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Priority Tactics Of Production Cooperation With Knowledge-Intensive Industrial Companies

Table 1:

No. Name Profile Year of creation Number of residents Number of jobs Floor space, thou. m2 Revenues in 2016, mln rub. Number of patents in 2016
TECHNOSPARK Nanotechnology CenterMoscowwww. New materials and instrument making. Radio-electronic industry. In 2019 the largest Russian center of flexible electronics will be launched. 2012 81 1129 7.7 202 15
2 STROGINO Information and communication technologies, energy saving technologies. 2007 46 653 17.4 4822 16
3 Kalibr Private Technopark Radio-electronic industry, instrument making, information and communication technologies. 2015 49 346 30.0 3402 3
4 Technopolis Moscowwww. New materials, information and communication technologies: robotics, microelectronics, optics, nanotechnologies. 2012 55 1990 353.1 625 21
5 High-Technology Technopark in Mordovia Energy saving lighting technologies, radio-electronic industry, new materials and instrument making. 2011 94 1969 48.3 7744 115
6 Science and Technology Park of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok www. Radio-electronic industry, instrument making, information and communicationtechnologies. 1996 24 800 13 5227 12
7 IT Parkwww. Information and communication technologies. 2009 152 3034 55.5 9006 248
8 Sapfit Radio-electronic industry and instrument making. 2014 164 982 59 25819 28
9 Slava Technopark Radio-electronic industry and instrument making, biotechnologies. 2008 91 1078 31 3610.6 12
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