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Information Warfare Technologies And Psychological Operations Within International Relations And World Politics

Table 1:

No. IW level Organizational form Purpose Relation between levels Number of attacks
1 Strategic Information warfare (IW) Military defeat of the opponent. May be achieved by either destruction or submission to a will. Information warfare is a sequence of information operations united by a single idea and coordinated by purposes, tasks, objects, forms and methods of information influence. four or more(at least two CW)
2 Operational Information operation (IO) Introduction of certain patterns to follow a specific model of behavior beneficial for information operation organizers into the consciousness and subconsiousness of a person. Information operation is a sequence of information attacks united by a single idea and coordinated by purposes, tasks, objects, forms and methods of information influence. at least two
3 Tactical Information attack (IA) Introduction of certain patterns for immediate response in response to an impulse from any external stimulus into consciousness and subconsciousness of a person. Information attack is an operational combination of certain techniques, methods and tools of information influence united by a single idea and coordinated by purposes, tasks, objects, forms and methods of information influence. always one
4 Tool Certain techniques, methods and tools of informational and psychological influence Receiving immediate response to external information stimulus (by the “stimulus-reaction” principle). - -
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