Civilizational And Cultural Processes In The Context Of Youth Leisure Needs


The article describes the socio-cultural forms of youth leisure needs’ development on the basis of cultural and civilization processes’ analysis. It uses logical interrelations between globalization and technologies of socio-cultural activities, analyzes the systems of youth leisure needs’ expansion revealing the reasons for the implementation of cultural processes, reveals the methodological positions of the author in relation to the socio-cultural sphere and the degree of its development in the context of civilization systems. Leisure needs of youth reveal the main mechanisms of cultural and leisure activities' development. The schemes are related to new social and cultural reforms in the field of leisure; the problem of forming youth leisure needs is examined on the basis of social and cultural contradictions. Globalization is considered in the system of the individual's social and cultural development. The author uses the culturological analysis of the process of youth leisure needs' formation in the conditions of revealing the patterns of cultural and social development. In the article the sphere of leisure is considered as a category of social and cultural activity from the point of view of transformational processes influencing leisure needs of young people. The author examines the leisure needs of young people, the reasons for their development in new conditions and new socio-cultural standards of behavior in the conditions of leisure. The author reveals methodological interrelations between the globalization systems of society development and changes in the field of culture; the article expands scientific understanding of the consequences of global changes in society.

Keywords: Civilization processcultural processleisure need


The leisure needs of young people are now determined by various socio-cultural and civilizational processes that affect the quality of the implementation of socially significant qualities of the individual. Many studies on the processes of formation of leisure needs emphasize that culture and society are now linked by the most complex interrelations and structures that distinguish between different socio-cultural institutions. Sharkovskaya (2017) notes that the individual's acceptance of social ideals values is possible based on the socialization as a process of the individual's integration into the social and cultural environment and adaptation to the factors of modern civilization. In her opinion, a person's comprehension of the basics of social knowledge, formation of general cultural skills and abilities, their implementation in leisure activities with the aim of personal growth is associated with the stimulation of innovative activity of socio-cultural institutions when creating programs and projects for leisure activities. Kirillova (2015) believes that the democratic reforms in Russia have demonstrated striking results: the country has made a powerful leap from a totalitarian system to a civilized society, while the role of media culture as catalyzer of many social processes that have influenced the political and economic development of the country is obviously growing. The result is a new Russian media environment that is more open and democratic, allowing our society to enter the information space of the world. Vallicelli (2018) notes that until recently, new digital technologies, a common format for digital work, have played a key role and provided incentives for globalisation processes. Forms of social awareness among young people in the context of globalization change are aimed at implementing various ideas that ensure social adaptation and socialization of the individual as a whole, in relation to new socio-cultural values. Various technologies of social and cultural behavior development are aimed today at providing the most complex quality of a person leisure needs, which are changing taking into account many factors political, social, historical, cultural and religious. Different forms of social consciousness of young people are aimed at different methods of cultural differentiation between culture and society, art and creativity, education and development, everyday life and professional strategies. All these directions determine the social component of the individual culture and promote various social, moral and cultural strategies and tactics of leisure behavior. The personal conflict today is connected with the use of new opportunities for development and limitations of social nature, which affect all aspects of human activity, so globalization has negative forms. For example, Arno Tausch (2016) notes that globalization is characterized by the fact that negative phenomena are growing, especially in Western countries and former communist countries of Eastern Europe, where they spread most rapidly and where they threaten the existence of an open society, such as growing distrust of the rule of law, shadow economy and violence, growing fatigue, lack of entrepreneurial spirit, careless rejection of employment. Translated with All of this is reflected in the needs and interests of young people. Aspiration to cooperation in the conditions of globalization processes provides the important directions of the organization of free time of the person in the conditions of occurrence of new technologies and platforms for creative self-realization of youth, possibilities of their involvement in the projects and the programs having the state importance, applications of system of competitions and the grants, allowing youth to apply social knowledge for the benefit of a society. However, many systems of organization of leisure needs development form negative forms in a person the desire to entertain, to have fun, leads to the fact that young people are not always able to choose the right strategy and tactics of leisure, as various psychological and social conflicts do not allow doing it for various reasons. In this case, effective pedagogical leadership, as well as the creation of optimal conditions, should be aimed at the realization of the full range of cultural and social potential of society, contributing to the development of leisure needs with social and cultural values. It is important to note that leisure time is a system of personal use of the entire set of socio-cultural services and a system of socio-cultural development with different goals and objectives. It is therefore important to adjust the formation of leisure needs of young people based on their capabilities and interests in line with modern civilizational and cultural processes.

Problem Statement

The problem of formation of leisure needs of young people is defined by two important socio-cultural contradictions. On the one hand, it is necessary to form a social culture of a person, based on the latest social requirements for its development, on the other hand – these requirements are very difficult to meet, because of the ambiguity and importance of civilization systems. Another contradiction is the desire of young people for quick results, which have very bad consequences, since quick decisions are not always correct. Therefore, modern technologies of youth leisure organization take into account a comprehensive approach that combines information knowledge, activity and adaptive qualities of a person, allowing a person to gradually build up his intellectual and creative potential. It is important to note that modern civilization tends to adopt new forms of social thinking based on the maximum creativity of an individual, his or her social and active activity and mastery of information technologies, however, the problem of the cultural process is that today we need very narrow and highly qualified specialists who have the opportunity to develop in one sphere, while creative activity, on the contrary, imposes high demands on the individual and his or her socio-cultural competences in different fields, which leads to the complication of not only the processes of culture and art in general, but also transforms the economy and politics, forcing its structures to meet the new needs of people.

