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Evaluation And Chemical Thinking Development

Table 1:

Stages The emergence of a new ability Consistent pattern Consistent pattern in Chemistry
1. The lowest form of dismembered feeling Ability to dismember the holistic sensory impressions The selection of the largest elements corresponding to objects Discovery the ability of a substance to change its properties under the influence of fire
2. Sensory-automatic thinking Ability to recognize of objects by their individual properties or characteristics Selection of more fractional elements corresponding to the properties of objects Discovery of methods to increase the temperature of combustion
3. Concrete thinking Ability to make judgments The emergence of a three-term structure of thought Cro-Magnons discovered a method for producing substances with new properties by heating two or more substances
4. Symbolic thinking Ability to speech Abstract content is associated with verbal signs, but signs continue to carry sensory content The symbol of gold (ancient Egypt), depicting the process of obtaining it (Loyson, 2011)
5. Abstract thinking Ability to operate with “pure signs" abstracted from sensory content "Pure signs" abstracted from sensory content Au
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