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The Role Of Innovation Types On Learning Orientation And New Product Development

Table 4:

Model Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
1A (Constant) 3,695 ,000
Team Orientation ,064 ,611 ,542
System Orientation ,338 3,824 ,000
Learning Orientation ,343 3,494 ,001
Collective Memory Orientation ,108 1,201 ,232
Model Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
1B (Constant) 3,744 ,000
Team Orientation ,040 ,272 ,786
System Orientation ,111 ,893 ,374
Learning Orientation -,047 -,342 ,733
Collective Memory Orientation ,370 2,938 ,004
Model Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
1C (Constant) 1,300 ,196
Team Orientation ,090 ,956 ,341
System Orientation ,263 3,303 ,001
Learning Orientation ,227 2,568 ,011
Collective Memory Orientation ,335 4,157 ,000
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