Research Questions

Leisure needs are the needs aimed at mastering various techniques based on the interests and desires of a person, allowing him/her to use his/her capabilities in the system of leisure activities. Leisure activities are currently determined by various civilizational processes – the emergence of new cultural spheres that organize activities solely on a commercial basis; the use of new techniques for the development of the creative consciousness of individuals in various cultural and leisure institutions. Moreover, the use of systems of cooperation for charity; combination of mass forms of leisure organization and individual offers of exclusive character; use of mutual influence of commercial investment direction and state control; combination of socially adaptive technologies, creative activity and rehabilitation systems. Civilization processes not only determine the quality of leisure services, they also influence the systems of social development of young people from the point of view of culture, art, creativity, social functioning of state institutions, integration of science and social spheres, combination of art and economic institutions, implementation of mass large-scale commercial projects. The social sphere is now fully transitioning to informatization, complicating many forms of human social development. Culture today is undergoing intensive development, implementing multifunctional and multi-sector projects that have forms of technogenic and screenplay-making multimedia. Leisure needs of young people are developing in various fields – design, fashion, interior, creativity, art, show, quests, animation, event-technologies, corporate holidays, professional, historical and state holidays, volunteering. Many socio-cultural systems of higher education institutions offer a huge number of forums, youth projects, programs, professional contests, actions and flash mobs, interesting for young people due to the development of their communication and social ties.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of the work is to identify the most effective conditions for the development of leisure needs of young people in the system of innovative cultural processes. Globalization affects the entire system of socio-cultural development of the individual, using the multi-variant directions of cultural and creative self-fulfillment in the conditions of a clear distinction of functions and principles of work with young people, the ability to identify their main problem areas in development and eliminate them, in the ability to use free time of the individual on the most effective conditions that have valuable results for the individual and for society.

Research Methods

The article applies methods of analysis and synthesis of cultural processes, identification of interrelations by the method of deduction and establishment of logical inferences.


1. Cultural aspect of leisure needs formation of young people is connected with use of cultural and social development regularities. This age is characterized by impulse in decision-making, rapid response to changes in the environment, ability to navigate in innovation, the desire to quickly master new technologies, the ability to be mobile. However, at this age, and many decisions made spontaneously, lead to negative consequences, as forms of social development are very global changes in the behavior and activities of people, which significantly affect their outcome.

2. Leisure needs are related to the expansion of cultural consciousness towards the assimilation of basic and new socio-cultural standards of behavior in the leisure environment. It should be noted that social changes in society are associated with the use of new resources of the information society, multimedia, socio-cultural innovations that influence the thinking of young people from the perspective of developing their behavioral reactions. Montalto, Moura, Langedijk, and Saisana (2019) have come to the conclusion that culture is measured by the presence and attractiveness of cultural objects, the "cultural vibration", the ability of culture to innovate, and the conditions that allow cultural and creative processes to flourish in an enabling environment.

Many researchers note that today's young people are not looking for ways to develop themselves in their leisure time, which is important for the past years, but for new opportunities for unlimited growth of intellectual needs, so today the sphere of tourism is very developed in the aspect of searching for new knowledge and new cultures. Also, of interest to young people is volunteering, which gives them the opportunity to acquire professional competences as a student and gain invaluable professional experience in the field of interest, as well as communication experience.

4. Leisure is a sphere of various creative and socio-cultural interests of a person, providing an opportunity for the development of artistic and creative abilities. It is the sphere of leisure that today is subject to global transformations in the sphere of generation of intellectual projects, cultural actions that are important in the information and creative development of a personality, allowing it to acquire new cultural knowledge and new socio-cultural experience. The civilization process is a process aimed at removing economic and political obstacles that ultimately affect the culture of society. This process is associated with the implementation of the latest technologies from various fields and allows to realize a breakthrough of society to the new achievements of material and spiritual culture. The cultural process is a process conditioned by the interaction of cultural institutions in the system of art, creativity, education and is mediated by several globalist tendencies. Based on this, leisure needs of young people have a resource of innovations only if they meet the laws of society in the progressive and civilizational development on the basis of global forms of change in consciousness, behavior and activity in the direction of new values. In this case, the formation of leisure needs of young people will take place in the context of social reforms, regulatory orders, personal initiative and control by the higher education institution.

