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Coaching Methods In Teaching Self-Cognition And Enhancing Methodical Competencies Of Teachers

Table 1:

Component Workshop themesAims and objectives of lessons Coaching methods, techniques and practices used
Theme 1 Humanistic bases of coaching in the enhancement of methodical competencies and pedagogical mastery (lecture+workshop-seminar)
Aim Provide students insight into the humanistic principles and pedagogical mastery through deeper understanding of the universal human value of the right behavior A scale from 1 to 10 by level: motivation, anxiety, satisfaction, calm, inspiration, etc.Activity - Wheel for evaluation of methodical competencies and pedagogical masteryActivity - Reviewing relationships
Objectives discover the essence of the concepts of coaching, humanism;develop skills of enhancement of pedagogical mastery in preservice teachers through inspiration and entering coach position;form the skills of vision and solving methodical problems through coaching techniques
Theme 2 Five principles of pedagogical coaching (lecture+workshop-seminar)
Aim To deepen students’ understanding of coaching principles in the process of self-actualization through the universal human value of truth Activities, which are based on the implementation of coaching principles (M. Erikson)Activity to integrate coaching principles with the values of Self-CognitionPresentation of worksExhibition of student works
Objectives discover the meaning of coaching principles, H-model;develop skills of non-judgement, self-development of and self-actualization;nurture the ability to seek the truth in oneself and the ability to self-analyze
Theme 3 Self-determination, self-actualization and self-development sit at the core of the development of the methodical competencies of preservice Self-Cognition teachers
Aim To deepen students’ understanding of the universal value of inner peace through the explanation of the concepts of self-determination, self-actualization and self-development Pair work:Statement of open-ended questions for transformational conversations / Voice tones - Wizard, Sage, Friend. Three levels of listening (Big Ears activity, Turning off the inner radio activity) What (what kind of person) am I? activity
Objectives explain the essence of the concepts of self-determination, self-actualization and self-development;develop teaching mastery through the skills of tone usage in communication, open ended questioning, three levels of listening;develop skills for self-control, patience and emotion control;nurture the ability to show inner joy, positive thinking and self-confidence
Theme 4 Development of professionalism and creativity from the standpoint of the coaching approach
Aim Provide students insight into professionalism and creative expression of a teacher from the coach perspective through the development of understanding of the universal human value of non-violence The Window of Values activityPhysical domainEmotional and relationships domainCreative domain and the domain of intent, meaning and spiritualityPresentation of worksActivity - Wheel of methodical competencies of preservice Self-Cognition teachersPresentation of works
Objectives to reveal the essence of the concepts of professionalism and creativity;develop students’ abilities to display creativity and reflection, the development of spirituality;nurture the ability to see unity in everything, exercise tolerance and non-violence towards oneself and others
Theme 5 Motivation to quality performance and attitude to one’s profession
Aim Determining motivation in students for the professional activity based on the universal human value of love. Activities Life Space, CollageGroup workPresentation of worksExhibition of works
Objectives to reveal the essence of the concept of professional motivation in students;to develop the ability to display selfless love for others and their professional activities;nurture the ability to sacrifice one’s interests for the sake of others, show sympathy and sensitivity to others
Conclusion and reflection
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