28 December 2019

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Future Academy



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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society

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Sadulaeva*, R., Magomadova, Z., Sadulaeva, B., Dzhabagova, S., & Ibragimova, M. (2019). Upbringing Of Youth In The Context Of Information Technology Development. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 2727-2732). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.12.04.367