5. Modern social and cultural space is connected with the use of cultural and social achievements of the society based on reforming the general structure of social and cultural education and upbringing. The development of the society is conditioned today by topical issues of education of youth in the conditions of globalization, meeting of cultures, formation of identity and tolerance, multiplication of national values and expansion of the sphere of creative self-realization of an individual. For example, Sekretova (2017) notes that the modern leisure industry is an industry that creates optimal conditions for leisure and recreational activities of people, including the provision of a variety of leisure services – based on the use of information and computer technologies and the latest technology. Objective trends in the development of leisure needs of young people are associated with the intensification and deepening of information technologies and multimedia, the emergence of new socio-cultural relations between people, the formation of new social values and institutions. Flier (2017) notes that one of the important socio-cultural mechanisms is the local cultural system, which is an information field, a kind of information continuity that spreads among people in the conditions of social integration of society. In his opinion, intellectual and cultural creativity, folklore, are subject to a great influence of social context, the interpretation of which is influenced by moods, official ideology, the value picture of the world. The scientist stresses that it is important to highlight the system of ideal values, historical systems of reproduction of culture, new concepts and meanings, which are broadcast in the electronic media.

Modern socio-cultural processes influence the formation of leisure needs of young people when using the capabilities of the subject of socio-cultural activities in determining the form, necessary information, purpose, direction of the festive event. Realization of various directions of activity on organization of rest and entertainment, entertainment, organization and staging of theatrical and dancing performances, concerts, theatrical performances, stage performances, directing of mass action should correspond to the basics of cultural policy of the state today. The use of modern socio-cultural technologies of youth leisure should be implemented on the basis of a social order for youth activities: art-game and information-entertainment programs, holidays of professional orientation, youth festivals, sports and mass festivals, pop shows, interactive advertising shows, thematic shows, animations. Today we use modern means of festive culture – plastic, laser, LED, modern steich-technologies, scenography, technical multimedia equipment, shadow and foam shows, interaction with the audience, plastic fantasies. Modern cultural processes allow the integration of bright, festive programs for young people, including humor, pantomimes, luminous musical instruments, beatbox with the use of professional dance special texture, bright costumes, which allows you to experience high aesthetic emotions, contribute to the development of leisure experiences and bright positive impressions, mental growth and good mood.

6. The leisure needs of young people are determined by their cultural expectations, as well as by their abilities and aptitudes, talents and abilities, which are linked to the system of assimilation of the cultural norms of society. Globalization dictates new requirements to the organization of leisure time for young people: the use of multifunctionality of leisure in the system of emotional-symbolic, aesthetic and cultural attitude to the world, the presence of structural organization of leisure in the unity of the activity–axiological and symbolic-communicative directions in the system of social-cultural activity. Moreover, the formation of a new meaning-oriented type of leisure in the system of reflexive cultural phenomena; improvement of the quality and integrity of the structural and financial support of the holiday activities for young people; conceptualization of the means used in the organization of leisure activities for young people; the use of different languages of information. As well as new symbolic and ceremonial actions are important; a new set of attributes of cultural and leisure systems is emerging; various forms of leisure activities are being implemented on the basis of integration systems of social communication. Such as differentiation of the cultural and leisure field based on globalist tendencies social, functional, ritual, effective, traditional, innovative, classical, creative, natural, regulatory, standardized.

7. The main innovative forms of leisure in the formation of leisure needs of young people are: latent forms of leisure organization (multimedia systems); social and cultural events; local cultural programs; online leisure; interactive shows, animation; individual and group events. These forms are related to several personality development systems in the new socio-cultural space. Filippova (2016) believes that upbringing of a young person as a cultural person is the most important value satisfying the general need of modern Russian society in general cultural development of young people, as the educational environment of the university has a significant pedagogical potential and is the main factor in the formation of a student as a cultural person. Human culture today depends on a large array of socio-cultural locations and projections associated with numerous experimental sites for young people, where they can test their skills without fear of negative assessment. Many reforms in the field of culture and art are aimed at compensating the personality of various forms of social and cultural activity, where the zone of development are exhibitions, contests, projects, programs, festivals, festivals, conventions, setting innovative goals and objectives and are the forms of personal creativity development in several types of leisure activities. Novatorov (2015) came to the conclusion that culture and art are a source of civilizational influence and social organization. Culture and art stimulate creativity, increasing the ability of the society to perceive and search for the new, to overcome stereotypes of older consciousness and behavior.


As a result, the simulated socio-cultural space is connected with the use of resources of socio-cultural activity on the basis of the leading methods of organizing leisure time of young people. Leisure needs influence motivation of a person in the field of leisure in several categories – intellectual, mental, psychological, emotional, moral, spiritual, and motives of occupation of any leisure activity directly depend on psychological and age changes, and also on the sociocultural interests defined by leisure need. Globalization processes determine the quality and direction of socio-cultural changes in personality from the perspective of new socio-cultural values. Culture and evolution, as well as leisure reforms, are linked to new systems for the expansion of personal leisure needs, which are mediated by social environments, information technologies and new social relations between individuals and society.


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28 December 2019

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Future Academy



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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society

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Sabaeva, A., Hairullina*, A., Enkeeva, A., Murtazina, G., & Kasimov, R. (2019). Civilizational And Cultural Processes In The Context Of Youth Leisure Needs. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1234-1240). Future Academy.