The paper presents the results of a research aimed at creating a structural-functional model of enriching the child-parent interaction experience in the context of multilevel education using an open-architecture web-platform. The goal of the paper is to define meaningful content of the structural-functional model of child-parent interaction experience enrichment in the context of multilevel education. Research methods are: logical-theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, modeling, empiric methods: educational experiment; statistical methods of data processing; modern methods of modular web development using cloud data storage technologies in user authorization; methods of automatic collection and processing of anonymized data from social networking sites; method of cognitive modeling based upon analysis of positive and negative relations and construction of a graphical model – a cognitive map of child-parent interaction in the context of multi-level education; methods of statistical processing of data on social interactions, construction of phase space map of social interaction providing abilities of their systematization and classification. Expansion of theoretical concepts of the process of enriching the child-parent relation experience as social interactions in the context of multi-level education occurs by means of theoretical substantiation of the structural-functional model of enriching the child-parent interaction experience in the context of multi-level education and its meaningful content that facilitates overcoming contradictions and difficulties in family upbringing. Shift to new networked ways of interaction brings not just advantages, but also leads to destruction of traditional social interactions, including those between parents and children.
Keywords: Social interactionschild-parent relations
Effective social interaction in its multitude of manifestations is a foundation of vital activities of the modern society. However, shift to new networked ways of interaction does not bring only advantages (like social mobility of population), but also leads to destruction of traditional social interactions, including those between parents and children. Thus, a need arose to create a structural-functional model of enriching the child-parent interaction experience in the context of multilevel education using an open-architecture web-platform that allows evaluating the levels of social interactions and representing the processed results as graphical interpretations.
Problem Statement
The problem of social interactions in child-parent relations is among those understudied. Its solution would require: Determining the theoretical essence and structure of enriching the experience of child-parent interactions in families with children from 7 to 17 years of age; revealing a complex of criteria, indicators and diagnostic means to measure maturity of child-parent relations in families with children from 7 to 17 years of age; substantiating and providing experimental confirmation of pedagogical conditions for enriching the experience of child-parent interactions in the context of multi-level education; creating a specialized interactive toolkit that allows storing, systematization, processing and interpreting data on social interactions.
Research Questions
What is the meaningful content of the structural-functional model experience enrichment of child-parent interactions in the context of multilevel education?
Purpose of the Study
Developing and substantiating the meaningful content of the structural-functional model of experience enrichment of child-parent interaction in the context of multilevel education.
Research Methods
The following methods have been employed: Logical-theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, modeling; empiric methods: educational experiment; statistical methods of data processing; modern methods of modular web development using cloud data storage technologies in user authorization; methods of automatic collection and processing of anonymized data from social networking sites; method of cognitive modeling based upon analysis of positive and negative relations and construction of a graphical model – a cognitive map of social interaction in the context of multi-level education; methods of statistical (mathematical) processing of data on social interactions, construction of phase space map of social interaction providing abilities of their systematization and classification.
Methodological foundation of the research has been formed by: hermeneutical approach that considers upbringing as turning to subject's experience, their inner world, which manifests as an emotional experience (Senko, 2002); peculiarities of network structure of social interactions and their influence over functioning of adolescent informal organizations (Tamazian, 2010); theoretical-methodological approaches to the problem of forming emotional-sensual component responsible for adolescent's attitude towards family (Pozdniakova & Elkina, 2010; Craig, Powell, & Smyth, 2014; Lee, Bristow, Faircloth, & Macvarish, 2014); methodological comprehension of interaction as a phenomenon of pedagogical theory and that of practical activity of tertiary school, whose actualization provides creative way for personal development in education (Petrenko, 2008); analysis of adolescent role structures, characteristic of a generation growing up being involved in interpersonal interactions in the changing world (Perevozkin, Andronnikova, & Perevozkina, 2018); theoretical methodological approaches to resolving the issue of organizing school-family interactions (Goshin & Mertsalova, 2018; Laktionova, 2018; Liubitskaia & Shakarova, 2018; Mikhailova (Kozmina) & Sivak, 2018; Bai, Reynolds, Robles, & Rena, 2017; Wang & Fletcher, 2017); methodological approaches to organizing interactions of students, including with the help of information technologies (Aleksandrov, Ivaniushina, & Simanovskii, 2017; Koroleva, 2016; Lozovan, 2007; Weninger & Williams, 2017).
Enriching the experience supposes sequential passing through the following stages: acquisition (internalization), autonomy of activity (identification) and transfer to others (externalization). Social integration gives rise to social and creative activity, which manifests in quality dialog (two-directional) links – relations between the subjects of the
The research established and confirmed pedagogical conditions for experience enrichment in parent-child relations as social interactions in the context of multi-level education:
Inclusion of schoolchildren and their parents into pragmatically-oriented activity, facilitating discovery of one's own meanings and values of family, development of communication skills, tolerance and empathy;
Assistance to study and correction of child-parent relations by means of topical educational website;
Arrangement of pedagogical support and assistance to families as a humanitarian practice;
Providing integration of educational and extramural activities in experience enrichment in child-parent relations;
Development of a module to store data on social interactions;
Development of a module to automatically collect information on interactions in the form of anonymized data from social networking sites;
Development of a module to construct cognitive models of social interactions, analysis of the cognitive models with subsequent development of recommendations for educational process arrangement;
Development of a module to interpret the analysis results, positioning of the obtained data in the phase space of social interactions;
Development of a criterion evaluation module for interactions that has open architecture and is provided with capabilities to be adjusted in accordance with various criteria and systems of weighted characteristics.
Scientific merit of the research results lies in expansion of theoretical concepts of the process of enrichment of child-parent relation experience as social interactions in the context of multi-level education by means of:
Refining the essence and content of this process and its structure;
Developing a complex of criteria, indicators and diagnostic means to measure maturity of child-parent relations in families with children from 7 to 17 years of age;
Theoretically substantiating the structural-functional model of enriching the experience of child-parent interactions in the context of multi-level education and its meaningful content that facilitates overcoming contradictions and difficulties in family upbringing;
creating a program and methodological support for the process of experience enrichment in child-parent relations throughout the levels of school education (guidelines for parents / legal guardians, guidelines for students, with breakdown for age groups);
Development of topical content of an educational website (web platform) oriented towards development and correction of child-parent interactions in families with children from 7 to 17 years of age.
In order to conduct scientific research into social interactions, a special interactive toolkit has been developed that allows storage, systematization, processing and interpretation of social interaction data. Data sources may be the results of automated processing of open anonymized data from social networking sites, results of researchers’ operations, results from processing data bases of educational institutions. For the software backplane, it is planned to develop an open-architecture web platform that would allow for evaluation of social interaction arrays using various criterion evaluation models and provision of processing results in the form of graphical interpretations (oriented graph, stream-of-characters models, conceptual and cognitive models, diagrams, maps, etc.).
The conducted research significantly enriches the social interaction experience in the context of multi-level education, revealing the essence of key forms of interactions between the subjects of educational process. A promising direction in this area is to conduct a series of theoretical fundamental as well as practical research works to systematize, describe and develop evaluation means for social interaction in the process of multi-level education.
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28 December 2019
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Future Academy
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Sociolinguistics, linguistics, semantics, discourse analysis, science, technology, society
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Elkina*, O., Lozovan, L., & Nalimova, T. (2019). Enriching The Child-Parent Interaction Experience In The Context Of Multi-Level Education. In D. Karim-Sultanovich Bataev, S. Aidievich Gapurov, A. Dogievich Osmaev, V. Khumaidovich Akaev, L. Musaevna Idigova, M. Rukmanovich Ovhadov, A. Ruslanovich Salgiriev, & M. Muslamovna Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Social and Cultural Transformations in the Context of Modern Globalism, vol 76. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 875-879). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.12.04.116